Chapter 2411 Mahayana Power


Wu Zhantian urged the secret method, and his whole body burst out with a shocking battle intent.

Today, since he accepted Mu Qingcang’s war stickers, he came to Taiyi Immortal Sect to fight to the death, and forced the Taiyi people to use this last hole card, there was no way out.

Even when facing a halal man with the body of a Mahayana cultivator, Wu Zhantian didn’t have the slightest fear.

The qi and blood on his body climbed higher and higher, and the golden long sword in his palm flashed out of thin air. The sword started from Chaos, and separated Lei Hai and slashed towards the halal person!

This knife caused the void to explode, and a long and narrow black gap was cut out between the sky and the earth, and the blade was dark as ink.

“Wu Zhantian, although I have to admit that you are a wicked man with unparalleled fighting power, you don’t know the power of the Mahayana cultivator after all!”

“Mahayana cultivator, you can ask Immortal Ascension further. Even if I just merge with the body of a Mahayana cultivator, that is not something you can contend!”

Too halal people look down on the sky and the earth, seeing the sword that slashes the sky and the earth like nothing.

His hands covered in cyan armor directly grabbed Wu Zhantian’s sword without evasiveness.

“Kang Dang!”

There was a sound of metal collision in the void.

I saw that Wu Zhantian’s sword that destroyed the world and the earth was actually blocked by the halal man with his bare hands!

Seeing this scene, countless cultivators who had been desperate were all excited at this moment. Even Mu Qingcang’s face couldn’t help but find a look of excitement.

The halal man with the body of the Mahayana cultivator is already more powerful than Wu Zhantian.

They are finally saved in the world of cultivating immortals.

“The body of the Mahayana cultivator is really extraordinary, come again!”

Seeing that his sword was blocked by the halal man with his bare hands, Wu Zhantian did not back down, the blade in his hand became brighter, the knife tore through the void, and constantly slashed towards the halal man.


Those who are too halal stand proudly in place.

The palm of his hand covered by the cyan armor seemed like a hundred forged steel, invincible.

No matter how terrifying Wu Zhantian’s sword light is, as long as it appears in the body of a halal person, it is instantly shattered into nothingness by the hand of the halal person.

Wu Zhantian made more than a dozen knives with one knife after another, but he could not even shake the halal people at all!

“What a terrifying body…”

Jiang Chen stared at the battle in the void, and his expression instantly became extremely solemn.

The body of the Mahayana cultivator is already extremely tyrannical.

And the body of the Mahayana cultivator in front of him has become even stronger after being tempered by a halal person.

The cyan armor on his body is also extraordinary.

Even with Wu Zhantian’s power, it is difficult to hurt this body at all.

“Wu Zhantian, it’s useless. With your current strength, you can’t hurt me. Today I will let you see the power of the Mahayana cultivator!”

The cold voice of the too halal person fell, and his palm suddenly shook.


I saw his fist wrapped in the cyan armor, glowing brightly, and hit Wu Zhantian with a punch.


The world collapsed, the void shattered, and the sun and the moon hung upside down.

The horror of this punch was so terrible that it was completely beyond words to describe it.

In the sky above the Taiyi Immortal Sect, there seemed to be only a punch of the Taiqingzheng who pressed across the sky.

“Thunderbolt knife, break it for me!”

Feeling the horror of the fist of the Tai Hal, Wu Zhantian let out a roar, Wanli Void was a masterpiece of instant thunder, and countless golden thunder and lightning gathered on the golden long knife in his hand.

that moment.

The golden long knife seemed like a thunder knife in Thor’s hand, facing the overwhelming punch of the halal man.


After Shocking Thunder Blade collided with the Taiqing Zhenren’s punch, it was almost collapsed, the punch was unstoppable, and it slammed toward Wu Zhantian.

Wu Zhantian’s complexion changed drastically, and Martial Dao’s divine power in his body was surging, turning into a lightning barrier.


Under the terrifying fist light, the lightning barrier was like a piece of paper, and it collapsed when touched.

Wu Zhantian’s whole body was stunned by the remaining strength of his fist, and he flew out in embarrassment, smashing the void out of a huge dark hole that was thousands of feet long.


Wu Zhantian was extremely embarrassed to stabilize his figure, and a mouthful of blood couldn’t help but squirted out wildly.

“Is this the power of the Mahayana cultivator?”

Wu Zhantian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, and his gaze towards the halal person finally became more solemn than ever.

Mahayana cultivator, dominated by Martial Dao!

Such characters belong to the legendary existence in this world, and Wu Zhantian has only heard of it.

Wu Zhantian naturally didn’t know how strong they were.

But today, when he fought against the halal man who was fused with the body of the Mahayana cultivator, he really understood the terrible level of that level.

Even if it’s just the body of a Mahayana cultivator, it’s not something he can handle at all.

“Little friend Jiang Chen, leave here quickly.”

“The body of this Mahayana cultivator was preserved by Taiyi Immortal Sect. Although Taiyi Immortal Sect was fused with this body, it was restricted by this body and could not easily leave Taiyi Immortal Sect.”

“As long as you leave the Taiyi Immortal Sect, too halal people can do nothing. From now on, the northern Martial Dao realm will be handed over to you!”

Wu Zhantian took a deep breath and couldn’t help speaking to Jiang Chen quickly.


Wu Zhantian also understands that today there are halal people with the body of a Mahayana cultivator, and they will undoubtedly lose.


He can only do his best to create a chance for Jiang Chen to escape.

“Little friend Jiang Chen, go!”

Wu Zhantian said to Jiang Chen, his whole body Martial Dao’s divine power broke out to the extreme again, and he directly merged with the sword, went up into the sky, and once again slashed at the halal person.

“Looking for a dead end!”

The halal man let out a cold snort, kicked the sole of his foot slightly, and stepped on to Wu Zhantian.


I saw the huge space under the feet of the halal people collapsed.

Wu Zhantian’s figure was also smashed into the void by this foot, and he was extremely embarrassed to stabilize his figure.

I saw that the large bones on his body were shattered, and his whole body was shaky.

The majesty of Mahayana is unmatched!

Even if it was an existence like Wu Zhantian, there was no power to fight back at all.

“Little friend Jiang Chen, you… why haven’t you left?”

Wu Zhan Tianqiang supported his severely injured body and looked at Jiang Chen, who was still standing still, his complexion suddenly changed.

“I don’t have the habit of leaving my companion to run away alone.”

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and immediately stepped out and appeared directly beside Wu Zhantian.

He raised his head and looked at the halal man in the arrogant sky, and said lightly: “Wu senior, you stand back and rest for a while, then leave it to me.”

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