Chapter 2394 Ninth Stage Fairy Road

Passing through the Wanzhang Glacier, the three Jiang Chen seemed to cross time and space and came to the other mysterious world.

What appeared in front of them was a mysterious plank road that stretched across the sky and was a hundred meters wide. The long plank road has no support, but it is steadily suspended in mid-air.

The surrounding area of ​​the plank road is filled with a terrifying force of wind and thunder.

Even with Jiang Chen’s current strength, he felt an extremely dangerous aura from the power of wind and thunder.


The environment around this plank road is more dangerous than the space storm above the glacier before.

They are going to that piece of the world, through this plank road is the only choice.

And the world like a fairyland on earth that Jiang Chen saw outside the glacier before seems to be located at the end of this plank road.


Although this plank road seemed extremely calm, it seemed that there was no half-wave at all, but it made Xu Qingli stop here again and again, obviously not as simple as the surface.

“Little friend Jiang Chen, this plank road is the test road to the land of immortal fate. Our immortal cultivator alliance named this road Ninth Stage Fairy Road.”

Xu Qingli looked at the plank road in front of him and couldn’t help but slowly said to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows: “Ninth Stage Fairy Road?”

“The so-called Ninth Stage Fairy Road represents nine different tests.”

“Only when we pass the nine tests of the Ninth Stage Fairy Road, can we truly enter that piece of fairyland.”

“In the past few years, we have no idea how many times we have rushed through the Ninth Stage Fairy Road. The first eight stages of the Ninth Stage Fairy Road are already handy. You only need to be prepared for a while to deal with the monster genius in the last stage. ”

Lei Qianyuan also directly added.


Jiang Chen couldn’t help but nodded.

Regarding the arrangement of the two, Jiang Chen naturally had no meaning.

Jiang Chen didn’t know how strong the demon genius in the land of immortality was.

Since Xu Qingli and Lei Qianyuan can handle the first eight levels, it is undoubtedly the best way for him to save his strength to deal with the ninth level.

“let’s go.”

As Xu Qingli said, he jumped on the Ninth Stage Fairy Road.

After the three of them walked along the Ninth Stage Fairy Road for hundreds of miles, a golden phantom with guns standing proudly on the Ninth Stage Fairy Road also directly emerged in their sight.

The golden phantom wears a golden armor and a golden helmet on his head. It is gleaming like a heavenly general guarding a heavenly gate. It exudes a heart-palpitating and powerful aura. I am afraid it is no weaker than Transcends Tribulation late stage. The strong.

“Old Monster Xu, according to the old rules, one person one level, I’ll come first!”

Lei Qianyuan’s voice fell, and a purple thunder sword appeared out of the air in his palm, and immediately the human sword merged into one, turning into a shocking thunder sword, and slashed at the golden phantom.

This sword draws Yin & Yang, cutting chaos.

Even in this immortal mountain of longevity, which is suppressed by supreme Restrictions, this path has smashed the thousands of feet into nothingness.

The golden armor phantom also instinctively felt the danger of Lei Qianyuan’s knife, and quickly raised his gun to greet him.


Although this golden armor phantom is not weak in strength, it is still not enough to see Lei Qianyuan at the peak of the god king Ninth Stage.

Only in an instant.

The golden armor phantom was shattered into nothingness under the knife of Lei Qianyuan.

The golden armor phantom was solved with a single knife. Jiang Chen and the others continued on the Ninth Stage fairy road for a hundred miles, and soon encountered a second golden armor phantom.

This golden armor phantom is a bit stronger than the first one.

However, under Xu Qingli’s all-out effort, he was still annihilated and turned into nothingness.


The third way, the fourth way, the fifth way…

Lei Qianyuan and Xu Qingli alternated their shots, each time they were doing their best to unleash their peerless mastery, killing the Golden Armor phantom with one move.


The golden armor phantom on this Ninth Stage fairy road, each back path is stronger than the previous one.

Especially the fifth and sixth golden armor phantoms, even with the strength of Lei Qianyuan and Xu Qingli, it took a lot of money to kill them.

I saw that the breath of the two of them was fluctuating, and there was a pale look on their faces.

“Two seniors, should we take a break first?”

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but said hurriedly.

The Golden Armor Phantom in the seventh and eighth levels is definitely stronger than the previous ones.

With the current state of Lei Qianyuan and Xu Qingli, it is not a wise choice to deal with the next two levels.

“Can’t rest here!”

“These defeated golden armor phantoms on the Ninth Stage Fairy Road will only dissipate briefly, and will soon regroup. If we rest here, it will only be more troublesome.”

“Let’s go, go to the seventh level!”

After Lei Qianyuan finished speaking, he took the lead and swept towards the front of the Ninth Stage Fairy Road.

Not long.

Jiang Chen and the others encountered the seventh golden armor phantom.

Lei Qianyuan didn’t have any hesitation at the moment, his hands suddenly formed a blood mark on his chest, and his face became even paler in an instant.

And the aura on his body became stronger at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen’s pupils couldn’t help but shrink slightly.

Secret of Burning Blood!

At this time, Lei Qianyuan exploded with a blow that far exceeded his own strength at the cost of burning his own Blood Essence.

Once this strike is deployed, it will be difficult for Lei Qianyuan to return to his peak state again within ten or eight years.

For this fairyland, this old guy is obviously desperate too.


Lei Qianyuan urged the blood-stained secret technique, once again condensed the shocking thunder knife, so that the thunder knife was dyed a bit of a mysterious red.

This knife is several times stronger than any previous knife.

Even the golden armor phantom on the opposite side whose strength is comparable to that of the God King Ninth Stage Sky, did not have any resistance at all, and it exploded under this knife.

Lei Qianyuan smashed the Golden Armor phantom with a single stab, and his breath instantly seemed extremely stale, and a mouthful of blood couldn’t help but squirted out wildly.

“Go, don’t waste time, continue to the eighth level!”

Lei Qianyuan swallowed a Medicine Pill and hurriedly said to both Jiang Chen.

Xu Qingli nodded, and immediately took the lead to continue on the Ninth Stage Fairy Road.

very quickly.

The eighth golden armor phantom appeared in front of the three.

Xu Qingli also did not hesitate at all, and directly detonated the Magic Power of the True Essence in the body with a secret method, and then a giant finger from the sky crushed against the golden phantom.

This finger crushed the golden phantom, Xu Qingli’s face also instantly became bloodless, and the whole person almost staggered to the ground.

“Little friend Jiang Chen, help me to the last level, and I will leave it to you next.”

He said to Jiang Chen weakly.


The blow Xu Qingli had just performed paid a heavier price than Lei Qianyuan.


Jiang Chen did not hesitate at the moment, and quickly led Xu Qingli towards the front of the Ninth Stage Fairy Road…

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