Chapter 2381 Tragic Battle

“Taiqing old man, if you want to destroy my Martial Dao world, do you deserve it?”

“I want to see, how many times can you activate the ancient Taiyi bracelet!”

Wu Zhantian’s voice fell, and it was the combination of the human and the sword, which turned into a dazzling sword light that crossed the void, and once again slashed at the halal person.

Wu Zhantian is very clear.

Today, since he has already used the secret method to fight, even if he is facing the too halal person who urges the Taiyi ancient bracelet, he is the only one to fight, without the slightest hesitation and withdrawal.


Once the secret method is over, he will fall into a weak state and completely lose combat power in a short period of time.

Although the Magical Item Taiyi Ancient Bracelet is strong, every time the Taiyi Ancient Bracelet is activated, the Taiyi people will suffer a certain amount of backlash.

Today, he fought against the halal people, and he was fighting to see who couldn’t hold it first.

He must attack the Tai-Halal at all costs before the end of the secret method, so that the Tai-Halal will urge the Taiyi Ancient Bracelet again and again.

If before the end of his secret method, too halal people could not bear the backlash of the Taiyi ancient bracelet first, they would win the Martial Dao world this battle.

If the Tai halal people use Taiyi ancient bracelets to hold on to the end of their secret method, their Martial Dao world may be defeated by this today.


Wu Zhantian didn’t have the slightest reservation. He directly merged the swords into one, and the endless blades were vast and powerful, filling thousands of miles and extending in all directions.

“Kacha Kacha…”

The space collapsed and the mountains and rivers shook.

The formation surrounding the Immortal Valley is all under the sword of Wu Zhantian, constantly twisting and changing, giving people a feeling of crumbling.

In the face of Wu Zhantian’s shock that shook the sun and the moon and shattered the void, the face of the too halal person could not help changing slightly.

He gritted his teeth and had to move the ancient Taiyi bracelet in his hand again and collided with the sword Wu Zhantian slashed through the sky.


The heavens collapsed with a sound, like the sound of Hong Zhong Dalu propagating from the sky.

A huge black hole appeared directly above Tongxian Valley, like a mirror.

Countless space storms are surging violently in the black hole, and countless energies are like a long dragon, centering on the two people, rolling away madly.

The Cultivation Base of Rao Yi Jianxu’s ancestor was a terrifying aura caused by the confrontation between the two, which forced him to retreat a distance of tens of thousands of feet in an embarrassing manner.

The people watching around, even retreat and retreat.

They looked up at the horrible situation in the void, and they couldn’t help shivering.

Too scary, too powerful!

A Transcends Tribulation pinnacle and a God King Ninth Stage played against each other, even if you are looking for a Transcends Tribulation cultivator and Martial Dao God King, once affected, I am afraid they will be destroyed in an instant!

Jiang Chen retreated hundreds of miles in midair.

He raised his head and looked at the shocking battle in the sky, with a more solemn look in his eyes.


Wu Zhantian used the supreme secret method with one enemy and two, and defeated the two Taiqing people without the strength to fight back. Jiang Chen thought this was their chance.

But I didn’t expect that too halal person, but at a critical moment, sacrificed an extremely powerful Magical Item!

Jiang Chen could feel it naturally.

The power contained in this Magical Item is more than twice as powerful as the imitation of the Human Emperor Sword in the Human Emperor Palace!


The cyan ancient bracelet in the hands of the too halal, even if it is not comparable to the Xiantian Dao Item of God’s Domain, it is not much different.

Even if it is Wu Zhantian of the god king Ninth Stage Heaven, who has exploded several times the combat power with a secret method, he can’t get any advantage in front of this cyan ancient bracelet.

When everyone was staring at the battle in the void with shocked faces.

The two Daoist shadows also flew upside down from the destruction of the world.

Wu Zhantian retreated violently with a knife in the air, and the light on his whole body instantly became much dim, and even his breath became a little bit weaker.

On the other side, the halal person looked even more pale.

Every time the Taiyi ancient bracelet is activated, the backlash is much more severe than the previous one.


The Taiyi ancient bracelet was urged twice in a row, and it was obvious that too halal people could not bear it.

“Come again!”

Although Wu Zhantian’s aura was sluggish, he was still full of fighting spirit.

With the passage of time, his secret method is about to end, and his power has gradually weakened.


Wu Zhantian naturally could also see that the halal person on the opposite side was already reaching the limit, so naturally he would not give him any chance to breathe.

In any case, he must solve the halal talents before the end of the secret method!

Facing Wu Zhantian’s continuous monstrous offensive, the Taihalal people had no choice but to force the Taiyi ancient bracelet to collide with Wu Zhantian again.


The sky is falling apart and the mountains and rivers are turning upside down.

There is almost no way to describe the fighting between the two.

Thousands of miles of void, under the continuous ripples of the two confrontation, completely turned into a chaos.

After urging the power of the Taiyi Ancient Bracelet three times in a row, the Tai Muslim finally could not withstand the backlash power of the Taiyi Ancient Bracelet, and the entire body was bombarded into nothingness directly in the void.

Wu Zhantian’s figure shook slightly, and the whole person stepped on the void to retreat for tens of thousands of meters, and a mouthful of blood in his mouth could not help but squirted out wildly.

“Jian Xu, this guy has already suffered a serious injury, and the secret method is about to end. Quickly kill him!”

Nascent Soul, who was too halal, fled thousands of miles away in embarrassment, and hurriedly shouted at the ancestor Jian Xu on the side.

This time, in the face of Wu Zhantian who displayed the supreme secret method, the Tai Muslim people urged the Taiyi ancient bracelet three times in a row, which can be said to have paid an unusually heavy price.

Under the backlash of the ancient Taiyi bracelet, not only his body was destroyed, but Nascent Soul was also severely injured.

The price paid this time, without a thousand years of time, I am afraid it is impossible to return to the peak state at all.

Even if he can return to the peak, I am afraid he will never hope to break through the Transcends Tribulation period and enter the Mahayana period.

The ancestor Jian Xu naturally knew that this moment was the perfect time to kill Wuzhan Tiandi.

He didn’t have the slightest hesitation at the moment, he directly fought a thousand miles with a sword, pierced through the world with a sword, and slashed at Wu Zhantian.

Looking at Jian Xu cut by a sword, Wu Zhantian’s expression couldn’t help but sink slightly.

If it was the peak period, he would naturally not appreciate the Jianxu ancestor of Transcends Tribulation late stage.

The previous battle between him and the halal man was really too tragic. Although he eventually defeated the halal people, the natural situation was not much better.

Now he is not only seriously injured, but the power of the secret method is gradually fading, and he is about to fall into a period of weakness.

In his current state, the Jian Xu ancestor who wanted to deal with the Transcends Tribulation late stage was obviously too weak.


Wu Zhantian still did not flinch.

He stared frantically at the ancestor Jian Xu, directly urging the last trace of power in his body…

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