Chapter 2374 The War Resurges

Tianxuan ancestor!

This is the old monster in Cultivation Base that has reached the Transcends Tribulation late stage, and it is also one of the top five powerhouses in the world of immortal cultivation on the Xianwu Continent.

They never thought of it.

With the strength of the ancestor Tianxuan, he couldn’t even ask for any advantage in this son’s hands.

The strength of the black-clothed youth in front of them really exceeded their imagination.

The scene before him stunned many immortal cultivators who were not aware of it.

“What the hell is this, who is the young man in black, the Transcends Tribulation powerhouse of the Five Great Immortals, how can he act against that kid?”

“I’m afraid you don’t know it yet. It is said that a strong man in the Martial Dao world came to the world of Xiuxian, killing several Transcends Tribulation cultivators of the five great immortal sects, and even the Dan family of the first immortal cultivation family was destroyed. If I You guessed it right, that Martial Dao powerhouse should be the kid in front of you.”

“Hi! This… how is this possible?”


When many immortal cultivators learned of Jiang Chen’s identity, there was a look of horror that could not be concealed in their eyes.

Over the years, the Martial Dao realm in the northern realm has been suppressed to death by their immortal cultivation realm. They can only rely on the immortal mountain of longevity, and the tortoise stays in the north to survive.

They never thought of it anyway.

In the northern Martial Dao world, there will be strong people who come to the world of cultivating immortals, and they have severely damaged the five immortal sects in one fell swoop!

What shocked them most was.

This person who severely inflicted the Five Great Immortal Sects is still a very young-looking boy!

“Boy, there is absolutely no character like you in the northern Martial Dao world, and you are not from the northern Martial Dao world!”

The ancestor of Tianxuan stared at Jiang Chen, “You really are a Practitioner from God’s Domain Continent!”

Hearing what the ancestor Tianxuan said, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

He obviously didn’t think about it.

People from the Immortal Cultivation Realm on the Xianwu Continent, unexpectedly guessed his true origin so quickly!

“It seems that you have a lot of understanding of the Immortal Cultivation Realm, and you guessed my origin so quickly.”

Jiang Chen looked at the five ancestors of Tianxuan calmly, and said faintly: “If I guess right, you are the immortal cultivators who invaded God’s Domain at the beginning, and you are the cultivators who remain in God’s Domain.”

“Unexpectedly, the Practitioner of God’s Domain could still come to Xianwu Continent.”

The ancestor Tianxuan stared at Jiang Chen with stern eyes: “Boy, if you are more acquainted, tell us how you came to Xianwu Continent, maybe we can consider keeping your whole body.”

Jiang Chen glanced at the ancestor Tianxuan with disdain: “Old fellow, if you want to kill me, I’m afraid you are not qualified!”

“Boy, don’t be rampant, today this Tongxian Valley is destined to be your burial place.”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s arrogant words, one of the Transcends Tribulation middle stage cultivator couldn’t hold back anymore, his flesh directly smashed into the void, and immediately with a stroke of his hands, he sacrificed a huge bronze giant axe, as if opening up the world. He struck out Jiang Chen with an axe.

“The Heavenly Axe of the Tiangang Xianzong, one of the top ten Magical Items for Immortal Cultivation!”

Seeing that this Transcends Tribulation middle stage cultivator took action, some of the extraordinary cultivators couldn’t help but scream.

The Celestial Axe of the Tiangang Xianzong is a well-known Magical Item on the Xianwu Continent. It is known for its power and dominance. It is controlled by Jin Tianhong, the contemporary Sect Leader of the Tiangang Xianzong.

With Jin Tianhong’s Transcends Tribulation middle stage’s Cultivation Base, you can use the Axe with all your strength to split the world and smash the Star with one blow!


In the face of Jin Tianhong’s pioneering axe, Jiang Chen’s expression was unusually calm.

I saw his figure still standing motionless.

“Kang Dang.”

Jin Tianhong’s axe crashed, and when the power on the axe appeared within a hundred feet of Jiang Chen’s body, it was like a piece of glass hitting steel, suddenly breaking apart in mid-air.


that moment.

Countless horrible gass spilled out like clear water, blasting out in all directions, piercing through layer after layer of void.

Countless cultivators all around, all retreated in embarrassment under the impact of that terrifying aura.

Some of the weaker ones, even too late to react, were crushed by that terrifying Qi Qi and Nascent Soul in an instant!

“Hi… how is this possible?”

Countless cultivators retreated hundreds of miles away in embarrassment. They looked up at the figure standing proudly, and there was an incredible horror in their eyes.

Tiangang Sect Leader Jin Tianhong, a dignified Transcends Tribulation middle stage cultivator, is trying his best to catalyze the condensed opening blow of the Heavenly Axe, and he can’t even invade the black-clothed youth?

“The mayfly shakes the tree, it’s ridiculous!”

Jiang Chen stood with his hands held up, as if standing high above Nine Heavens, stepping on the sun and the moon, looking down at Jin Tianhong with an indifferent expression.

In front of these five Transcends Tribulation period cultivators, the most powerful ones are the ancestors of the Misty Celestial Sect.

This old guy is the only cultivator whose Cultivation Base has reached the Transcends Tribulation late stage, and his strength is more than that of the God King Seventh Stage.


Even the ancestor Tianxuan, in his eyes, it was just that.

“The kid is going to be rampant, my old man with hidden swords will meet you!”

At this moment, the icy voice of the long sword old man of the Purple Sword Sect fell, and a strange cyan ancient sword also emerged out of thin air in his palm.


I saw his body gleaming with blue light, and the vast Magic power continuously gathered in the blue ancient sword in his hand, making the Sword Ray on the ancient sword more and more prosperous.

“Qing Ming’s sword!”

The old Tibetan sword screamed, and when he raised his hand, he slashed at Jiang Chen with a sword.

that moment.

The heavens and the earth have faded, the sun and the moon are dull.

Above the entire Tongxian Valley, there was only this extremely dazzling sword, as if to cut Jiang Chen and the space around him into nothingness.

“Very good sword.”

Looking at the sword sacrificed by the old Tibetan sword, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but tsk in praise.

This guy in front of him is worthy of being a sword repairman who has reached the Transcends Tribulation middle stage in the Cultivation Base. He really has extremely high attainments in kendo.

Apart from his Qingdi Sword Technique, this trick of the old man with hidden swords, any swordsmanship that Jiang Chen has seen, probably cannot be compared with the old man with hidden swords.

“If your Cultivation Base reaches the Transcends Tribulation late stage, this sword may still cause me a little trouble. Unfortunately, with your Cultivation Base of the Transcends Tribulation middle stage, this sword is not enough to see in front of me.”


Jiang Chen lifted his finger lightly, and one finger popped out.


This finger flick on a sword cut by the old Tibetan sword, almost instantly shattered the dazzling Sword Ray into nothingness.

Immediately afterwards.

Jiang Chen pointed at the old man with the sword again, but the old man with the sword had not yet reacted, and his entire body had been bounced out, turning into a meteor, flying backwards for a distance of thousands of feet in an instant.

Qianzhang Void, is the body of the old man with hidden sword, a huge hole was born!

With just two understatements, the old man of the Purple Sword Sect Hidden Sword has been defeated!

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