Chapter 2357 a sword shocked the audience

“Ziyun Fairy, who is this person?”

Dan Qingfeng suppressed the horror in his heart, and couldn’t help but transmit the voice to the Ziyun Fairy on the side.

Hedao Tianjiao, generally only the five immortal sects can be born.

Ziyun Fairy, as a true disciple of Misty Fairy Sect, perhaps should know the identity of the young man in black.


The relationship between the Dan family and the Five Great Immortal Sects has always been friendly. How could the people of the Five Great Immortal Sects attack the Dan family inexplicably?

“Patriarch Dan, this person is not from the Five Great Immortals. If I expected it to be right, he should be a direct disciple of a certain Rogue Cultivators during the Transcends Tribulation period.”

Ziyun Fairy quickly replied.

The direct disciple of Rogue Cultivators in Transcends Tribulation period!

Hearing Ziyun Fairy’s words, Dan Qingfeng’s pupils couldn’t help but shrink suddenly.

Transcends Tribulation period power, this is a powerful existence standing at the pinnacle of the immortal cultivation world.

Although a Rogue Cultivators of the Transcends Tribulation period may not be as scary as the Five Great Immortals, it is also a very tricky existence.

“Ziyun Fairy, if this son is really a true disciple of Rogue Cultivators during the Transcends Tribulation period, I also hope you can contact Misty Fairy, Dan will thank you again.”

Dan Qingfeng took a deep breath and couldn’t help but speak again.

Although the Dan family is known as the first immortal cultivation family on the Xianwu Continent, it mainly relies on Alchemy’s accomplishments, and there is no strong person in the Transcends Tribulation period.

If faced with those strong in the Transcends Tribulation period, the Dan family simply cannot cope.


The Dan family has been standing in the Xianwu Continent for so many years and has established a very strong network. Naturally, it will not shrink back because of a Transcends Tribulation Rogue Cultivators.

Just in case, Dan Qingfeng asked Ziyun Fairy to contact the powerhouse of Misty Xianzong.

Ziyun Fairy couldn’t help but smiled and said: “Patriarch Dan can rest assured that Ziyun has already contacted her teacher, and a Transcends Tribulation ancestor of Misty Xianzong will come in person.”

From when she guessed that the black-clothed youth in front of her was a direct disciple of Transcends Tribulation Rogue Cultivators, she knew that this matter might be difficult to correct.


Ziyun Fairy contacted Misty Fairy without hesitation.

Those who are strong in the Transcends Tribulation period, even the Dan family do not have the ability to deal with it.

Hearing that the ancestors of the Misty Fairy Sect Transcends Tribulation period will come in person, Dan Qingfeng will no longer have any scruples.

His stern gaze directly looked at Jiang Chen: “Boy, immediately release the tannins. Otherwise…Even if you are a direct disciple of Rogue Cultivators in the Transcends Tribulation period, and dare to run wild on the site of my Dan family, I will let You paid a heavy price for this!”

“I gave you the opportunity. Since you don’t cherish it, don’t blame me for being rude.”

Jiang Chen was expressionless, and lightly squeezed the palm of the tannin, which directly shattered the whole body of Meridians, and then threw the howling tannin to Dan Qingfeng like trash.

“You…you dare to abolish tannins. Today, my danqing wind will not kill you, and I will swear not to be a man!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen had abolished Tannin directly in front of him, Dan Qingfeng couldn’t help but let out an angry roar.

Tanning, his natural son of Dan Qingfeng, is also one of the most dazzling geniuses of the younger generation of Dan family.

Now that he has been scrapped by the black-clothed youth in front of him, how can Dan Qingfeng not be angry?

Dan Qingfeng handed tanning to the care of the few Dan family members behind him, and the powerful aura of the peak of He Dao broke out to the extreme at this moment.

I saw him staring at Jiang Chen coldly, and quickly pinched a magic trick with both hands.


A dazzling Sword Ray penetrates the void in an instant, as gorgeous as a rainbow, exuding a heart-palpitating breath


With Dan Qingfeng waved his hands.

Sword Ray broke through the sound barrier in an instant, drawing a long arc in the void at an incredible speed, splitting the world with a sword and slashing towards Jiang Chen.

This sword antelope hangs its horns, and it is so wonderful that all the cultivators in the cultivator period can not help but chill.

Facing Dan Qingfeng, the sword light that had smashed everything, Jiang Chen just drew out a fluttering palm, and grasped the sword light that was cut on the face in an unbelievable place.


He saw his five fingers bend slightly, and he smashed the sword of Dan Qingfeng into nothingness with a bang.

“How… how is it possible?”

Dan Qingfeng’s pupils shrank, and an incredible horror appeared in his eyes.

With his powerful strength at the pinnacle of Hedao, he couldn’t even shake the black youth in front of him with a full blow!

Even if it is the Hedao Tianjiao of the Five Great Immortals, I am afraid it may not have such a terrifying strength.

“Dan Qingfeng, I told you a long time ago that the peak of Hedao is nothing but an ant in my eyes. Since you have to find your own way, then I will do it for you!”

Jiang Chen condescendingly looked down at the Danqing wind, and the golden ancient sword also emerged from his palm.

“Qingdi Sword Technique, Huafan a sword!”

Holding the golden ancient sword in his hand, Jiang Chen directly urged the Azure Emperor’s Longevity Art, turning it into a strange and unpredictable Sword Ray, and slashed at the Dan Qingfeng.

Dan Qingfeng’s whole body was urged to the extreme, and a body protective mask was quickly condensed around his body.


His body protection mask, under the power of Jiang Chen Huafan’s sword, was of no use at all.

The power of Jiang Chen’s sword penetrated the body shield almost without hindrance, and slashed on Dan Qingfeng’s body.

The next moment…

I saw Dan Qingfeng’s aura suddenly collapsed, and soon there was a Hedao period that fell to the distraction period, and then the distraction period fell to the Nascent Soul period…

Just a few breaths.

Dan Qingfeng was transformed from a strong man at the pinnacle of the Dao into a useless man without the slightest Cultivation Base, and fell to the ground from an embarrassed midair to the extreme.

that moment.

There was a dead silence in the sky and the earth.

Everyone looked at this scene with a dull face, and couldn’t believe their own eyes.

Dan Qingfeng, the head of the Dan family, is a well-known expert in the world of immortality.

It can be said.

Except for one of the few experts in the Transcends Tribulation period, Dan Qingfeng almost has few rivals in the immortal world.

Such a strong man at the pinnacle of He Dao was killed by the black-clothed youth opposite to Cultivation Base with a single sword, and he was completely reduced to a useless person.

This… how is this possible?

Even those strong in the Transcends Tribulation period may not have such terrifying methods.

“Unexpectedly, even the Dan Patriarch could not stop this kid’s sword!”

Ziyun Fairy stared at the black-clothed youth on the opposite side, and there was an unprecedented shock in her eyes.

Although she knew that the strength of the boy in front of her was above her, she still did not expect that the strength of this guy was already so terrifying.

With just an understatement, Dan Qingfeng, the Cultivation Base at the pinnacle of Hedao, was cut clean!

Such power, even Ziyun Fairy is unheard of.

this moment.

Ziyun Fairy just realized how ridiculously wrong she was before.

The black youth in front of him, where is the direct disciple of Transcends Tribulation Rogue Cultivators, he is already a terrifying existence not inferior to the Transcends Tribulation period.

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