Chapter 2354 One Against Two

As Tanning’s voice fell, a cold voice in the carriage also came out instantly.

“Since you want to see me so, then as you wish!”

Immediately afterwards.

Hong Tianyang, who was in charge of driving the carriage, quickly opened the door with a respectful look.

The next moment…

I saw a young man in black who looked only in his early twenties, slowly stepping out of the carriage, and directly appeared in the sight of everyone.

The young man in black is naturally Jiang Chen.

that moment.

Everyone stared blankly at this Jiang Chen who walked out of the carriage, and almost couldn’t believe his own eyes.

No one can think of it.

In the carriage, the mysterious strong man who can easily repel denim is such a young man in black.

To know.

Tanning is a Cultivation Base who has reached the stage of distraction. Even in the entire Cultivation World, his talent and strength are ranked as the number one existence.

How could this little-known black-clothed young man have the strength to crush tannins?

“What is the origin of this kid? When did such a genius appear in the world of immortality?”

Ziyun Fairy stared at the black-clothed youth who walked out of the carriage, and there was a shock that could not be concealed in her beautiful eyes.

Young geniuses in the distraction period, even if you look at the entire world of cultivation, they are very rare.

Ziyun Fairy understands the strength of tannins after all.

Even with the strength of her distraction late stage, it is not an easy task to defeat Danning.

The strength of the black-clothed youth in front of her is probably still above her.

Such a character, even in their Misty Immortal Sect, I am afraid that only the first true biography who has reached the stage of harmony can be compared with it.

“Who is your excellency?”

It took a long time for Danning to recover from the horror, and there was a solemn expression in the gaze that looked at Jiang Chen.

He obviously didn’t expect it.

The owner of the carriage in front of me is a young man in black who looks so young!

Such a young genius, even the Five Great Immortal Sects can hardly be easily cultivated, and his identity must come from an extraordinary origin.

“Who I am, you don’t need to know.”

Jiang Chen glanced at Tanning faintly: “Now I am going to pass from here, do you have any comments?”

Tanning’s expression sank slightly when he heard the words.

“Your Excellency is very strong, but my Dan family is not a soft persimmon that anyone can knead. You killed two of my Dan family’s distracting cultivators, if you let you leave, what face is there in my Dan family? A foothold in the realm of cultivation?”

Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly: “So, are you trying to stop me?”

Tanning snorted coldly, and said directly to the Ziyun Fairy beside him in a deep voice: “Ziyun Fairy, my Dan family is coming soon. Please also Fairy to help me!”

Through the confrontation just now, Danning was also very clear that it was impossible to compete with the black-clothed youth in front of him just by his own strength.

Ziyun Fairy is a true disciple of Misty Fairy Sect, Cultivation Base has reached the late stage of distraction.

The two of them work together, even if they are strong in the middle stage and even the late stage of Hedao, they may not be unqualified to fight!


Ziyun Fairy didn’t hesitate either, she moved Lianbu lightly and stood side by side with Tanning.

She came to the Dan family this time to allow the Dan family to refine a Hedao God Pill for her to help break through the Hedao period.

Now that Danning is in trouble, how can she stand by?

Jiang Chen glanced at Ziyan Fairy and said faintly: “If you are more acquainted, you’d better not be nosy.”

“What if I have to manage?”

Ziyun Fairy’s pretty face changed color slightly and snorted coldly.

As a true disciple of Misty Xianzong, one of the five great immortals, Ziyun Fairy has an aloof status and has always been aloof.

Now that the black-clothed young man in front of her is so not looking at her, how can she not be angry in her heart?

“In that case, you will be buried with him.”

Jiang Chen’s indifferent voice fell, and the whole person turned into a long rainbow that pierced through the heavens and the earth, and punched Danning and Ziyun Fairy at the two.

Looking at Jiang Chen’s invincible shocking punch, the expressions of both Danning and Ziyun Fairy couldn’t help but change drastically.

The true essence in their bodies burst out in an instant.

Danning once again displayed the Skyfire illusion, transforming into three Daoist Yingying and simultaneously welcoming the suppressed boxing gun.

Next to Tanning, Ziyun Fairy held a long sword and quickly displayed the misty sword art of the Misty Xianzong, which turned into a stunning Sword Ray and slashed straight out.

“Boom boom boom…”

The two each displayed their own Secret Technique, and hit Jiang Chen’s thunderous punch together, and suddenly there was an unprecedented loud noise.

The terrifying energy ripples flew away in all directions, annihilating the void of hundreds of squares into nothingness.

The cultivators who looked around couldn’t help but retreat again and again.

Their gazes are staring at the space that has turned into chaos ahead.

“I don’t know how the three of them played against each other?”

“It must be Tanning and Ziyun Fairy who won. Even if the two of them join forces, they are definitely not opponents. Even though the kid is strong, I am afraid it will be difficult to fight one against two.”

“That’s not necessarily. The strength of the black-clothed youth is unfathomable. I think even if the two of Danning work together, they may not be able to compete with it.”


Many cultivators watched the battle between the three Jiang Chen and couldn’t help but talk.

And at this moment.

Two Daoist shadows also flew upside down from that chaotic space in an embarrassing manner. It was Tannin and Ziyun Fairy.


Even if the two great distraction geniuses of Tanning and Ziyun Fairy joined forces, it was still difficult to contend with Jiang Chen and was directly beaten back by Jiang Chen with a punch!

“Good… terrifying strength!”

Everyone looked at the shocking scene in front of them, and they couldn’t help being stunned for a while.

Rao is a cultivator who is more optimistic about Jiang Chen, but he did not expect Jiang Chen’s strength to be so terrifying.

With just one punch, it repelled Tannin and Ziyun Fairy.

This… how is this possible?

“This guy… Cultivation Base is afraid that it has reached the stage of harmony!”

Ziyun Fairy forced the aura in her body under pressure, and the gaze looking at Jiang Chen finally revealed an unprecedented horror.

As a true disciple of Misty Xianzong, Ziyun Fairy has already reached the late stage of distraction in her Cultivation Base, and is almost invincible during the distraction stage.

But now that she and Danning joined forces, she was still beaten by the black youth in front of her!

Hedao period!

I am afraid that only the Tianjiao figures in the Hedao period have such terrifying strength.


The young Tianjiao in the amalgamation period are all the top enchanting figures in the world of cultivating immortals.

Even in their Misty Immortal Sect, Cultivation Base has reached the stage of the young disciples, there are only one person.

Ziyun Fairy really can’t understand.

Where did this guy come from?

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