Chapter 2347 I only need a quota for the immortal mountain of longevity

“How… how is it possible?”

Seeing this scene appearing in the center of the square, everyone looked sluggish, and it took a long time to recover from the shock.

No one can think of it.

The black-clothed youth just stood there motionless, didn’t make a move at all, and the eagle-eyed men couldn’t even get close to their ten-meter range, and the opponent was out of the game in embarrassment.

To know.

The eagle-eyed man is the famous Nascent Soul genius of Xuanyang Sect. He ranks sixth among the disciples of Xuanyang Sect. There are almost only a handful of young geniuses comparable to Xuanyang Sect.

But such a Nascent Soul genius was swept out by the opponent without even touching the corner of the black-clothed youth.

With such strength, even if you look at the entire Xuanyang Gate, I am afraid that only the existence of the Cultivation Base who has reached the distraction stage can be compared with it.

“This son… is definitely not from my Xuanyang Sect!”


The complexion of Xuanyang Gate Elder Yang Chengtian also instantly became extremely dignified.

The strength of this time, compared to their first genius Yang Xuan, I am afraid they will not be inferior in the slightest.

Apart from Yang Xuan at Xuanyang Gate, it is impossible for them to have such a talented person.

In other words.

The black-clothed youth in front of him, in all likelihood, other forces have mixed into their Xuanyang gate.


Their Xuanyang Gate has been inherited for at least one billion years, not to mention the strong ones in the He Dao period. Even the power of the Transcends Tribulation period may not be able to enter the Xuanyang Gate silently.

Yang Chengtian really couldn’t understand how this guy appeared at Xuanyang Gate.

Yang Chengtian’s eyes flickered slightly, and immediately transmitted a message to Yang Xuan, intending to let Yang Xuan test the other party’s details.

Yang Xuan looked at Jiang Chen, who stood proudly, and a look of interest also appeared in his eyes.

As the first arrogant of Xuanyangmen, Yang Xuan has been almost invincible among his peers since his debut, and he has never encountered an opponent worthy of his face.

And the existence of this genius who can easily kill Nascent Soul in a second is undoubtedly an opponent that interests him very much.

As Yang Xuan’s thoughts flashed, the figure that had been standing proudly in the center of the square finally moved.

I saw that he didn’t hesitate at all, and walked straight in the direction where Jiang Chen was.

When other Xuanyangmen disciples saw this, they all made way for Yang Xuan.


They also knew very well that the existence of this genius who was able to kill Nascent Soul in seconds could only be dealt with by Yang Xuanjiao on the first day of Xuanyang Gate.

Yang Xuan walked slowly like this, and soon came to a place ten feet away from Jiang Chen.

He glanced at Jiang Chen slightly, and said faintly: “Boy, you are not my Xuanyang Sect disciple, who are you?”

“Who I am, you don’t need to know.”

Jiang Chen glanced at Yang Xuan faintly: “You just need to know that this time I came to Xuanyang Gate, I just want a place in the Immortal Mountain of Longevity.”

Jiang Chen didn’t show Hong Tianyang’s identity token either.

after all.

At first, Hong Tianyang escaped from Xuanyang Gate because he violated the rules of Xuanyang Gate and was afraid of being punished by Xuanyang Gate.

Even if he took out Hong Tianyang’s identity token, he would still have trouble with his upper body.

In that case, Jiang Chen didn’t bother to waste time.


Following Jiang Chen’s words, all the people at the Xuanyang Sect couldn’t help but feel an uproar.

They never thought of it.

There really were people outside of Xuanyang Gate who got into Xuanyang Gate, and they also participated in the Fairy Fairy Fair held at Xuanyang Gate.

To know.

To participate in the Eternal Fairy Fair, you must go to the Deacon Hall to register with the Xuanyang Gate identity token. How did this guy get into the Fairy Fairy Fair?

“Your Excellency is very arrogant, dare to come to my Xuanyang Gate so blatantly to get a place in the Changshengxianhui, you are the first one.”

Yang Xuan’s eyes narrowed involuntarily.

If this son is really here for the quota of the Everlasting Fairy Society, then it can’t be any other person who cultivates Sect.

With the strength of the black-clothed youth in front of him, not to mention being in the upper sect, even in the five great immortal sects, it is extremely easy to get a place to enter the Everlasting Immortal Mountain.

If this black-clothed young man is a member of other immortal cultivation forces, how could he be mixed into their Xuanyang Sect for the quota of a longevity immortal mountain?

Could it be…this guy is a Rogue Cultivators?

But Yang Xuan has never heard of it. Rogue Cultivators have young distracting geniuses.

Or in other words.

The quota of Changsheng Xianshan is simply a cover.

When this guy came to Xuanyang Gate, what other ulterior secrets did he have?

Jiang Chen stared at Yang Xuan flatly: “Why, do you want to stop me?”

“My Xuanyang Sect Changsheng Xianshan quota, naturally, I can’t let an outsider take it easily.”

Yang Xuan looked at Jiang Chen, and his whole body burst out with a terrifying warfare, and said coldly: “If you want a place in the Immortal Mountain of Longevity, it depends on whether you have that ability.”

“You are not my opponent, neither is the one above.”

Jiang Chen shook his head and said indifferently: “You Xuanyangmen and two strong men of the Affinity Stage are hiding in the dark, let them come together.”

“Hmph, you must not be too arrogant!”

“I want to see, what qualifications do you have to be arrogant at my Xuanyang Gate!”

Yang Xuan’s voice fell, and the powerful aura of the distraction phase was also overwhelmingly rushing towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was expressionless, still standing proudly in place, as if under the strong breath of Yang Xuan, he was not affected at all.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Yang Xuan’s pupils couldn’t help but shrank, and the gaze that looked at Jiang Chen instantly became a lot more solemn.

“It’s a bit capable, no wonder I have the courage to come to my Xuanyang Gate to go wild!”

Yang Xuan stared at Jiang Chen sternly, and the vast real essence of the distraction phase instantly mobilized to the extreme.

His hands suddenly sealed, and his pupils were like giant lamps, shooting out two bright golden lights, and a huge golden sun rose slowly from behind. The terrifying sun’s real fire spread all over his body.

that moment.

The countless Xuanyangmen disciples on the square were simply unable to withstand the hot energy of the golden sun, and had to withdraw from the battlefield of the Everlasting Immortal Association in embarrassment.

“Golden Sun’s great art of burning the sky, this is one of my town’s sacred art of the Xuanyang Gate.”

“It seems that the kid completely angered Senior Brother Yang Xuan. As soon as Senior Brother Yang Xuan made a move, he used this town clan magical technique.”

“Yeah, that kid actually dared to provoke Senior Brother Yang Xuan, this time I am afraid he is dead.”


Seeing this scene in the center of the square, many Xuanyangmen disciples couldn’t help but talk.

“Jinyang burns the sky!”

Yang Xuan let out a stern stern, directly controlling the golden sun with a diameter of more than one hundred feet behind him, and squeezing Jiang Chen fiercely.


The golden sun suddenly carried the terrifying power to burn everything, as if to completely burn Jiang Chen and the surrounding space into nothingness…

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