Chapter 2338 My identity, you don’t deserve to know

“Are you doubting my identity?”

Jiang Chen took a sip of the wine in his glass and couldn’t help but looked at Xu Yong with a smile.

In fact, from the first time I saw this guy, Jiang Chen had already seen that this guy seemed to be unkind to Xu Qingmeng.

Back in the hundred thousand mountains, Jiang Chen actually discovered that Xu Yong should have arrived early in Xu Qingmeng, but they have not supported Xu Qingmeng, but only appeared after he rescued Xu Qingmeng.

“Under the command of Bishan City, I naturally have a duty to remind Miss Qingmeng not to be deceived.”

Xu Yong said confidently and confidently: “If your Excellency really comes from Xianzong, Xu Yong will accompany you face to face.”

“Yeah, the cultivator of the last sect, how can we come to this place where birds don’t shit.”

“Even the immortal head of the Tianyang School, except for coming to Bishan City every year to collect worship, almost never.”

“Xu Yong is right, maybe Qingmeng Miss was really deceived.”


Many high-level Bishan City are also talking about it.

Only the two middle-aged men who witnessed Jiang Chen slaying the amethyst ape with a sword, chose to remain silent.

Although they are also confused about Jiang Chen’s identity, this guy does have a terrifying power that is not inferior to the Nascent Soul cultivator.

“Xu Yong, what do you mean?”

Xu Qingmeng’s pretty face was cold, and she immediately said angrily: “Did Jiang Shangxian come from Xianzong? Ben Miss knows very well that you can’t treat Ben Miss as a three-year-old child?”

“Qingmeng Miss, since he claims to be a disciple of Xianzong, please show him the Sect token.”

Xu Yong smiled coldly: “Xianzong disciple, no one in this world dares to pretend to be easily!”

Xu Yong is a very ambitious person.

Ever since Xu Qingmeng’s father, Xu Yi, the lord of Bishan City, was seriously injured and dying, Xu Yong had been ready to take the position of the lord of Bishan City.

This time Xu Qingmeng and others went to Shiwan Dashan to find the inner alchemy of the amethyst ape and heal Xu Yi’s injuries.

Xu Yong naturally did not allow Xu Qingmeng and the others to get the inside of the Amethyst God Ape.

When Xu Qingmeng found the Amethyst God Ape, he immediately notified him to send someone to support him, but Xu Yong had been delaying time.

As long as he solves Xu Qingmeng and the others with the help of the amethyst god, he returns to clean up Xu Yi who was seriously injured, Bishan City is his bag.


Xu Yong didn’t expect that Jiang Chen suddenly shot out in the middle of the road, and rescued Xu Qingmeng and others.

Although Xu Yong didn’t know the origin of this kid, the ability to rescue Xu Qingmeng and others from the hands of Amethyst God Ape must not be underestimated.

It is not a good thing for him to have such a character in Bishan City, and it might even ruin his plan.

It is precisely because of this.

Xu Yong couldn’t wait to question Jiang Chen’s identity and wanted to drive Jiang Chen out of Bishan City.

Xu Yong’s words also made the eyes of everyone in the Great Hall fall on Jiang Chen’s body.

If Jiang Chen couldn’t take out the token of Xianzong’s disciple, his identity would be somewhat questionable.

“What if I am a disciple of Xianzong, what if I am not a disciple of Xianzong?”

Jiang Chen played with the wine glass in his hand, and his gaze towards Xu Yong couldn’t help showing a playful look.

“It seems that you can’t get the token of Xianzong disciple?”

Xu Yong smiled coldly: “What is your purpose in approaching Qingmeng Miss as a disciple of the Immortal Sect, you don’t have to quickly recruit it!”

Jiang Chen glanced at Xu Yong with contempt: “What identity am I? You are a Gold Core ant, but you don’t deserve to know.”

Although he, Cultivation Base hasn’t fully recovered to its peak state today, it’s not a problem to deal with the general powerhouse of the God King Realm.

The powerhouse of the Divine King Realm of God’s Domain is at the same level as the powerhouse of the Transcends Tribulation period among the immortal cultivators.

In the mere Gold Core stage, in the eyes of Jiang Chen, it is really no different from the ants on the ground.

“Boy, don’t be too mad!”

Xu Yong was furious, and the powerful aura of Gold Core late stage also instantly permeated the Great Hall.


Jiang Chen’s complexion was indifferent, and he just raised his hand and flexed his fingers in an understatement.


An invisible sword finger burst out of his fingertips instantly, hitting Xu Yong’s body.

Xu Yong’s whole body was hit hard, like a kite with a broken line, flew out of the Great Hall in a panic, and then crashed on the ground.

this moment.

There was also a deathly silence in the Great Hall.

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen who was sitting calmly with horror.

Xu Yong, who was in the Gold Core late stage, was defeated by Jiang Chen’s understatement.

This is absolutely only the upper immortal of the Nascent Soul stage, who can have such a terrifying strength.

Everyone quickly got up and toasted Jiang Chen to apologize.

As for Xu Yong, who was abolished by Jiang Chen’s finger, everyone ignored him.

In front of a Nascent Soul stage immortal, Xu Yong was really like an ant, not worth mentioning.

After the banquet, Jiang Chen also temporarily settled in Bishan City’s City Lord’s Mansion under Xu Qingmeng’s arrangement.

As a guest of the City Lord’s Mansion, Jiang Chen also enjoyed extremely high treatment in the City Lord’s Mansion, and Xu Qingmeng even set aside a courtyard for Jiang Chen to live in.

Jiang Chen scanned Divine Sense slightly, and soon found a study room in this courtyard, which seemed to contain a lot of books.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate at the moment, he appeared in the study in a flash.

Now his knowledge of this world is really limited, and he can just check some books to see if he can learn more.

He glanced over the collection of books on the shelf one by one.

Most of the books on these shelves are records of some strange events in the Xianwu Continent, and for Jiang Chen, they don’t have much reference value.

Jiang Chen’s gaze skipped over these collections, and finally fell on an ancient book called Xianwu Mainland Biography.

Jiang Chen moved in his heart and quickly removed it and began to read it.

“The origin of Xianwu Continent…”

When he flipped through the first page of this biography and saw the bold characters, his eyes suddenly lit up slightly.

In this biography, a detailed record of the origins of Xianwu Continent, as well as some important events happened.

Through this biography, Jiang Chen also quickly gained a general understanding of the Xianwu Continent.

“I didn’t expect that the former Northern Territory of God’s Domain Continent has turned into today’s Xianwu Continent.”

Jiang Chen closed the biography, and couldn’t help but murmured.

According to the records in this biography, Jiang Chen is almost certain that he has indeed arrived in the northern region of the Gods Domain Continent through the space channel opened by Emperor Qing Deva.


Time changes, the vicissitudes of life.

The former Northern Territory of God’s Domain Continent has undergone tremendous changes, becoming the Xianwu Continent where immortals and martial arts coexist today.

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