Chapter 2336 Jiang Chen’s Shock

Jiang Chen’s thoughts flickered, and he was about to stand up, ready to leave here to find a place with humans.


Jiang Chen realized that at this moment he didn’t even have the strength to stand up.

He quickly checked the situation inside his body and found that not only was his body covered with scars, but his internal organs had been severely injured, and his kendo supernatural power was also completely consumed.

“This non-life world is worthy of being a forbidden place on the Gods’ Domain Continent, which is said to be dead and non-life. It is really difficult to cross.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but smiled bitterly.

The spatial turbulence in this inanimate world was more terrifying than any spatial turbulence Jiang Chen had seen, and it was impossible to resist.

Without the broken space channel left by Emperor Deva, with his strength, it would be impossible to pass through the inanimate world.


Even with the help of spatial channels, Jiang Chen still paid an unusually heavy price for crossing the inanimate world this time.

It can be said.

Since stepping into the realm of God, Jiang Chen has never suffered such a serious injury.

The last time such a situation occurred, I am afraid it would have to be traced back to when he traveled from Shenwu Continent to Xuanling Continent.

Jiang Chen shook his head, throwing away his happy thoughts.

He swallowed a Medicine Pill to recover a little bit of strength, then used the Hunyuan Yiqi technique to hide his aura and quickly entered the cultivation state.

Jiang Chen ran the Azure Emperor Longevity Secret Art, and the abundant world energy around him quickly gathered from all directions.

With the nourishment of these heaven and earth energy, some small scars on Jiang Chen’s body surface gradually recovered, and the almost dried-up swordsman power in his body began to recover continuously.


The energies of the heaven and the earth attracted by Jiang Chen are getting greater and greater, and the energy of the heaven and the earth in a radius of thousands of miles is converging towards Jiang Chen.

Only three days.

The injury in Jiang Chen’s body has recovered 50 to 60%.

“This Azure Emperor’s longevity tactic is worthy of the Supreme Immortal Law, and it really is extraordinary.”

Jiang Chen opened his eyes, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

He obviously didn’t expect it.

This Azure Emperor Longevity Art not only made the swordsman power he cultivated, it was stronger than ordinary swordsman power, and it was also unique in healing wounds.

He originally thought.

My injury this time was not difficult to recover from within ten days and eight days, but I did not expect that more than half of it would have recovered in three days.

“Now that I have some self-protection power, it is time to inquire about the situation here.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, he was about to get up to leave.

At this moment, thousands of miles ahead, there was a sudden violent energy fluctuation.

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, and he couldn’t help but quickly swept away in the direction from which the energy fluctuations came…

at the same time.

In the mountains and forests thousands of miles away from Jiang Chen, two distressed middle-aged men are fighting with a purple great ape.

“Qingmeng, run away, this amethyst ape has the Nascent Soul Cultivation Base, it’s not our opponent!”

One of the middle-aged men was slapped flying by the amethyst ape, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth. He couldn’t help but hurriedly shouted at a beautiful woman in Qingyi behind him.

“No, I will never leave you behind.”

“What’s more… I must kill this amethyst god ape today and get its inner alchemy to hope to save my father.”

On the delicate face of the Tsing Yi woman, there was a firm look.

She quickly squeezed out a sword tactic. On top of the cyan long sword in her hand, a sharp Sword Ray cut through the space in an instant, and slashed at the head of the amethyst god.

“Human, you are looking for death!”

The amethyst sacred ape roared, and on the huge furry palm, a vast and majestic purple energy directly turned into a giant purple palm and patted the woman in Tsing Yi.

This purple giant palm was like a broken bamboo, and instantly defeated the Tsing Yi woman’s sword tactics, and then enveloped the Tsing Yi woman without any reduction in speed.


Seeing this scene, the expressions of the two middle-aged men could not help but suddenly changed, and they rushed towards the Tsing Yi woman with all their strength.


It’s too late.

At the speed of the two, there was no time to rescue the woman in Tsing Yi, so she could only watch the giant purple palm go toward the woman in Tsing Yi.

Looking at the inevitable purple palm, the woman in Tsing Yi looked extremely calm.

“Second Uncle, Third Uncle, you must take this Amethyst Divine Ape’s inner alchemy back to save my father.”

The Tsing Yi woman’s voice fell, and the power in her body began to surge wildly.

“Qingmeng, don’t…”

The two middle-aged men saw the actions of the Tsing Yi women, and they quickly thought of something, and their eyes were instantly filled with blood red.

The woman in Tsing Yi is obviously going to display a secret technique of their family, and die with the amethyst god.


Just when the woman in Tsing Yi was about to fight to death and die with the Amethyst God Ape.

A dazzling golden Sword Ray cut through the space, flashing past the woman in Tsing Yi.

Before the woman in Tsing Yi could react, the golden Sword Ray had penetrated the body of the Amethyst God Ape.

The next moment…

The mysterious purple blood spewed out from the body of the amethyst ape like a fountain, and saw the huge body of the amethyst ape, which was also divided into two, and then fell into a pool of blood with a bang.

This scene also caused the three women in Tsing Yi to not recover for a while.

They never thought of it anyway.

This powerful amethyst sacred ape was killed by a single sword!

The woman in Tsing Yi came back to her senses and couldn’t help but looked towards the direction Sword Ray shot from.


I saw a black-clothed young man holding a golden ancient sword, slowly marching towards them.

The black-clothed youth is naturally Jiang Chen attracted by energy fluctuations.

“Junior Xu Qingmeng, thank you Shangxian for your life-saving grace.”

The Tsing Yi woman no longer hesitated at the moment, and quickly thanked her respectfully.


When Jiang Chen heard the woman in Tsing Yi call own, he couldn’t help but stunned for a moment.

He glanced at the Tsing Yi woman slightly, and found that the power in the Tsing Yi woman was somewhat surprised with the energy of the practitioner of the Divine Realm, but it was closer to the power of the Void Demon Race.

“Is this woman in Tsing Yi a so-called immortal cultivator?”

There was a flash of light in Jiang Chen’s mind. Thinking of this possibility, an incredible horror appeared in his heart.

He traversed the inanimate world through the space channel opened by Emperor Deva. As long as there is no accident, he should appear in the northern region of the gods continent. Why is there a cultivator here?

Could it be that the place where he is now is really not the Northern Territory of God’s Domain Continent?

“It’s just a matter of raising your hand, you don’t have to be polite.”

Jiang Chen waved his hand, suppressing the horror in his heart, and then asked the woman in Tsing Yi: “Crossing across the space below, encountering the turbulence of the space, I don’t know where this is, who are you?”

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