Chapter 2328 The First Day

“Jiang Chen, you…you will return my Cultivation Base to me!”

Yu Wenjing looked horrified, his eyes on Jiang Chen were about to burst into flames.

After seeing Gu Feng’er for the first time three days ago, Yu Wenjing was deeply attracted by Gu Feng’er.

For these three days, Yu Wenjing had been surrounded by Gu Feng’er almost all the time, trying to get Gu Feng’er’s favor, but Gu Feng’er had always ignored him.

Yu Wenjing didn’t care about it either.

He believed that with his own status, he would be able to capture Gu Fenger’s heart sooner or later.

Until Jiang Chen appeared, especially after seeing the close relationship between Gu Feng’er and Jiang Chen, Yu Wenjing’s complexion suddenly became unsightly.

He originally thought.

With his current strength, even facing Jiang Chen, the emperor of the world, he is completely capable of fighting.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen just took an understatement and cut off one of his Realm’s Cultivation Base.

God King Realm, One Realm First Stage Sky.

Even for every small Realm, Ascension is very difficult.

As a top genius cultivated by the War Demon Alliance, Yu Wenjing not only has unique talents, but also has the top resources provided by the War Demon Alliance.

But even so.

Yu Wenjing now wants Ascension Cultivation Base, but it is not an easy task.

It took him more than ten years to break through from the God King Fourth Stage to the God King Fifth Stage.

Now that Jiang Chen is cut with a single sword, his more than ten years of hard work has been ruined. How can this make Yu Wenjing accept it?

He finally understood.

When Bai Chixiao returned from the Eastern Territory, why did the Cultivation Base fall from the God King Fourth Stage day to the God King First Stage day?

That guy’s Cultivation Base was obviously also cut off by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen glanced at Yu Wenjing indifferently: “If you don’t want to be a useless person and disappear from me now, maybe it’s still too late.”

“Jiang Chen, I am a member of the War Demon Alliance. If you dare to move me, you will be an enemy of the War Demon Alliance.”

Yu Wenjing sneered: “Have you ever thought about the consequences of being an enemy of the War Demon Alliance?”

“The War Demon Alliance was originally founded by our ancestor Qing Deva Emperor Jiang Qingtian. The previous generations of the Human Emperor Palace are the leaders of the War Demon Alliance.”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “I am the 62nd Emperor of the Human Palace, and I should become the leader of the War Demon Alliance. I want to see if you kill you, the War Demon Alliance really wants to be my enemy!”

Jiang Chen’s cold voice fell, and on top of the golden ancient sword in his hand, another mysterious Sword Ray cut through the space, and slashed towards Yu Wenjing.

Looking at Jiang Chen’s display of the weird Sword Technique again, Yu Wenjing’s expression also instantly became horrified.

Just now, when his Cultivation Base was in the God King Fifth Stage, he couldn’t resist the weird power of Jiang Chen’s sword. Now that Cultivation Base fell back to the God King Fourth Stage, how could he resist it?

If he insists on this sword, his Cultivation Base will be cut off again in all likelihood!

This is what Yu Wenjing didn’t want to see anyway.


Yu Wenjing didn’t hesitate at all, turning around to escape from the range of Jiang Chen’s sword.


Yu Wenjing soon discovered to his horror that the speed of this sword exceeded his imagination.

He had just escaped less than a hundred feet away, Sword Ray had appeared behind him silently, and firmly locked the Qi, so that there was no possibility of him to escape.

In Yu Wenjing’s heart, the souls are all gone.

He gritted his teeth, and had to use all his strength, and set up a multi-layered space enchantment all over his body, trying to block Jiang Chen’s sword.


The space barrier that Yu Wenjing arranged with the supernatural power of the space avenue could hardly cause too many obstacles to Jiang Chen’s sword.

“Do not……”

Seeing that Sword Ray was so powerful that it penetrated layer after layer of space barriers almost understatement, finally a touch of despair and panic appeared in Yu Wenjing’s eyes.


Just when this sword was about to penetrate the last layer of space barrier and slashed on Yu Wenjing’s body.

A twinkling star Sword Qi suddenly fell from the void, and actually defeated the Sword Ray that was slashing towards Yu Wenjing!

This scene also caused Jiang Chen’s pupils to shrink suddenly.

Qingdi Sword Technique, the sword technique that originated from the Cultivation Technique Qingdi Changsheng Jue, is a power that surpasses Martial Dao in the divine realm.

Although the Azure Emperor Sword Technique is not invincible, for example, some people whose strength is far better than Jiang Chen can resist the strength of the Azure Emperor Sword Technique by virtue of their powerful strength.

But it was the first time Jiang Chen had encountered him since he mastered the Sword Technique of Qingdi. Someone directly defeated him with a sword!

Jiang Chen’s thoughts flickered, and his eyes also looked towards the void in response.

I saw a young man with silver robe and silver hair, face like a crown jade, directly appeared in Jiang Chen’s line of sight.

The young man’s pupils are half as deep as the vast starry sky, and his eyes are extremely sharp, like two star swords, enough to pierce through the sky.

“Jian Wuxin?”

Jiang Chen looked at the young man who appeared suddenly, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The young man in front of him had extraordinary kendo attainments, and it vaguely gave him a great sense of oppression.

Even when he faced Jiang Xuan in the Palace of Human Emperor, Jiang Chen had never felt this way.

no doubt.

The strength of this young man is more than that of Jiang Xuan.

On the Continent of God’s Domain, Tianjiao was able to overpower Jiang Xuan, except for the Saint Sword Sword Wuxin of Saint Sword Sect, who else could there be?

“Brother Jian, Jiang Chen ignores the majesty of Saint Ten Thousand Swords Sect, and openly attacked me in Saint Sword Sect. You must not let him go easily!”

Seeing Jian Wuxin who suddenly appeared, Yu Wenjing couldn’t help but exclaimed with a sullen expression.

Jian Wuxin ignored Yu Wenjing. He stared at Jiang Chen with indifferent eyes, and his cold voice slowly resounded.

“Human Sovereign Jiang Chen, this time the many forces of God’s Domain have gathered in the Saint Sect of Ten Thousand Swords to deal with the Void Demon Race. Restrictions fight privately. You openly act in the Saint Sect of Ten Thousand Swords, it seems a little not good.”

Jiang Chen said indifferently: “I didn’t want to do anything with him, but he has to send it to the door to find a beating, who can I blame?”

Jian Wuxin snorted coldly: “Human Emperor Jiang Chen, I don’t want to talk nonsense with you. No one can violate the rules of the Saint Sword Sect. Today you must give me an explanation to the Saint Sword Sect!”


Jiang Chen couldn’t help but raised a slight arc recently: “What if… I say no?”

“That being the case, then Jian Mou will teach you the methods of the emperor of the world today!”

Jian Wuxin’s faint voice fell, and the ordinary silver long sword behind it instantly uttered a trembling sword groan, and then fell into Jian Wuxin’s palm.

The next moment…

A terrifying kendo coercion is also permeating this space…

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