Chapter 2323 Ancient Seal of Soul Destruction, One Seal Breaks

“You are the current emperor of the human emperor palace?”

When this soul demon clan heard Jiang Chen’s words, his expression couldn’t help but change drastically.

Human Emperor Hall and Human Emperor, this has long been synonymous with taboos in their Void Demon Race.

When the Void Demons attacked the continent of God’s Domain, it was the Emperor Jiang Qingtian of the Emperor Deva of the Human Emperor Palace, who led the continent of God to defeat them.

these years.

The Void Demon Race wanted to invade God’s Domain Continent more than once, but it turned out to be blocked by the absolute powerhouses of God’s Domain Continent again and again!

And among these supreme powerhouses who blocked the Void Demon Race, the one who hit them the Void Demon Race the most was undoubtedly the Human Sovereign of the Human Sovereign Palace!

Every emperor in the palace of the emperor has a stunning posture.

It can be said.

Many of the Ninth-order Void Demon Gods of the Void Demon Clan have fallen into the hands of the Human Sovereign Palace!

Not long ago.

The Void Demon Race fully attacked the Continent of God’s Domain. Among them, the Void Demon Nest guarded by the Imperial Palace, the Void Demon Race sent seven leaders, three Elders.

As a result, these top ten powerhouses were completely wiped out shortly after they entered God’s Domain Continent.

This battle almost shook the entire Void Demon Race.

It is precisely because of this.

Void Demon Race found that it was not an easy task to forcibly invade God’s Domain Continent, so he sent him, the Eighth-Order Void Demon God of Soul Demon Race, to get him into the Divine Domain Continent to find the whereabouts of Heavenly Dao.

That year, the Universe-level battle caused a heavy blow to Heavenly Dao.

As long as you can find the Heavenly Dao and destroy it, the Heavenly Dao can be destroyed without attack!

After receiving the order, he took advantage of the battle between the Void Demon Race and the Ten Thousand Sword Saint Sect, and took the two clansmen to swallow the people who had taken the Ten Thousand Sword Saint Sect and came to the Cave Profound God Clan.

Because of the Dongxuan God Clan, it is said that there is news about Heavenly Dao!


This Elder-level expert of the Soul Demon Race never expected that he would meet the current emperor of the Human Emperor Palace in the Profound Cave God Clan!

For the human emperor of the human emperor palace, the soul demon clan has instinctive fear.

after all.

Every human emperor in the human emperor palace has a secret technique called the ancient human emperor seal. One of the seals of this secret technique can be said to be the deadliest nemesis of their soul demon clan!

The Soul Demon Race once had countless ancestors, almost all of them fell under that seal.

“You Void Demon Race, you actually want to fight the idea of ​​Heavenly Dao in God Realm, you should kill!”

Jiang Chen’s eyes were as cold as a knife, and a sharp killing intent also spread from his body in an instant.

Fortunately, in order to find the Heavenly Dao, he came to the Dongxuan God Clan in time, otherwise I am afraid that he would really be conspired by the Soul Demon Clan to succeed today.

Feeling the breath erupting from Jiang Chen, the soul demon clan powerhouse’s pupils shrank, and he took the preemptive strike and slapped Jiang Chen with a palm in the sky.


Only a loud noise was heard, the endless soul power in the void rolled, and then instantly turned into a pitch-black giant palm, like the hand of an ancient demon god, suppressing Jiang Chen below.

This palm was extremely terrifying, even Xuan Kun felt a sense of horror.

If this palm fell on him, it would probably crush his soul into nothingness in an instant.

“Human Emperor, I’ll help you!”

Xuan Kun gritted his teeth, suppressed the fear in his heart, and then flew forward to help.

He knew very well in his heart that if Jiang Chen was defeated by this strong soul demon clan, they would definitely die.

“No, it’s nothing more than an eighth-order Void Demon God-level Soul Demon Clan, I can kill it alone!”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and a black square mark on the palm of his palm that was dark to the extreme, also appeared out of thin air.

“Ancient Seal of Destroying Soul!”

Jiang Chen flipped his palm, and the black square seal instantly turned into a huge imprint in the void, and slammed it against the suppressed black giant palm.

The Qianzhang giant seal collided with the black giant palm in mid-air, and there was no loud bang as expected.

The moment the black giant palm touched the giant imprint of a thousand meters long, it seemed to evaporate into nothingness like a water droplet encountering a flame.

Just blink of an eye.

The black giant palm completely dissipated in the void at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the figure of the strong soul demon clan, under the impact of the remnant power of the thousand-zhang giant seal, exploded in the void and withdrew a distance of several thousand meters.

He raised his head to look at Jiang Chen, and his expression instantly became horrified.

Destroy the ancient seal!

This seal is indeed the deadly nemesis of their Soul Demon Race.

Jiang Chen Yiyin repelled this strong soul demon clan, and did not intend to give him any chance to breathe, and another ancient seal of soul extinction quickly condensed in his palm.

The look of this strong soul demon clan can’t help but change drastically.

I saw that his figure flickered, and he dissipated directly out of thin air between the world, and the hideous sneer slowly echoed in Jiang Chen and the others’ ears.

“The Emperor of the People’s Palace of the God’s Domain Continent is indeed a well-deserved reputation.”

“But don’t forget, I still have two clansmen out there. As long as I trap you for a while, you can let them destroy your bodies first.”

“At that time, Ben Elder will match you guys for fun!”

When Xuan Kun and others heard this, their expressions couldn’t help but change drastically.

They are now trapped in the space created by this strong soul demon clan. Once the body is destroyed, the soul will inevitably be affected.

By the time.

They want to contend with this strong soul demon clan, I am afraid it is even more difficult.

Xuankun took a deep breath and quickly said to Jiang Chen: “Human Emperor, we must break this space immediately, and we must not let the two soul demons destroy our bodies!”

“Don’t worry, they won’t have a chance. It’s just a matter of Yiyin to break through this space!”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, directly stimulating his soul power with all his strength, and then Yiyin smashed into the endless void.

This seal swallowed the world and directly smashed this dark space into a huge hole.

To the end.

The entire dark world was trembling and distorted, and then there was a sound like a mirror shattering, and it broke with a bang.

at the same time.

Jiang Chen and their souls also returned to their own bodies.

On the other side, the eighth-order demon god of the soul demon clan’s aura became extremely sluggish in an instant.

He raised his head to look at Jiang Chen, and there was also an unconcealable panic in his eyes.

The Ancient Seal of Extinguishing Soul is too great for their restraint of the Soul Demon Race.

And the human emperor palace in front of him was the emperor of the world, and he had the strength not inferior to that of the god king Eighth Stage, and then he displayed the ancient seal of extinguishing souls, even he was completely unstoppable.

“let’s go!”

This soul demon clan powerhouse obviously also knows that there is this human emperor palace here as the emperor of the world, and they are gone today.

I saw him screaming at the two clansmen beside him, and then he turned and fled towards the distance without looking back…

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