Chapter 2285 God King Fifth Stage Sky

People in the imperial tower.

Everyone who enters it is in an independent world, accepting the test of the will of the emperor of the past, layer by layer.

With the passage of time, many people fell out of the Human Sovereign Tower in embarrassment.


These people have been unable to pass the higher level of the human will test, and have been eliminated.

After reaching the 20th floor.

There were still ascending light spots in the Human Emperor Pagoda, only five light spots remained, and there was almost no movement in the rest of the light spots.


There are only five people left in the Human Emperor Pagoda who still have the ability to continue through the barriers.

The twenty-first floor of Renhuang Tower is an independent space.

Yi Daoist Ying’s face was slightly pale and stood before the will lights of Snow Sword Emperor Jiang Shun.

This Daoist shadow is Jiang Yu, the genius of the Palace of Human Beings controlled by Jiang Chen.

As the genius of the Jiang family second only to Jiang Xuan, Jiang Yu naturally participated in this human emperor trial.


With the strength of the Heavenly Peak of the God King Third Stage, after entering the 20th floor of the Human Emperor Pagoda, it obviously became a lot harder.

after all.

The will of the 20th-level human emperor just now is no weaker than that of the god king Fifth Stage.

Even with Jiang Yu’s strength, it took a great price to defeat him and reach the 21st floor of the Human Emperor Tower.

“Humanhuang Tower, it is really not that easy to break into, and I don’t know how many people have broken into this floor.”

Jiang Yu looked at the lights of the emperor’s will in front of him, and couldn’t help but let out a low murmur.

Although Jiang Yu didn’t have so many ideas about the position of the emperor since he was controlled by Jiang Chen, but if he could, he still hopes to win the position of the emperor candidate.


After the battle on the 20th floor just now, Jiang Yu knew very well that it would be difficult for him to break through the 21st floor of the Human Sovereign with his strength.

If there are more than three people in the Human Emperor Tower, he will probably be eliminated.

Shook his head.

Jiang Yu didn’t think too much anymore, and directly stepped into the bounds of the human emperor’s will.

The next moment…

He appeared in the Snow Sword Emperor Jiang Shun.

Snow Sword Emperor Jiang Shun did not speak, the power of the surrounding ice gathered in his palm into a long sword of ice, and then a sword slashed towards Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu’s expression changed drastically, and the amount of Internal Energy reached his limit in an instant, trying to block the oncoming sword.


The power of this sword completely surpassed Jiang Yu’s imagination.

All the power he burst out, in front of this icy Sword Ray, was like a piece of paper, and it collapsed when touched.

Just blink of an eye.

The ice Sword Ray shattered everything and slashed directly on Jiang Yu’s body.


Jiang Yu trembled, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

“The twenty-first-level human emperor’s will, the strength is no less inferior to the powerhouse of the god king Fifth Stage heaven peak. As expected, I can’t pass it.”

Jiang Yu gave a wry smile, and quickly chose to abandon the tower, and then was transmitted from the twenty-first floor of the Human Sovereign Tower by a force.

“Look, Jiang Yu has also emerged from the 21st floor of the Human Emperor Tower.”

“Now there are only four people in the Human Emperor Pagoda, Jiang Xuan of the Jiang Clan, Ji Qianye of the Ji Clan, Ye Xingdust of the Ye Clan, and the kid named Jiang Chen.”


Everyone’s eyes were locked tightly on the top few light spots of the Human Emperor Tower.

According to the rules of this human emperor trial, three human emperor candidates will be selected through the human emperor tower.

In other words.

As long as one of the four is eliminated, the remaining three will be candidates for the emperor.

“You said that among the four people in the Human Emperor Tower, who will be eliminated next?”

“In terms of strength, it is Jiang Xuan and Ji Qianye, the two Central Territory Top Ten Talents, who are stronger. In all likelihood, the one eliminated will be one of Ye Xingchen and Jiang Chen.”

“That’s not necessarily. Don’t you think the name Jiang Chen is familiar? If I guess it right, he is the peerless evildoer who defeated Long Jiuhan in the ancient Shenfeng tribe!”

“It turned out to be him. It seems that the one who was eliminated is most likely the one from the Night Clan.”


Everyone couldn’t help but talk.

Long Jiuhan of the ancient sacred dragon clan, ranked among the top ten arrogances of the Central Region, was one place higher than Ji Qianye.

If Jiang Chen really was the one who became famous in the first battle of the ancient gods and phoenix clan, this time the candidate for the emperor would definitely have his place.

The fact is as everyone expected.

Soon after Jiang Yu came out of the Human Emperor Pagoda, Ye Xingdust of the Ye Clan also retreated from the twenty-first floor of the Human Emperor Pagoda in embarrassment.

Like Jiang Yu, Ye Xingchen’s strength is also at the peak of the God King’s Third Stage.

Although it took him longer to reach the Heavenly Peak of the God King Third Stage than Jiang Yu, he could not cross the hurdle of Snow Sword Emperor Jiang Shun.

With Ye Xingdust out.

According to the rules of the human emperor’s trial this time, the three people who have already passed through the 21st floor of the human emperor tower have all become candidates for the emperor.


The three people in the Human Sovereign Tower didn’t know this, and they still launched an attack towards a higher level.


Even if they knew the situation of the outside world, I am afraid they would not just give up.

after all.

The Tower of Human Emperor is also a good opportunity for them. The more layers they traverse, the more recognition of the will of Human Emperor, and thus more benefits.

The three of them continuously attacked the top of the human emperor pagoda in this way, lighting up the human emperor pagoda one after another.

After going on like this for a while, Ji Qianye obviously reached the limit when he was on the 30th floor, becoming the first of the three to come out of the Human Emperor Tower.

So far.

Only Jiang Chen and Jiang Xuan were left in the Royal Tower.

on the square.

Almost everyone’s eyes were staring at the Human Emperor Pagoda at this moment, wanting to know exactly where these two people could go.

On the 29th floor of the Human Sovereign Tower, Jiang Chen cut out the golden ancient sword in his hand, defeating this level of Human Sovereign Will in an understatement, and gained the power of this level of Human Sovereign Will.

And at this moment.

A pleasant system prompt sounded directly in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! Your Cultivation Base breakthrough God King Fifth Stage Heaven!”

After experiencing the Snow Sword Emperor Jiang Shun, Jiang Chen successively broke through the eighth floor of the Human Emperor Pagoda, and was nourished by the will of the eight Daoist Emperors, and finally succeeded in breaking through the Fifth Stage of the God King!


Jiang Chen also discovered that the will of the emperor in this man’s emperor tower, although the will of the emperor at each level is left by the emperor of an older age, it does not mean that the strength will be stronger.

For example, from the 22nd to the 29th floors, there is hardly any Daoist emperor’s will, which can rival the Snow Sword Emperor Jiang Shun.


The human emperor’s will in the human emperor tower has a lot to do with the strength in front of him.

Although it is said that the emperors of the human emperor palace have reached the existence of the god king Ninth Stage in the Cultivation Base, there is still a big gap in their strengths.

And the Snow Sword Emperor Jiang Shun, even in the Palace of Human Emperors, is a very amazing existence.

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