Chapter 2282 Human Emperor Tower Appears, Trial Opens

When Jiang Wuya said this, it also made the complexions of Jiang Tianjun and the three people look bad.

In order to make Jiang Wuya lose the qualification to participate in the Human Sovereign Trial, they made a special rule to restrict Jiang Wuya.


They obviously didn’t expect it.

After restraining Jiang Wuya, Jiang Wuya unexpectedly popped up another son.

Although they didn’t want Jiang Chen to participate in the Human Emperor’s Trial, this kid was completely in line with the rules of participating in the Human Emperor’s Trial, and they had no reason to stop Jiang Chen.


It’s better to let this kid participate in the human emperor’s trial than to let Jiang Wuya participate in the human emperor’s trial.

after all.

After Jiang Wuya entered the ancestral land of the Jiang clan, the Cultivation Base reached the Seventh Stage of the God King in one fell swoop, and his combat power was far better than the average God King Seventh Stage Heavenly Powerhouse.

Even the old guys of the God King Seventh Stage Heaven, facing Jiang Wuya almost have no chance of winning.

If Jiang Wuya participated in the Human Sovereign Trial, he would almost be invincible.

Although this kid named Jiang Chen is also very extraordinary, he already has the Cultivation Base of God King Fourth Stage, but he is still a bit short of Jiang Xuan, the first arrogant of the Jiang Clan.

Jiang Tianjun didn’t say much.

I saw that his hands quickly formed a series of mysterious handprints, and he constantly punched out toward a clearing in the center of the square.


The entire square was as if it had been hit by an earthquake, and the ground began to shake.


Accompanied by a violent sound, I saw that in the Qianzhang area in the center of the square, a strange building exuding the atmosphere of ancient times slowly emerged from the ground.

When Jiang Chen saw this, he couldn’t help but stunned slightly: “Father, this is…”

“The Tower of the Human Emperor, a dust-covered building under the Hall of the Emperor of the Human Emperor. The Palace of the Human Emperor was born, and all the emperors of the previous generations need to go inside the Tower of the Human Emperor.”

Jiang Wuya looked solemnly and solemnly: “In the Human Emperor Tower, there is the will left by the Human Emperor Hall of the past generations. Only by entering it and getting their approval can you be eligible to inherit the throne.”


A look of surprise appeared in Jiang Chen’s eyes: “If you don’t recognize it, you can get their approval?”

“If in the past, no one was recognized by the emperor’s will of the past generations, he would not be eligible to inherit the throne of the emperor.”

“Because of this, the Human Sovereign Palace has not been able to give birth to the Human Sovereign for a long time.”

“But this time the human emperor trial should be different. They decided to choose three candidates for the human emperor through the human emperor tower, and then choose an heir to the emperor from the three.”

Jiang Wuya smiled slightly and said, “Regardless of the rules this time, with your strength, there shouldn’t be any problems with taking the top three.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t deny it.

Among the many geniuses in the Palace of Human Emperors, the only one who can cause a trace of trouble to him is probably only Jiang Xuan, the first arrogant of the Jiang clan.

But that’s it.


While Jiang Chen and his son were talking, the Human Emperor Tower also slowly emerged from the ground under everyone’s gaze.

This is a huge tower made of mysterious metal. The huge tower is thousands of feet tall and exudes a faint metallic luster, giving people an unpredictable feeling.

“The Human Emperor Tower is the ultimate road to the birth of the new emperor in our Human Emperor Palace. The next Human Emperor Trial will also be held in the Human Emperor Tower. Now I announce the rules of this Human Emperor Trial… ”

After Jiang Tianjun summoned the Human Emperor Tower, his faint voice also resounded over the square.

There are countless levels in the Human Sovereign Tower, and each layer retains the will of a Human Sovereign. The Human Sovereign Trial is to enter the Human Sovereign Tower and accept the test of the Human Sovereign’s will.

The more layers of the tower, the more recognition of the will of the emperor.

In this trial of the emperor, he has already reached the top three levels of the tower, and the top three can become a candidate for the emperor.


If someone can pass the Imperial Tower, they can directly inherit the throne of the Emperor!

After Jiang Tianjun introduced the rules of the Emperor’s Trial, he couldn’t help but swept his eyes slightly on the square, and said indifferently: “Now I announce that the trial of the Emperor is officially open!”

Boom boom boom…

As Jiang Tianjun’s voice fell, many people on the square who were preparing to participate in the human emperor’s trial exploded with all their strength and rushed towards the gate of the human emperor tower.

“The position of the emperor is my Jiang Xuan!”

The god King Jiang Xuan’s Fifth Stage’s momentum burst to the extreme in an instant, directly shuddering and retreating from the surrounding people, and then took the lead, the first to flash into the Human Sovereign Tower.

Immediately afterwards.

Ji Qianye and other Divine King Realm Tianjiao followed closely behind.

“Chen’er, Human Emperor Tower is not simple. In the history of Human Emperor Palace, many people have fallen into it. Be careful.”

Upon seeing this, Jiang Wuya couldn’t help but solemnly reminded Jiang Chen.

“Father rest assured.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, stepped directly out, and sank into the gate of the Human Emperor Tower.

After Jiang Chen entered the Human Emperor Pagoda, he only felt a flower in front of him, and then he had come to an unfamiliar space.

This space is very quiet, and there are no other people around.

All the people who entered the Human Emperor Tower before him just now seemed to not be in this space.

Jiang Chen swept slightly, his gaze fell on a golden stone sculpture in the center.

Above the stone sculpture, there was a bright light that kept burning.

Looking at the quietly burning blue flame, Jiang Chen could clearly sense that there seemed to be an inexplicable pressure in the flame.

Behind the lantern, there is a ladder suspended in the void, and the ladder is connected to a mysterious light door.

If Jiang Chen guessed right, it should be the entrance to the lower level of the Human Emperor Tower.

“This Man’s Tower is really a weird place.”

Jiang Chen murmured to himself, and then he couldn’t help but took a deep breath, and then carefully walked towards the eternal light.

In this moment of space, the only thing that can bring him oppression is the flame on the ever-bright lamp.

Tell him directly that the will of the human emperor remaining on each layer of the human emperor tower should be hidden in this ever-bright lamp.

The fact is just as Jiang Chen expected.

When he entered the range of one hundred meters of the eternal lamp, a powerful force of will in the eternal lamp burst out, then turned into a golden light, oppressing Jiang Chen.

“Ancient Seal of Destroying Soul!”

Jiang Chen had no expression on his face, and the handprints that had been brewed in the palm of his palms were shot out as fast as lightning, shattering the oncoming golden light.

“Is this the human emperor’s will…”

Jiang Chen Yiyin defeated the golden light erupting from the Everlight, and his brows couldn’t help but twisted together tightly.

Although he didn’t know what was going on when other people entered the Human Emperor Tower, the will of the First Daoist Emperor he faced was at least comparable to the third stage of the God King.

If the will of the human emperor on each level of the human emperor tower will become stronger than the previous level, it would be no easy task to clear the human emperor tower.

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