Chapter 227 Bet One Million If You Want To Gamble!

The sudden sneer also made Jiang Chen stunned.

He looked at the voice and found Meng Chen was looking at him with a sneer on his face.

“How do you want to bet with me?”

Jiang Chen looked at Meng Chen lightly, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“Jiang Chen, your Wu Kui, who is dignified in the nine prefectures and martial arts, will definitely challenge that Longbang student to get the qualification to be directly promoted to the inner courtyard student.”

“In that case, let’s bet on whoever insists on more tricks in the hands of that Longbang student!”

Meng Chen said coldly: “If anyone loses, give the opponent one hundred thousand low-grade spars, what do you think?”

One hundred thousand low-grade spars are almost all of Meng Chen’s possessions.

In order to bet against Jiang Chen in this game, Meng Chen obviously also made a lot of money!

“not so good.”

Jiang Chen curled his lips and said, “I’m not interested in your gambling game!”

As a local tyrant with 20 million low-grade spar.

Jiang Chen simply didn’t like this 100,000 spar bet.

“Jiang Chen, I didn’t expect that you, the Wu Kui who is capable of martial arts in the Nine Houses, would actually be a fool!”

Meng Chen stared at Jiang Chen provocatively: “Aren’t you afraid?”


“It’s just you, but you don’t have the qualifications to scare me!”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth turned up slightly: “I am really not interested in the gambling game of one hundred thousand low-grade spars. If you want to bet one million spars, I can consider it.”

This kid… actually wants to bet a million low-grade spars!

Meng Chen’s face suddenly changed.

One million low-grade spar, this is not a small sum.

Even as a genius disciple of the Meng family, he only receives tens of thousands of low-grade spars in the Meng family every month.

Excluding what he usually uses for cultivation, the total amount of spars on his body now amounts to no more than 100,000.

“This kid proposed a million spar bet, and 80% wanted to let me quit!”

Meng Chen’s eyes flickered slightly, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

As a genius disciple of the first Martial Dao family in the Great Xia Kingdom, how could Meng Chen be frightened by Jiang Chen’s gambling game!

Since this kid took the initiative to send it to the door, why didn’t he take advantage of Jiang Chen to win a million low-grade spar? ”

“Jiang Chen, if you want to use the million spar bet to make me retreat, then your abacus may be wrong!”

“You want to bet a million, I will accompany you!”

Meng Chen looked at Jiang Chen with a sneer: “This time, you should have no reason to refuse.”

“Haha…that kid actually dared to bet with Brother Chen for a hundred low-grade spars!”

“I think he has too many spars to spend, so send one million to Brother Chen.”

“Brother Chen, if you win in a while, don’t forget to give it to us.”

And at this moment.

The Meng family disciples beside Meng Chen quickly flattered Meng Chen.


“When I win, I will give you 50,000 low-grade spar!”

Meng Chen also said vigorously.

He is the strongest genius of the Meng family this year, even among all freshmen, his strength is one of the best.

To beat Jiang Chen with his strength, isn’t it a matter of grasping at your fingertips?

And when Jiang Chen and Meng Chen set a million gambling game.

However, the admission assessment is proceeding in an orderly manner.

It took less than ten minutes.

Several freshmen who challenged Yuqi Ninth Stage have all failed one after another.

There was even a family genius from Xiantian First Stage who was defeated by the student of Yuqi Ninth Stage!

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