Chapter 2240 Within ten breaths, you will die if you don’t roll!

“Phoenix Maha?”

Looking at the feathers in Gu Feng’er’s palm, even the indifferent witch torture, a look of surprise appeared in her eyes.

Phoenix True Feather!

This is the feather of the ancient beast Phoenix, a treasure made with the terrifying power to ban everything.

They thought.

With the strength of the two Jiang Chen, it is not an easy task to quietly perform the divine restraint and trap the immeasurable divine tree.

Now with this Phoenix Maya, there is no big problem.

Gu Fenger quickly urged Phoenix Zhenyu.

I saw Phoenix Zhenyu directly turned into a red light, shooting towards the space where the immeasurable divine fruit was located, and then turned into a red light curtain, covering all the space with a radius of one hundred meters.

And while Gu Feng’er urged Phoenix True Feather to imprison the space of a hundred meters, the Immeasurable Divine Tree obviously felt the strangeness of the surrounding space.

I saw a strange energy wave, also slowly rippling up in that space.


A small almost transparent sapling emerged out of thin air from the banned space by Phoenix True Feather.

“Is this the immeasurable sacred tree?”

Jiang Chen looked at the young sapling that had emerged out of thin air, and a strange expression could not help appearing in his eyes.

This sapling is not big, only Zhang Xulai high, the whole body is crystal clear.

At the very top of the young sapling, there was a fist-sized fruit hanging impressively.

This fruit is also crystal clear, looking like a pure crystal, with the power of a vast avenue faintly permeating from the fruit.

The young sapling didn’t grow in the soil, it just floated in mid-air and scurryed around.


Because Phoenix Zhenyu blocked the surrounding space, the young sapling could not communicate with the power of heaven and earth.

No matter how chaotic it is, it is impossible to escape.

“Brother Wu, this immeasurable fruit…”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and couldn’t help looking at the witchcraft.

In this ancient land of burial gods, witch punishment, the existence that knows very well about the ancient land of burial gods, is undoubtedly very important to them.

Although Jiang Chen wanted to obtain this immeasurable fruit, he was also prepared to discuss the ownership of the immeasurable fruit.

“The immeasurable divine fruit belongs to you. You just need to remember to enter that mountain range in a while and help me fetch one thing.”

Wu Xing waved his hand and said indifferently, “Quickly take the immeasurable fruit and leave, in case it is too late to change.”

“Jiang Chen Big Brother, I urge Phoenix Zhenyu to completely imprison the Immeasurable God Tree. Are you ready to collect the Immeasurable Fruit.”

At this moment, Gu Feng’er also said directly.

Jiang Chen nodded: “Okay!”

Gu Feng’er didn’t talk nonsense, she just wanted to urge Phoenix Zhenyu, but several powerful aura fluctuations came from behind them.

Naturally, these changes were also noticed by Jiang Chen.

Their gazes couldn’t help but follow the breath fluctuations in the rear.


Three Daoist shadows also quickly appeared in Jiang Chen’s eyes.

As soon as these three people appeared, their eyes quickly fell on the immeasurable divine fruit, and their expressions immediately became sluggish.

“This is… the legendary immeasurable fruit?”

After the sluggishness lasted for a moment, the old man who led the God King Third Stage Sky couldn’t help but let out an incredible scream!

And behind him.

The two god kings, First Stage, stared straight at the immeasurable god fruit, and there was an extremely hot expression in their eyes.

Immeasurable fruit!

This is at least the heaven and earth god fruit of the Ascension First Stage Cultivation Base!

If they can get immeasurable fruits, it will be enough to save them millions or even tens of millions of years of cultivation time.

“Girl, you and Brother Wu collect the immeasurable fruit, I will solve these three guys!”

Jiang Chen’s gaze was cold, and he flashed directly to block the front of the three of them.

When the god king Third Stage saw this, he couldn’t help but sternly shouted at Jiang Chen: “Boy, if you are more acquainted, you will get rid of me immediately, otherwise I will let you die here!”

In front of these three young people, apart from the woman who possessed the strength of the Divine King Realm, the remaining two of them were still in the Heavenly Sovereign Realm.

But the woman trapped the Boundless God Tree at this moment and couldn’t get out of her body at all.

It shouldn’t be a difficult thing for them to solve these three people and snatch the immeasurable divine fruit.

“Within ten breaths, you will die if you don’t roll!”

Jiang Chen stared at the three of them with cold eyes, and there was a sense of murderous intent spreading all over his body.

“Boy, the immeasurable fruit is not something you just a few hairy boys can have, kill them!”

The God King Third Stage screamed coldly, and rushed over with the two men beside him murderously.

The immeasurable divine fruit, for any strong god king realm, has a fatal temptation.

Such a God King Third Stage Heavenly Elder obviously didn’t want to waste time, he planned to make a quick battle and get the immeasurable fruit at the fastest speed.


Once the immeasurable divine fruit is exposed, it may not be so easy to obtain the immeasurable divine fruit with his strength.

“act recklessly!”

The cold light in Jiang Chen’s eyes rose sharply, and the golden ancient sword flashed out of thin air, then turned into a mysterious Sword Ray and slashed at the three of them.

One sword transforms everything!

In order to avoid the battle fluctuations attracting more powerhouses, Jiang Chen didn’t keep the slightest hand at all, and as soon as he shot, he fully used the Azure Emperor Sword Technique.

call out!

The mysterious Sword Ray instantly crossed time and space, and a sword pierced through the bodies of the three of them.


The three of them discovered to their horror that the own Cultivation Base was falling continuously at a terrifying speed.

Just blink of an eye.

The three of them had already turned into mortals without the slightest Cultivation Base, and fell to the ground with a bang from mid-air.

They looked up at Jiang Chen standing proudly in mid-air, their expressions were extremely frightened.

“You…who are you?”

They never thought of it.

The young man in black who seemed to have only the Cultivation Base in the Celestial Realm in front of him had such a terrifying strength.

Just an understatement of the sword, they abolished the three Divine King Realm.

Even the Transcendent Heavenly Sovereign Realm on the Zhongyu Tianjiao list, it is impossible for them to be so perverted.

Jiang Chen’s face was indifferent, and he didn’t answer the three of them at all.

He directly swung his sword to cut out three Sword Qi, and under the desperate and horrified eyes of the three, he completely strangled the three people’s bodies and spirits into nothingness.

And while Jiang Chen beheaded the three.

Gu Fenger also fully urged Phoenix Zhenyu to completely imprison the Immeasurable Divine Tree in mid-air. Wu Xing also took this opportunity to easily pluck the Immeasurable Divine Fruit.

“It’s not advisable to stay here for a long time. Let’s leave here first.”

Wu Xing threw the immeasurable god fruit to Jiang Chen, and then turned directly towards the depths of the mountain stream.

Jiang Chen harvested the immeasurable fruit, and Gu Feng’er also harvested Phoenix True Feather, allowing the immeasurable tree to escape, and then quickly disappeared into the ancient mountain forest following the witch punishment.

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