Chapter 224 Yan Huang Wuyuan!

“Jiang Chen, since you are looking for death by yourself, then I will fulfill you!”

“I want to see, you Wukui of Jiufu Huiwu, what can you do to be arrogant in front of me!”

Meng Chen’s eyes were cold.

With a move of his palm, a blood-red spear flashed out of his palm in an instant.

“Stop it all!”

Just when Meng Chen was about to take action to clean up Jiang Chen’s meal, an old anger suddenly resounded in the air!

Meng Chen’s face changed suddenly.

He raised his head slightly and saw Xia Donghuang descend from the sky and appeared in front of them in the blink of an eye.

“I don’t care what kind of grudges you have, whoever dares to do something in front of me, then get out of here!”

“If you want to do it, after entering the Yanhuang Wuyuan, you have a chance!”

“Now… everyone is coming with me!”

Xia Donghuang said coldly, and then strode out of the city.

“Hmph… If you are lucky, when you enter the Yanhuang Martial Arts Academy, I will want you to look good!”

Meng Chen snorted coldly, put away his spear, and turned around to follow Xia Donghuang’s pace.

Jiang Chen and others also followed quickly.

Yanhuang Wuyuan, the Yanhuang Mountain a hundred or three hundred miles away from the imperial city of the Great Xia Kingdom.

An hour later.

Jiang Chen and the others came to Yanhuang Mountain.

Xia Donghuang walked forward with a group of people in Yanhuang Mountain for ten minutes, and finally stopped in an empty mountain forest.


Seeing Xia Donghuang’s palm moved, a token flashing with strange light flew out in an instant.

And at the moment the token flew out.

Even if Jiang Chen and the others were horrified, the space ten meters away had actually become distorted.

After a while.

In that twisted space, a gate emitting a strange light also emerged in front of Jiang Chen and the others.

“Yanhuang Wuyuan is here, come in with me.”

Xia Donghuang said lightly, and then stepped into the light door in front of him with a flash of figure.

When Jiang Chen and the others saw this, they didn’t hesitate at all, and hurriedly stepped into it.

The next moment.

When Jiang Chen opened their eyes.

One after another, tall college towers and all kinds of weird buildings appeared in their sight.

“Is this the Yanhuang Martial Arts Academy!”

“It is rumored that the ancestors of Yanhuang Wuyuan used formation to hide Yanhuangwuyuan in Yanhuang Mountain. When I saw it today, it was indeed well-deserved.”

Seeing the surroundings, many students couldn’t help but exclaim.

“Little guys, from now on, you have officially become students of Yanhuang Wuyuan.”

Xia Donghuang’s expression turned straight: “According to the usual practice, after entering the Yanhuang Wuyuan, you will face an assessment. Follow me to the assessment location.”

Hearing Xia Donghuang’s words, many students were in an uproar.

“Aren’t we already students of the Yanhuang Wuyuan Academy, why should we participate in the assessment?”

“Yanhuang Wuyuan established this admission assessment to assess the potential of new students. It is said that those who perform well in the assessment can be directly promoted to inner courtyard students!”

“Damn! Then I must seize the opportunity and strive to enter the inner courtyard directly!”

Hearing that he has performed well in the admission assessment, he can be directly promoted to the inner courtyard students, and many people can’t help but gear up.

Under the leadership of Xia Donghuang.

About five minutes later, Jiang Chen and the others came to a huge square.

on the square.

There are already hundreds of Daoist shadows gathered here.

With the appearance of Jiang Chen and the others, everyone’s eyes fell on Jiang Chen and the others…

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