Chapter 2229

After Jiang Chen broke the ban on the key of the Moon God Palace, he naturally did not intend to stay in the Tianji God Building.

He greeted Gu Feng’er directly, and was about to go to look for Moon God Palace.

“Jiang Chen Big Brother, we seem to have been targeted.”

After leaving the Heavenly Jishen Tower, Gu Feng’er sensed something in an instant, and couldn’t help but whisper to Jiang Chen.

“Don’t worry about them, let’s go.”

Jiang Chen felt a few faint auras coming from behind him, and the corners of his mouth could not help but lifted up a slight arc.

It took him more than three months for the ban on the Insight key of the Tianji Shenlou, and there were still people waiting for him in Tianji City.

These guys really can stand loneliness.


Jiang Chen didn’t care too much.

As long as there is no strong person over the Seventh Stage of the God King to take action, no one can snatch the key to the Moon God Palace from his hand!

Jiang Chen didn’t mean to conceal his whereabouts at all. He left the Tianji City swaggeringly, and then swept towards the sky south of Tianji City.

But shortly after Jiang Chen left the Heavenly Mystery City, two or three figures followed one after another in the direction Jiang Chen had left.

Jiang Chen walked all the way south, and finally stopped over an inaccessible mountain 100,000 miles south of Tianji City.

He stood proudly on top of the void, his eyes calmly looked at a void behind him, and his faint voice resounded directly in this piece of heaven and earth.

“Since your Excellency is here, why hide sneakily in the dark?”

Following Jiang Chen’s words, a shadow of the old man covered in black light also appeared ghostly from the void thousands of feet away.

He looked at Jiang Chen and the other two, and he couldn’t help but let out a sneer.

“Tsk tut…boy, I didn’t expect you to perceive it well, and you could discover my existence.”

Jiang Chen looked at the black-robed old man who appeared out of thin air, his expression did not change at all, he just asked indifferently: “Who is your Excellency, why do you want to follow us?”

“Boy, why did I come, you must be very clear in your heart.”

“The key to the Moon God Palace is not something that a little hairy kid can possess.”

“I don’t want to talk nonsense with you. If you want to survive, just give me a little bit of acquaintance and hand over the key to the Moon God Palace.”

The black-robed old man gazed at Jiang Chen gloomily, and a sharp chill spread from him instantly.

Jiang Chen’s eyes were slightly cold, and the corner of his mouth could not help but set off a contemptuous sneer: “The old thing, relying on the Cultivation Base of the third stage of the god king, wants to snatch the key to the Moon God Palace from my hand, I am afraid that he is not qualified! ”

“Boy, I know that there is a God King Third Stage Heaven’s arrogant beside you. I really can’t help you by myself.”

The black-robed old man’s voice fell sharply, and the three Daoist shadows quickly stepped out from behind him, and merged with the black-robed old man.

Among the three Daoist shadows, one of the gray-robed middle-aged and the black-robed old man is almost the same in strength, and they are all Cultivation Bases of the God King Third Stage.

The remaining two are the young Tianjiao who are in the three-star Tianzun.

“Jiang Chen Big Brother, is a member of the Iron Sword God Sect and the Dark Shadow God Sect.”

Gu Feng’er glanced slightly over the three of them, and couldn’t help but whisper to Jiang Chen.

After Gu Feng’er came to God’s Domain Continent, although she had been practicing in the ancient God’s Phoenix Clan for many years, she knew little about many forces in God’s Domain.

But for the young Tianjiao on the Zhongyu Tianjiao list, Gu Fenger still knew after all.

Among the two young people in front of them, one of them was Tieli, the god son of the Shenzong Iron Sword, ranked 46th in the Zhongyu Tianjiao ranking.

The other was Qiu Wuying, the son of Shenzong Black Shadow, ranked 41st on the Zhongyu Tianjiao list.

Jiang Chen looked extremely cold.

No matter who it is, since he dared to hit the key of the Moon God Palace, he would make him pay a heavy price for it.

“Brother Mo, the two of us pin down the girl of the God King Third Stage Heaven, let the two juniors deal with that kid and seize the key to the Moon God Palace.”

On the other side, the black-robed old man didn’t talk nonsense, and directly faced the middle-aged man in gray.

The girl on the opposite side has the power of the God King Third Stage Heaven at such an age, which is by no means an ordinary God King Third Stage Heaven.

If it is alone, I am afraid that neither of them will be opponents.


As long as the two of them hold the girl in check, leaving the boy in the heavenly realm, it shouldn’t be a worry.

To know.

The two next to them are the top fifty young Tianjiao in the Zhongyu Tianjiao list.

When the two of them work together, unless it is the Heavenly Venerable Realm of Jiang Yu’s level, almost no one will be the opponent of the two.

With the strength of the two, is it not easy to clean up the Maotou boy in the Heavenly Venerable Realm in front of you?

“Do it, just in case it changes later!”

The gray-clothed middle-aged’s eyes flashed with cold light, and he stepped straight out, carrying a terrifying kendo power, oppressing Gu Feng’er overwhelmingly.

Gu Feng’er’s pretty face was cold, and a wave of burning sky divine flame instantly spread out from his body, burning all the overwhelming kendo divine power.

She looked down at the gray-clothed middle-aged two indifferently, her cold voice resounding through the world.

“The Iron Sword God Sect and the Heili God Sect, relying on your two second-rate god king forces, dare to attack me, Gu Feng’er. I think you are impatient with your life, right?”

Gu Feng’er’s words also changed the expressions of the gray-robed middle-aged man and the black-robed old man.

Heavenly Phoenix Goddess Gu Feng’er!

They had already heard of the Heavenly Phoenix goddess who was canonized by the ancient gods and phoenix clan not long ago, but they had never seen it before.

They obviously didn’t expect it.

The heavenly phoenix goddess of the dignified ancient gods and phoenix tribe would actually follow a Maotou boy in the heavenly realm!

“Goddess Tianfeng, today I’m only here for that kid. It has nothing to do with you. Please don’t interfere.”

The middle-aged in grey clothes suppressed the horror in his heart, and said solemnly to Gu Feng’er.

“What are you guys dare to hit me on Jiang Chen Big Brother’s idea?”

Gu Feng’er snorted coldly and said in a murderous manner: “Give you ten breaths of time, and immediately disappear from us, otherwise don’t blame me for being merciless!”

“Goddess of Heavenly Phoenix, since you insist on interfering in this matter, you should blame us for being impolite.”

The gray-clothed middle-aged man and the black-robed old man looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and rushed towards Gu Feng’er almost at the same time.

Now that they have taken the shot today, they obviously don’t want to give up easily.

As long as the two of them hold Gu Feng’er, the two god-tiers behind them can easily solve the remaining kid and take the key to the Moon God Palace.

“act recklessly!”

Gu Feng’er’s pretty face was cold, and the monstrous Fire Dao divine power suddenly swept out of her body, causing the whole world to instantly turn into a sea of ​​fire.

And at the same time that Gu Fenger and the three of them were doing it.

Tie Li and Qiu Wuying did not hesitate, and directly killed Jiang Chen without mercy.

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