Chapter 2224 Great Dao Heaven Pill

Dadao Tiandan!

This is the heaven-defying divine pill that allows the Tianzun realm to prove 100% of the Taoist King realm.

It can be said.

Looking at the entire Divine Realm, there is hardly any practitioner of the Celestial Realm who can resist the temptation of the Great Dao Heavenly Pill.

after all.

It’s too difficult for the Heavenly Sovereign Realm to break through the Divine King Realm.

In the realm of God, there are at least 90% of the Heavenly Venerable Realm, and it is difficult to insight into the road and breakthrough the realm of God King in a lifetime.

Even these Tianjiao figures in the Zhongyu Tianjiao list are not 100% sure that they will be able to successfully prove the Dao God King.

It is precisely because of this.

This avenue of heaven pill will be even more precious.


Although Dadao Tiandan is a rare and peerless god pill, it does not have much appeal to the two Jiang Chen.

Gu Feng’er had already proven the Dao God King, and the Dao Tian Dan naturally didn’t mean much to her.

Jiang Chen has a system in his body, and every time he breaks through Realm, he will not be subject to any restrictions. As long as his Cultivation Base reaches the peak of the Heavenly Venerable Realm, breaking through the Divine King Realm is just a breeze.


Jiang Chen did not pay too much attention to the Dao Tian Dan, and directly asked a key question: “Brother Xu, is there an auction item called the Moon God Stone at this auction?”

“I checked the treasure list of the Tianji God Building auction, but I didn’t find the Moon God Stone you were looking for.”

Xu Yangshan shook his head, then looked at Jiang Chen and said, “But since Master said that there will be clues to the Moon God Stone in the auction, there must be.”

Jiang Chen nodded and said no more, quietly waiting for the start of the auction.

Under such quiet waiting, an hour passed away quietly.

During this time, some figures came to the ancient temple one after another.

To the end.

In the entire ancient temple, there are more than one hundred Daoist shadows, among them, there are at least 30 of the great powers of the gods.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen was also amazed.

The Tianji Shenlou auction was indeed well-deserved, and it was able to attract so many powerful people to participate.


Just as Jiang Chen was amazed, a melodious and crisp bell suddenly resounded in the quiet ancient hall.


I saw a strange spatial fluctuation on the stone platform in the center of the ancient temple suddenly, with white hair and beard, like a dead old man, slowly emerging from the void of space.

Looking at the old man who appeared suddenly, Jiang Chen’s eyes couldn’t help but condensed slightly.

“The strength of this old guy is very strong!”

The strength of the old man in front of him has reached an extremely terrifying level.

Even the Fifth Stage Heavenly Powerhouse like the Sect Leader of the Northern Underworld God Sect cannot compare to the old guy in front of him.

Among the powerhouses he has seen, I am afraid that only the ancient Seventh Stage monster of the god king of the ancient Shenfeng clan can stabilize this guy.

This old guy is at least a powerhouse of God King Sixth Stage!

In an auction, two God Kings Third Stage guarded the gate, and one God King Sixth Stage came to host it.

I’m afraid that only Tianji Shenlou can get this kind of handwriting.

“Everyone, welcome everyone to come to this auction of Tianji Shenlou. The old man Tianbao is the host of the auction.”

The old man Tianbao swept his gaze in the ancient hall slightly, and said with a smile: “Presumably everyone is already waiting anxiously. I won’t say more nonsense, just start today’s auction.”

As soon as the old man Tianbao said this, everyone in the ancient temple was shocked.

Many people who were closing their eyes to rest their minds suddenly opened their eyes and focused their gazes on the old man Tianbao.

“Next, start auctioning today’s first auction item…”

When the old man Tianbao moved his palm, a palm-sized transparent jade bottle appeared in the void in front of him.

In this jade bottle, there was a drop of golden liquid faintly.

Although the jade bottle completely isolated the breath of the golden liquid, Jiang Chen could still feel the extraordinaryness of this golden liquid, and a vaguely invisible dragon might radiate out.

“This golden liquid…couldn’t it be the Blood Essence of an ancient saint dragon clan powerhouse?”

Jiang Chen stared at the golden liquid in the jade bottle, and a look of consternation appeared in his eyes.

“The first auction item in this auction, the Holy Dragon Blood Essence.”

“This drop of Holy Dragon Blood Essence was left by a strong man above the Seventh Stage of the ancient Holy Dragon Clan. It has infinite magical effects for any practitioner who is below the Seventh Stage of the Holy Dragon!”

“The starting price of Shenglong Blood Essence, one hundred thousand top-grade spar!”

The old man Tianbao announced with a smile.

Sure enough, it is the Holy Dragon Blood Essence.

Jiang Chen couldn’t help taking a breath of cold air in his heart.

At the auction of Jishenlou this day, the specifications were not as high as usual, and the first auction item turned out to be such a rare treasure.

The ancient holy dragon clan, this is the top big clan in the gods, and their strength can definitely be ranked in the top ten in the gods.


The ancient sacred dragons are extremely fancy bloodline. Anyone who dares to fight the ancient sacred dragon clan powerhouse Blood Essence’s idea, once discovered by the ancient sacred dragon clan, the end will be extremely miserable.

For example, the Jishen Building today actually put the Holy Dragon Blood Essence out for auction.

The entire God’s Domain Continent could only be able to auction the Holy Dragon Blood Essence so blatantly.

Holy Dragon Blood Essence, you can meet but not ask for it.

Obviously many people in the ancient palace were extremely moved and began to bid.

“One hundred thousand top grade god crystals!”

“One hundred twenty thousand top grade god crystals!”


Hearing the bidding of the people around, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but smack his tongue secretly.

Although this Holy Dragon Blood Essence is a good thing, the price is really outrageous. The starting price is one hundred thousand high-grade crystals, which is equivalent to one billion low-grade crystals.

not to mention……

Like Tianji Shenlou headquarters, such high-standard auctions, there is no way to look down on the high-grade Shenjing and the middle-grade Shenjing, and only the upper-grade Shenjing and the highest-quality Shenjing are traded.

Ordinary world god forces, I am afraid that they are bankrupt, and they may not be able to afford this drop of Holy Dragon Blood Essence.

In Jiang Chen’s amazement, the Holy Dragon Blood Essence was finally photographed by one of the young Tianjiao of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm for the price of 160,000 God Crystals.

Next, the auction will continue.

The auction items appearing at auctions are also becoming more and more dazzling.

Moreover, everything that can appear in this auction is invaluable, even the great power of the Divine King Realm is extremely greedy.


Although these items at the auction were rare, Jiang Chen did not easily sell them.

after all.

He came today mainly for the news of the Moon God Stone. Once the Tianji Shenlou really put this news on the auction, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

Although Jiang Chen was in charge of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace and possessed a lot of high-grade god crystals, he had no advantage compared with the powers of the gods on the Continent of the Gods.

He must keep the god crystal and strive to win the news of the moon god stone in one fell swoop!

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