Chapter 2222 News of the Moon God Stone

“Goddess Tianfeng, this matter has nothing to do with you, I advise you not to interfere!”

Jiang Yu’s complexion was ugly.

The ancient gods and phoenix clan, this is the top big clan in the Continent of the Gods.

If this Heavenly Phoenix Goddess insisted on interfering in this matter, it would not be an easy task for him to obtain Human Emperor Sword fragments.

“Jiang Yu, others may be afraid of your imperial palace, I am not afraid of Gu Fenger.”

“Since Jiang Chen Big Brother doesn’t plan to exchange with you, I advise you not to hit that piece of metal, otherwise Gu Feng’er will definitely not let you go!”

“Jiang Chen Big Brother, let’s go!”

After Gu Fenger finished speaking, she directly pulled Jiang Chen around Jiang Yu and left quickly.

Looking at the disappearing back of the two Jiang Chen, Jiang Yu’s expression also instantly became extremely gloomy.

Jiang Yu undoubtedly wanted the fragments of the Human Emperor Sword very much.

But now in Tianji City, Jiang Yu didn’t dare to take it easily.

after all.

Tianji Shenlou is powerful and mysterious, even in his capacity, he dare not break the rules of Tianji City.

not to mention……

On that day, the Phoenix Goddess was the arrogant figure of the God King Third Stage Heaven, and her combat power was definitely not inferior to the average God King Fourth Stage Heaven.

Although there is also a God King Fourth Stage Heavenly Powerhouse behind him, I am afraid that Gu Feng’er can’t be helped.

“Boy, you wait for me, even if you have the Heavenly Phoenix Goddess of the ancient gods and phoenix clan protect you, you can never escape from my Jiang Yu’s palm!”

Jiang Yu couldn’t help but suddenly shot out a sharp cold light in his eyes.

Since the fragments of the Human Emperor Sword were discovered by him, even at all costs, he will definitely get them into own hands!

“Young Master Yu, the young man in black should know the origin of that piece of metal…”

At this moment, the old man of God King Fourth Stage behind him suddenly spoke.

Jiang Yu immediately looked at the God King Fourth Stage Celestial Elder, with an incredulous expression on his face: “You said that kid knows that the piece of metal is a fragment of the Human Emperor Sword, how is this possible?”

The Human Emperor Sword is the Xiantian Dao Item in the hands of their Jiang Clan. Even among their Jiang clan, people who can see that the piece of metal is a fragment of the Human Emperor Sword are almost among the few.

How could that kid know the origin of that piece of metal?

The god king Fourth Stage said in a deep voice, “That kid should also be a member of the Jiang clan.”

“This is impossible!”

Jiang Yu said with a vetoed expression: “That kid doesn’t have the blood of the Jiang Clan at all, so how could he be a member of the Jiang Clan?”

“What method should the kid use to hide the aura of his own blood. Didn’t you find that he looks very similar to the one who returned to the Palace of Human Emperor?”

As the old man said this, Jiang Yu’s expression suddenly changed.

He quickly flashed the figure of the black-clothed youth in his mind, and found that his figure was superimposed with a Daoist shadow in his memory!

Jiang Wuya!

Could that young man in black just now have something to do with Jiang Wuya, who had returned to the Palace of Human Emperor?

Thought of this.

Jiang Yu’s complexion also became more and more gloomy.

If the young man in black just now was really Jiang Wuya’s descendant, and now the fragments of the Human Emperor Sword fell into his hands, once he returned to the Human Emperor Palace, this would be a very unfavorable thing for him.

“Old Kun, immediately let people investigate the details of that kid just now. I want to know all the information about that kid as soon as possible.”

Jiang Yu took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

If that kid was lucky enough to get the Human Sword Fragment, Jiang Yu wouldn’t care too much even if he was protected by the Heavenly Phoenix Goddess.

after all.

The Heavenly Phoenix Goddess could protect the kid for a while, but couldn’t protect the kid for a lifetime.

Once the Heavenly Phoenix Goddess left that kid, he could easily retrieve the Human Sword Shard back.

But if that kid was a descendant of Jiang Wuya, the descendant of Jiang Wuya, he would have to treat it with caution.

“Young Master Yu, don’t worry, I will let people investigate this matter, but we still need to go to the headquarters of the Tianji God Building. Don’t forget that the purpose of our trip is also very important.”

The god king Fourth Stage reminded the old man.

“Let’s go, go to the Tianji God Building headquarters first.”

Jiang Yu glanced at the place where both Jiang Chen and Chen had disappeared before turning around and heading towards the center of Heavenly Mystery City.

“Jiang Chen Big Brother, you have to be careful of Jiang Yu.”

“Even though the kid looks harmless to humans and animals, he uses extraordinary methods, and he doesn’t achieve his goal, so he doesn’t use any means.”

“As a member of the Jiang family of the Human Emperor Palace, I am afraid he has already seen that the piece of metal is a fragment of the Human Emperor Sword, so he will definitely not let it go.”

After Gu Feng’er took Jiang Chen away, she couldn’t help but remind Jiang Chen.

Although with Jiang Chen’s strength, Jiang Yu may not help him, but behind him there is such a behemoth as the Human Emperor Palace.

For this transcendent force that once dominated the Gods Realm Continent, even if it was as strong as the ancient gods and phoenix clan, it had to be afraid of it by three points.

“Don’t worry, I will be careful.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and the corners of his mouth could not help but lifted up a slight arc.

He had planned to use Jiang Yu to find out about his father Jiang Wuya. Even if Jiang Yu doesn’t come to him, he will take the initiative to find Jiang Yu.

If he could attract Jiang Yu to the door through the fragments of the Human Emperor Sword, it would save him a lot of trouble.


Jiang Chen and the other two wandered around in Tianji City for a while.


Jiang Chen never encountered the Human Sword Fragment which made him desperate to obtain, so naturally he did not easily make a move.

It was Gu Feng’er who exchanged a piece of the extremely rare phoenix sacred tree.

This sacred tree is said to be taken from the place where the god king Ninth Stage Tianhuofeng resides, and some of the earth’s divine power contained in it is of great help to Gu Feng’er’s cultivation.

“Jiang Chen Big Brother, there is news.”

After a while, Gu Feng’er finally received the news from the strong man of the ancient Shenfeng clan, and couldn’t help but look surprised and authentic.

When Jiang Chen heard the words, his expression couldn’t help but be slightly happy: “Girl, is there news about the Moon God Stone?”

“Jiang Chen Big Brother, the news of the Moon God Stone, it seems that the Tianji God Tower will not be sold separately.”

Gu Fengerdai’s eyebrows frowned slightly: “The senior said, if we want to know about the Moon God Stone, we will go to the upcoming auction at the Tianji God Tower headquarters.”

“Go to the auction?”

Jiang Chen’s eyes constricted suddenly.

That being said, wouldn’t the news of the Moon God Stone appear at the auction at the Tianji God Tower headquarters?

Could it be…

Tianji Shenlou intends to openly auction the news of the Moon God Stone at the auction?

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but sink slightly. If that was the case, it would undoubtedly be much more difficult for him to get news of the Moon God Stone.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the Tianji Shenlou to participate in the auction!”

Jiang Chen slowly took a breath, and a firm expression flashed in his eyes.

Regardless of whether the Tianji Shenlou will openly auction the news of the Moon God Stone.

This time, he is sure to get the news about the Moon God Stone!

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