Chapter 2220 Human Emperor Sword Fragment

Jiang Chen swept his gaze slightly on the stone platform, and immediately fell directly on a fist-sized golden object.

This golden object is a piece of metal with an extremely irregular shape, which looks like a missing part of some kind of weapon.

“What on earth is this that can have an induction with the golden ancient sword I got?”

Jiang Chen stared closely at this mysterious piece of metal of unknown material, and an incredible shock appeared in his eyes.

The mysterious metal in front of me can not only induce induction with the golden ancient sword, but also acts like a magnet, which has an inexplicable attraction to the golden ancient sword.

If he hadn’t forcibly controlled the golden ancient sword, I’m afraid the golden ancient sword had flown directly towards the mysterious metal.

Jiang Chen was in horror.

At the beginning, the golden ancient sword he obtained from the Void Demon Race could be integrated with the Emperor Sword of the Divine Body and Visionary Man, and obviously has a close relationship with the Man Emperor Sword in the top ten Xiantian Dao Item of the Gods Realm.

Now that this mysterious piece of metal can sense the golden ancient sword, isn’t it also related to the Human Sword?

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

As far as he knows.

In the ancient times, God’s Domain Great Tribulation, the top ten Xiantian Dao Items of God’s Domain suffered heavy losses in the Great Tribulation, and the Divine Armament Human Emperor Sword of the Human Emperor Palace was not listed.

Now he has encountered things related to Human Emperor Sword one after another, and he also has a trace of speculation in his heart.

If he expected it to be good.

The Divine Realm Great Tribulation back then, the Human Emperor Sword was very likely to be shattered in that battle.

The golden ancient sword that was obtained in the Void Mo Nest should be made of a part of the Human Emperor Sword.

And the mysterious metal in front of me is almost always part of the Human Sword.

“Jiang Chen Big Brother, what’s wrong?”

At this moment, Gu Feng’er also noticed Jiang Chen’s strangeness, and couldn’t help but ask curiously.

“Nothing, I found something very useful to me.”

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he leaned directly toward the black stone platform on the right front.

It doesn’t matter if this mysterious metal is part of the Human Emperor Sword, as he guessed. Since this thing can sense the golden ancient sword, he can’t let it go easily.

Jiang Chen slowly came to the black stone platform where the mysterious metal was.

Behind the stone platform, a skinny old man in black robe sat cross-legged with his eyes closed weakly.

Even if Jiang Chen and the others came to the stone platform, the black-robed old man did not open his eyes to look at Jiang Chen and the others.

“Senior, don’t know how to change your piece of metal?”

Jiang Chen didn’t care either, looking at the mysterious metal on the stone platform and asked lightly.

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, the black-robed old man slowly opened his eyes and said expressionlessly, “This piece of metal, don’t change it!”

“No change?”

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

Isn’t this old guy deliberately making fun of people, since you don’t plan to change it, why do you put this thing out for it?

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and didn’t bother to care about this eccentric black-robed old man, and said directly in a solemn voice: “Senior, I am very interested in your piece of metal. I don’t know how you want to change it to me?”

When Gu Feng’er on the side saw this, his eyes on the mysterious metal also showed a strange look.

Since coming to Tianji City.

They also encountered many good treasures along the way, Jiang Chen only briefly interrogated, and then chose to give up.

The mysterious metal in front of him was what Jiang Chen wanted so desperately for the first time.

Is this mysterious metal an incredible treasure?

“I said, this thing will not be changed.”

The black-robed old man swept his gaze over Jiang Chen, and immediately said indifferently: “It’s not impossible for you to want this piece of metal. As long as you promise me one condition, I can give you this piece of metal.”


Jiang Chen’s sword eyebrows couldn’t help but raised slightly: “I don’t know if senior’s conditions are…”

“After a while, I am going to a place and need to find some good helpers.”

When the black-robed old man spoke, a scroll exuding a simple atmosphere also emerged in his palm: “As long as you want, sign your name on it, this piece of metal is yours.”

Jiang Chen frowned slightly: “What scroll is this?”

“Jiang Chen Big Brother, this should be a one-off reel of the contract. Once you sign your name on the contract, you can’t go back, otherwise you will be backlashed by Heavenly Dao.”

Gu Feng’er on the side explained softly.

“That little girl said it right, this is an ancient wrestling scroll, and it’s a one-off.”

The black-robed old man said indifferently: “As long as you fulfill the conditions promised to me, the contract will automatically dissipate at that time, and it won’t cause any impact on you.”

“Okay, I promise your terms!”

Without any hesitation, Jiang Chen directly signed his own name on the contract.

Although Jiang Chen didn’t know where the old man in black robes wanted him to go, since this mysterious metal is related to the Human Emperor Sword, and it is even a part of the Human Emperor Sword, Jiang Chen would naturally not let it go easily.


Jiang Chen had a hunch in his heart that once the golden ancient sword merged with this mysterious metal, it would definitely become stronger.

By the time.

The merger of his divine body vision and the golden ancient sword is bound to explode even more terrifying power!

“Okay, you can take this piece of metal. I will contact you when I need your help.”

The black-robed old man finished speaking, put away the contract scroll, and then closed his eyes again.

When Jiang Chen saw this, he didn’t say much, he took the piece of metal on his stone platform, and then turned and left.

“Jiang Chen Big Brother, what’s so peculiar about this piece of metal? You just paid such a high price to get it?”

Gu Feng’er looked at the mysterious metal in Jiang Chen’s hand and couldn’t help asking curiously.

Although the material of this mysterious metal is extremely special, Gu Feng’er really can’t see how extraordinary it is, and it is worthwhile for Jiang Chen to sign a contract to exchange it.

“There are top ten Xiantian Dao Items in God’s Domain. This mysterious piece of metal is most likely a part of the shattered Human Emperor Sword.”

Regarding Gu Feng’er, Jiang Chen naturally didn’t conceal it, and directly said with a smile.

This mysterious metal is actually a fragment of the Xiantian Dao Item Human Emperor Sword?

Rao Gu Feng’er heard this, and there was an unconcealable horror in her beautiful eyes.

Obviously, Gu Feng’er did not expect that this piece of metal, which does not seem to be too peculiar, would be a fragment of the Xiantian Dao Item Human Emperor Sword!

Human Emperor Sword, this is the top three Divine Armament of the top ten Xiantian Dao Item in God’s Domain.

Even if it’s just a fragment, it’s probably enough to drive countless practitioners in God’s Domain Continent crazy.

“This Xiongtai, I am very interested in this mysterious piece of metal in your hand. I don’t know if I can cut my love and give it to me?”

Just when Gu Feng’er was horrified, a sound like a spring breeze rang directly in Jiang Chen’s ears.

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