Chapter 222 Don’t Be Nosy!

On the second day after the end of Jiufu Huiwu.

The leaders of the nine martial arts all left the imperial city with their students and set off to return to the martial arts.

And Jiang Chen and other students who were about to enter the Yanhuang Martial Arts Academy, all rushed towards the north gate of the imperial city in accordance with Xia Donghuang’s instructions.

Jiang Chen is naturally no exception.

After simply bidding farewell to Yan Cangming and others, he went to the north gate with Wu Soaring Dragon and two other Lingyun Wufu students.

When Jiang Chen and the others came to the gate of the north gate, there were already many young people gathered here.

Jiang Chen glanced slightly and found that these teenagers were roughly divided into two groups.

Among a group of people there are many familiar figures, including Yin Kai and Ye Jianqiu among them.

This group of people is naturally the top sixty-four students in the Jiufu Huiwu.

As for the other group of people, most of them seem extremely strange.

All of these people are well-dressed, with unconcealable arrogance between their eyebrows.


Jiang still found a familiar figure in the crowd, that was Meng Qingxue.

“Tsk tusk…Look, everyone, Jiang Chen is here.”

“Is he the Wu Kui Jiang Chen of the Nine Houses of Martial Arts?

“Haha… the Wu Kui of the Jiufu Huiwu is just a vain name. How can they be compared with the geniuses of our imperial family?”

With the appearance of Jiang Chen.

The disdainful mockery of that group of unfamiliar teenagers also rang directly in Jiang Chen’s ears.

Jiang Chen was expressionless, and walked directly towards Yin Kai and their group.

“Jiang Chen, I said that you are also the Wukui of the Jiufu Huiwu. People have already bullied you. Are you still trying to shrink your head?”

As soon as Jiang Chen walked over, Ye Jianqiu couldn’t help but said sarcastically.

Jiang Chen ignored Ye Jianqiu.

He directly asked Yin Kai on the side: “The group of people opposite are also students recruited by Yanhuang Wuyuan?”

“In addition to recruiting students from the Jiufu Huiwu Academy every year, Yanhuang Wuyuan’s major families can allot some places to enter the Yanhuang Wuyuan through competition.”

Yin Kai said indifferently: “The people on the other side are the geniuses of the major families in the imperial capital. They have always looked down on our people in the nine martial arts.”

“I see.”

Jiang Chen nodded.

He looked at Meng Qingxue on the opposite side, and the corner of his mouth could not help but a slight curve was raised.


He directly beckoned to Meng Qingxue under countless dull gazes, “Qingxue, come to me!”

As soon as Jiang Chen said this, Yin Kai and the others beside him were shocked.

Opposite Jiang Chen, the geniuses of the major families in the imperial capital couldn’t help laughing wildly with disdain.

“Haha…I heard that right, that kid actually asked Meng Qingxue to come to him!”

“I don’t even know the so-called. He thought he was really awesome when he won the Wukui of the Jiufu Huiwu?”

“This kid… is like death.”

It was seen that a student in the Nine Houses was so arrogant that they used Meng Qingxue, the genius beauty of the Meng family, as a maid.

Several Meng family disciples were very angry.

I saw one of the Meng family disciples with the sword eyebrow star directly stood up.

He stared at Jiang Chen coldly: “Boy, what did you just say, say it again!”

“I just called my maid to come around. What does it have to do with you?”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “Whoever I am, just let me go, don’t be nosy!”

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