Chapter 2215 Ancient Mythical Beast, Golden Winged Eagle

The ancestor Bei Ming stared at Bei Minghan with murderous expression, wishing to slap Bei Minghan for fear of death!

The world of God’s Domain is like a cloud, and there are countless top forces.

Although the strength of the Northern Ming Sect at its peak was not weak, it was difficult for him to take care of himself alone.


The purpose of the Beiming Shenzong has always been to make friends with the ancient Shenfeng clan.

This idiot, because of a disciple, caused the relationship between the Beiming Shenzong and the ancient Shenfeng clan to such a degree.

I really don’t know how the Northern Ming Sect chose such a thing to succeed the Sect Leader of the Northern Ming Sect!

“First… ancestor, I was only stunned by anger for a while before I banished Meng Qingxue from Bei Mingyuan, and asked ancestors to forgive me.”

Bei Minghan’s complexion instantly turned pale, and he knelt in front of Bei Ming’s ancestor with a plop.


Bei Minghan couldn’t let Bei Ming ancestor know, he was worried that Meng Qingxue would threaten the status of his daughter Bei Mingyue, that would put Meng Qingxue to death.


Without Jiang Chen and the others, I’m afraid this ancestor of Beiming would not be able to spare him.

“Girl, where is Bei Mingyuan?”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but his eyes sank slightly.

Looking at the reaction of the ancestor Beiming, the so-called Beimingyuan is definitely not a good place.

“Bei Mingyuan is a forbidden place in the North Ming Divine Sect. It is weird and dangerous, and even ordinary Divine King Realm does not dare to easily step into it!”

Gu Feng’er’s pretty face was also extremely cold.

She obviously did not expect that Bei Minghan would expel Qingxue Big sis to Bei Mingyuan!


Following Gu Feng’er’s words, a monstrous killing intent also spread from Jiang Chen’s body in an instant.

“Bei Minghan, you damn it!”

“If Qingxue has a slight accident in Beimingyuan, I will definitely let your blood flow from the Divine Beiming Sect!”

Jiang Chensenran’s words fell, and he directly spurred the Holy Dragon Stele again, and smashed it at Bei Minghan mercilessly.

Seeing this, the ancestor Beiming couldn’t help but raise his hand to point out.


A crystal clear giant finger across the sky directly pointed on the sacred dragon stele, and the sacred dragon stele was blocked.

He looked at Jiang Chen and sighed lightly: “Little guy, this matter belongs to my Northern Ming Sect. I promise to give you a satisfactory explanation.”

“Explain? What kind of explanation can you give me?”

Jiang Chen was full of killing intent: “Unless you can make Meng Qingxue appear in front of me unscathed today, I will never die with you Beiming Shenzong!”

“Boy, looking at the face of the ancient gods and phoenix clan, I don’t care about you, you don’t want to make an inch!”

The ancestor Beiming’s complexion sank slightly.

He was a peerless powerhouse in the ancient times. He was at his peak that year, and even the entire ancient gods and phoenix clan, almost no one dared to speak to him like this.

Jiang Chen’s reluctance to forgive, obviously also made the ancestor Beiming a little angry.

Jiang Chen looked indifferent and said nothing.

He directly urged the sacred dragon stele with all his strength, and kept hitting the huge fingers across the sky, smashing it to pieces.

“Good! Good! Good!”

The ancestor Beiming smiled angrily: “Since you have to do it, then you can blame me for being polite!”

The words of the ancestor Beiming fell, and he reached out and grabbed Jiang Chen with one claw.

Since this guy doesn’t know what’s good or bad, he can only take it down first, and then take advantage of this energy body has not dissipated, personally go to the ancient gods and phoenix clan.

“Old thing, Qingxue can come to your Northern Ming Sect, that’s the honor of your Northern Ming Sect.”

“It’s fine if you don’t train her properly in the Northern Ming Sect. You dare to harm her. Even if the heavenly king daddy is here today, you don’t want to stop me from slaughtering the Northern Ming Sect!”

Jiang Chen’s eyes were ferocious, and he couldn’t help but let out a terrifying roar.


When he moved his palm, a simple purple gold box emerged directly from Jiang Chen’s palm.

This purple-gold box was given to him by Feng Chi Tianzun, the chief of the Golden-winged Condor Clan when he left the Golden-winged Condor Clan.

Although Jiang Chen never knew what was in this box, since Feng Chi Tianzun said it could help him resolve a crisis in the Gods Domain Continent, he might as well try.

Without hesitation, Jiang Chen flicked his fingers and decisively opened the Zijin box.


An extremely bright purple golden divine light, with a terrifying coercion, slammed into the sky from the purple golden box, and shattered the claw that came from the imprisoned ancestor of Beiming.

The purple golden light broke through the invisible claw power of the ancestor of Beiming, and turned into a huge giant eagle in the void.

The giant eagle’s body was shining with purple golden divine light, as if the ancient beast king came to the world, and the whole body exuded a powerful aura from the ancient prehistoric.

The sharp gaze of Zijin Condor swept slightly, and fell directly on Jiang Chen: “Boy, you are not a member of the Golden-winged Condor tribe. Why is this king’s mind left to the Golden-winged Condor tribe? On?”

“Junior once helped the Golden Winged Condor Clan, and the head of the Golden Winged Condor Clan gave me this box at that time.”

Jiang Chen looked at the purple golden condor in the sky, and was shocked in his heart!

Golden Winged Condor!

This is the ancient mythical beast that was born in the beginning of the world, and is also the true ancestor of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.

Legend has it that at the peak of the ancient mythical beasts, it could surpass the divine king and rival the dominating realm.

Jiang Chen never thought of it.

In the box that Feng Chi Tianzun gave to him at the beginning, there was actually a mental clone of this ancient divine beast, the Golden Winged Condor.

The Golden Winged Condor slightly closed its eyes for a while, and then opened its eyes and said: “There seems to be no gold-winged Condor Clan in this world. Can you tell this king what happened to the Golden Winged Condor Clan?”

“The Golden Winged Eagle Clan had a battle with the ancient Sacred Dragon Clan, but was eventually defeated by the ancient Sacred Dragon Clan, and had to withdraw from the Divine Realm Continent.”

Jiang Chen didn’t conceal it, and explained the situation of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.

“It seems that the Golden Winged Eagle Clan is finally in decline.”

The Golden Winged Condor murmured to himself, and immediately turned his gaze on the ancestor Beiming, and said indifferently: “Little guy, you told me to come out to help you deal with this old guy?”

Feeling the gaze of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan looking at him, the pupils of the ancestor Beiming suddenly shrank.

As the founder of the Northern Ming Sect, a strong man who lived in the ancient times, how extraordinary is the experience of the Northern Ming ancestor?

He could see the identity of this giant eagle almost at a glance.

Ancient beast, golden winged condor!

The ancestor Beiming didn’t expect that Jiang Chen had a relationship with the Golden Winged Condor Clan, and there was a mental clone left by the Golden Winged Condor on his body.

Although he was considered to be a strong one in the ancient times, he finally stopped at the god king Ninth Stage, and failed to cross the last hurdle to achieve dominance.

The legendary Golden Winged Condor is an ancient divine beast that can rival the Domination Realm!

In front of such existence, even with his strength, I am afraid there is no resistance at all.

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