Chapter 2213 Suppression Of The Northern Underworld

The Sect Leader of the Sect Leader of the Northern Underworld is the strong man of the Fifth Stage of the Cultivation Base.

Jiang Chen made a breakthrough in the Celestial Realm and mastered the Cultivation Technique of the Celestial Cultivation Technique. His combat power had reached an extremely terrifying level.

Even if it is a head-on collision with the God King Fifth Stage, Jiang Chen will not be disadvantaged. But if you want to completely defeat the powerhouse of God King Fifth Stage, it is not easy.

Unless he tries his best to combine the golden ancient sword and the divine body vision to make a strong blow, or use the Azure Emperor Sword Technique at all costs.


At this time, Jiang Chen naturally couldn’t choose to fight Bei Minghan desperately.


Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate to sacrifice the sacred dragon stele, intending to directly kill Bei Minghan with this fetish comparable to the Xiantian Dao Item.

“Holy Dragon Stele, town!”

Jiang Chen gave a soft drink, and the holy dragon monument slammed into the sky, turning into a ten thousand zhang god monument in the void, and crashed down with the terrifying power to suppress the sky.

Bei Minghan’s pupils suddenly shrank.

With his strength, Rao felt a breath of danger on the monument of the gods that came from the suppression at this moment!


Bei Minghan knew that he could not retreat.

Once retired, the entire Beiming Shenzong, I am afraid, will be severely injured under this strike by Jiang Chen.

“God is king, break it for me!”

Bei Minghan’s throat couldn’t help but let out a terrifying roar, and a crystal clear road behind the Ice God King also appeared out of thin air, colliding with the suppressed god monument.


The shocking impact sounded thousands of miles away, and a terrifying energy storm swept away, making the world pale, and the sun and the moon were dark, like the end of the day.


Everyone looked at the battle in the starry sky with shocked faces.

I saw the Dao of the King of Gods urged by Bei Minghan, in front of the Wanzhang Divine Stele, it was completely unbearable, and the Sacred’s power directly on the Divine Stele smashed to pieces out of thin air.


The Wanzhang Divine Stele smashed Bei Minghan’s Shenwang Avenue, and even more powerful and unforgiving, he directly suppressed Bei Minghan.

“not good!”

Bei Minghan’s expression changed drastically.

I saw that his hands changed rapidly, and the great magic of the god king was displayed by him, and the sky was overwhelmingly rushed towards the god monument.


The sacred dragon stele is a peerless fetish that is not inferior to Xiantian Dao Item.

At the beginning, the Holy Dragon King used the Cultivation Base of the Fourth Stage of the God King to suppress the existence of the Seventh Stage of the God King with the help of the Holy Dragon Tablet.

Jiang Chen has not yet proved the Taoist King, and he is far from able to exert the power of the Holy Dragon Stele, but it is easy to use the Holy Dragon Stele to suppress the Northern Minghan of the God King Fifth Stage.

The Wanzhang Divine Stele was suppressed, breaking Bei Minghan’s great master skills, and then slammed into Bei Minghan’s body.


Rao is the powerful physical body of the Fifth Stage, the god of the North Underworld, and his body has a treasure inherited from the North Underworld God Sect. However, under the impact of the Wanzhang Divine Stele, it still shattered on the spot, turning into countless golden bones and blood. , Falling from the starry sky.

The soul of Bei Minghan was terrified, and quickly smashed a space jade talisman, and instantly escaped thousands of miles away.

“Sect Leader is defeated, this… how is this possible?”

Seeing Bei Minghan’s miserable appearance, the many people of the Northern Ming Divine Sect below are pale, like a bereaved concubine!

They never thought of it.

The divine stele that Jiang Chen sacrificed would be such a horror.

Even with the strength of the Fifth Stage, the god of the North Netherfrost, under the suppression of the god monument, there is no resistance.

Especially the many high-level members of the North Ming Divine Sect, their expressions were extremely frightened.

When Bei Mingying returned to the Beiming Shenzong yesterday, they had mentioned to them how terrifying Jiang Chen was, but they didn’t care too much.

Until this moment.

They finally discovered with horror that Jiang Chen was much more terrifying than they thought.

Now their ancestors of the Seventh Stage Heavenly King of the Northern Underworld God Sect are not in Sect, and the Northern Underworld of the God King Fifth Stage Heaven is the strongest person in the Northern Underworld God Sect.

Even Bei Minghan was easily suppressed by Jiang Chen, how could they resist it?

“Jiang Chen, you… are you really going to be immortal with me?”

Bei Minghan looked at Jiang Chen, who stood proudly in the starry sky like God of War, and couldn’t help but let out a furious roar: “If you dare to move my Northern Ming Sect, when the ancestor returns, you will surely die. The place of burial.”

“It turns out that your God King Seventh Stage Celestial Ancestor is no longer the Northern Underworld God Sect. No wonder you dare to attack Qingxue!”

Jiang Chen looked extremely cold.

He was still wondering, since Meng Qingxue was so attracted by the Seventh Stage Heavenly Ancestor, the God King of the Northern Ming Sect, how could something happen in the Northern Ming Sect.

Now it seems.

The ancestor of the Seventh Stage Heavenly King of the Northern Ming Sect is no longer the Northern Ming Sect at all. This gave the people of the Northern Ming Sect a chance to deal with Meng Qingxue.


Only the ancestor of the God King Seventh Stage Heaven was the only one who really made Jiang Chen jealous by the Shenzong Beiming.

Since that person is no longer the Northern Ming Sect, what fear does he have?

He looked down at Bei Minghan indifferently, and his cold voice resounded through the world.

“Bei Minghan, I will give you one last chance. You will now send Meng Qingxue to me intact, maybe it’s still too late.”

“Otherwise… after today, there will be no North Ming Shenzong in God’s Domain Continent!”

Bei Minghan’s complexion was extremely gloomy, and his eyes flashed a hideous look: “Jiang Chen, you are going to be rampant. My Northern Ming sect has been passed down since ancient times. How can you be afraid that you are a little brat!”

“Since you insist on looking for death, then I will fulfill you!”

Jiang Chensenran’s words fell, and directly urged the Wanzhang Divine Monument once again, with an unmatched Sacred power, suppressing Bei Minghan.

“Unscrupulous descendants, Bei Minghan, please ancestors!”

Seeing Jiang Chen urging the Supreme God monument again, Bei Minghan’s pupils suddenly shrank, and his mouth could not help but let out a terrifying roar.

With the voice of Bei Minghan falling.

In the ancestral land of the god of the North Ming, a stone statue standing proudly in the center of the ancestral land suddenly split.

The next moment…

A white-robed old man with a slightly illusory figure slowly walked out of the stone statue, and then appeared in the sky above the North Ming Divine Sect in a flash.

The white-robed old man swept his gaze slightly in the void, and directly landed on the monument to the gods that came from the suppression.

His eyes blinked indifferently, and an extremely cold light burst out, instantly freezing the starry sky of thousands of miles.

Even the divine monument that was suppressed was frozen there in an instant.

The white-robed old man froze the sky of thousands of miles at a glance, then raised his hand and waved it lightly, and a terrifying force swept out in an instant.


The terrible power fell on the Wanzhang God Tablet, and the Wanzhang God Tablet was blown away.

And Jiang Chen’s figure was also affected by the palm of the white-robed old man, and he flew upside down in the starry sky a distance of several thousand feet in embarrassment.

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