Chapter 2200 Heavenly Phoenix Goddess

Ancient Shenfeng Clan Center.

On a huge square surrounded by ancient atmosphere.

Countless ancient gods and phoenix guards in red armor stood upright around the square. Their stern eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and they were constantly sweeping back and forth around.

When Jiang Chen came here, he found that there were already many figures seated in the square.

These figures are obviously representatives of the major forces in the Central Territory who came to the ancient gods and phoenix clan to participate in the grand event.

Even the great power of the Divine King Realm that exudes the great power of the great power is not a minority.

Jiang Chen glanced slightly, and found some familiar figures in the square.

Including the ancient holy dragon god son Long Jiuhan he had encountered in the Eastern Regions, he was also among them.

Jiang Chen didn’t pay too much attention either. He directly sat down in an invisible position and waited quietly for the start of the event.


Although Jiang Chen’s arrival was already very low-key, it still attracted the attention of many people in the square.

“Look at it quickly, isn’t that the Big Brother of the ancient goddess Gu Feng’er of the ancient gods and phoenix clan?”

“Yes, I didn’t expect this kid to actually dare to participate in the grand gathering of the ancient gods and phoenix clan.”

“Today’s grand event, the top ten peerless Tianjiao in the Zhongyu Tianjiao list, but all three have come, and that kid is probably dead!”


Everyone talked a lot, and the gaze looking at Jiang Chen couldn’t help showing a look of sympathy.

A few days ago.

This guy trampled to death Mo Xin, the god son of God Black Sun Sect, on Lieyang Peak, and forced Luo Wuji, who was the 19th place in the Zhongyu Tianjiao list, with two moves, demonstrating an incomparably powerful talent and strength.


This guy is too arrogant, a sentence of Zhongyu Tianjiao is nothing but this, which offends almost all Zhongyu Tianjiao.

Many Zhongyu Tianjiao has already released words to make Jiang Chen look good at this grand event.

Jiang Chen appeared to participate in the event, it was no different from seeking a dead end.

“Jiang Chen!”

Hearing the discussion from all around, Long Jiuhan, who was sitting in a VIP seat in the center of the square, naturally discovered the existence of Jiang Chen.

His wicked eyes couldn’t help passing a icy glow.

Long Jiuhan has heard of Jiang Chen’s name since he came to the ancient Shenfeng clan.

at the very beginning.

Long Jiuhan originally thought that Jiang Chen, who appeared in the ancient gods and phoenix clan, was just the same name and didn’t care too much.

after all.

Not long ago, Jiang Chen was still in the eternal void.

One of their ancient sacred dragons, the Fourth Stage Heavenly Powerhouse, fell into the Eternal Void when he went to the Eternal Void to hunt down Jiang Chen.

In Long Jiuhan’s subconscious.

It was impossible for Jiang Chen to return to the God Realm Continent so quickly, let alone come to the Middle Realm directly.

It wasn’t until the news of Lieyang Peak came out that Long Jiuhan vaguely felt that this Jiang Chen was the Jiang Chen they were looking for in the ancient holy dragon clan.

See you today, really!

Rao Long Jiuhan never expected that Jiang Chen would have the courage to come to Zhongyu alone!

Now that this guy is here, he will never give Jiang Chen any chance this time.

He wants to retrieve the Supreme God Sacred Dragon Stele from Jiang Chen, and then make Jiang Chen disappear from this world!

Jiang Chen simply ignored Long Jiuhan and the thoughts of many Tianjiao present.

After finding a seat in the corner of the square, he closed his eyes and got up, quietly waiting for the opening of the event.


Waiting like this didn’t last long, a harsh phoenix roar suddenly resounded across the world, spreading mightily everywhere.

“The hour is here, the ceremony, let’s begin!”

After the phoenix chant resounded, an indifferent voice suddenly came from the void.

The great power of the terrifying avenue contained in that voice caused many of the great powers of the gods in the square to feel palpitations.

“What a terrifying Dao Shenwei!”

Feeling this unprecedented vastness of divine might, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but shudder in his heart.

This great great power that permeated the midair of the ancient gods and phoenix clan was more than ten times stronger than the Xuanfeng god king he had encountered not long ago!

If he guessed right.

The owner of this breath should be one of the strong old monsters of the ancient Shenfeng, and Cultivation Base himself is a peerless strongman who has at least reached the Seventh Stage of the God King.

In order to frighten all the forces in the Central Territory, the ancient gods and phoenix clan obviously also had their blood this time, so they invited an old monster of the god king Seventh Stage or more to sit down in person.

As this mighty voice fell, the square became quiet in an instant.


I saw a group of senior officials from the ancient Shenfeng clan with serious faces, surrounded by a Daoist shadow, slowly ascending to the high platform in the center of the square.

This person surrounded by many strong ancient gods and phoenix clan is Gu Feng’er impressively.

Today, Gu Feng’er is wearing a gorgeous palace costume with a fire-red Phoenix totem embroidered on it. With the powerful aura of Gu Feng’er Tianfeng’s divine body, she looks like a queen of flames.

Many high-level ancient gods and phoenix clan gathered around Gu Feng’er to board the high platform in the center of the square, and began a complicated ancestor worship ceremony.

After tossing for a while, the ancestor worship ceremony was finally over.

Elder of the ancient gods and phoenix clan who presided over the ceremony personally gave Gu Feng’er a token of the goddess, and then began to announce to the world.

“Gu Feng’er, a disciple of the ancient gods and phoenix clan, has excellent talent and unparalleled blood. Today, he is the 366th generation goddess of my ancient gods and phoenix clan, and the title is Tianfeng goddess!”

So far.

Gu Feng’er officially became the goddess of Heavenly Phoenix of the ancient gods and phoenix clan.

Looking at Gu Feng’er, who was named the Goddess of Heavenly Phoenix in the middle of the square, a faint smile appeared on Jiang Chen’s face.

The ancient gods and phoenix clan is a well-known ancient clan in the gods, regardless of their strength, they are one of the few existences in the gods.

Gu Feng’er could become the goddess of Heavenly Phoenix of the ancient gods and phoenix clan, so he could rest assured.

“The goddess canonization ceremony is over. Thank you all for coming to the ancient gods and phoenix clan to observe the ceremony.”

“Next is the time for the exchange of young talents in the Central Region. If all the young Tianjiao present are interested, they can take the stage to discuss the Martial Dao, and let us all experience the unique style of the Tianjiao in the Central Region.”

After the canonization ceremony was over, the ancient god of Phoenix clan Elder who presided over the canonization ceremony couldn’t help but announced with a smile.


Following the words of the ancient god Phoenix tribe Elder, the eyes of everyone on the square were all looking towards Jiang Chen.

In the eyes of many people looking at Jiang Chen, a gloating look appeared even more.

At today’s event, there were many Zhongyu Tianjiao present, who were originally here for Jiang Chen. Now that the Martial Dao exchange is open, how can these Zhongyu Tianjiao easily let go of Jiang Chen?

This guy…I’m afraid there will be trouble next!

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