Chapter 2195

Ancient Shenfeng Clan, Lieyang Peak.

This is the residence of Feng Lie, the now-famous and talented disciple of the ancient gods and phoenix clan.

Although Lieyang Peak was not comparable to Gu Feng’er’s Fengming Peak, it was not much different. There are dense spiritual mists everywhere here, setting off the entire Lieyang Peak like a fairyland.

On the top of Lieyang Peak, there is a stone platform with a length of thousands of feet.

Some graceful maids stood respectfully on both sides of the stone platform.

In the middle of the stone platform, there are many young men with extraordinary temperament.

Each of these young men is extremely extraordinary, almost all of them are genius disciples from the various god-tier king forces in the central region.

In the main position in the middle of the stone platform, the leader is no one else, but Feng Lie, the genius of the ancient gods and Phoenix clan.

Feng Lie, the third-ranked genius disciple of the ancient gods and phoenix clan, has already reached the top of the three-star Tianzun in his Cultivation Base, and is only one step away from the Shengdao God King. He is the eighty-first Tianjiao in the Zhongyu Tianjiao list. figure.

There are only a hundred people on the Zhongyu Tianjiao list. Although the eighty-first place is relatively low, it is not to be underestimated.

after all.

The Middle Territory is the most core area of ​​the entire God Territory continent. Not only is it vast and vast, but also has countless powers of the God King. It is the most prosperous place in the entire God Territory Martial Dao today.

Here the gods gather, genius like rain.

And all those who can be ranked among the ranks of Tianjiao in the middle domain are all geniuses among geniuses and evildoers among evildoers.

It can be said.

Even if it is the last place in the Central Region Tianjiao list, it also has the powerful strength of the first stage of the God of War King.

“Brother Feng Lie, I have long heard that the blood of the new goddess of your ancient god Phoenix is ​​unparalleled, and the world is beautiful. I wonder if you can invite us to tell you today?”

A young man in a black robe with an aloof expression took a sip of the jade liquid from the cup and looked straight at Feng Lie.

This black-robed young man was Mo Xin, the god son of God Black Sun Sect, ranked 76th on the Zhongyu Tianjiao list, several places higher than Feng Lie.

Hearing the words of the black sun god son Mo Xin, Feng Lie couldn’t help putting down the wine glass in his hand, and his face was very embarrassed:

“Brother Mo, for today’s small meeting, I have already let people inform the goddess, but you’d better not hold too much hope.”

Mo Xin raised his eyebrows slightly: “Oh? I wonder what Brother Fenglie said?”

Even the young man in white who had not spoken sitting beside Feng Lie suddenly spoke.

“Why…Brother Feng Lie, your goddess, shouldn’t you look down on me and wait.”

When the white-clothed young man spoke, a powerful aura permeated his body, with great power, which made people dare not look at him.

Feng Lie’s eyes narrowed slightly when he heard the white-clothed youth speak.

Luo Wuji!

The contemporary god son of the Luoshen clan, the top nineteenth in the Zhongyu Tianjiao list, has proven to be the realm of the Dao God King.

In the ancient times, the Luoshen clan was also one of the top clan in the gods, and it was not inferior to their ancient gods and phoenix clan.

Although the current Luoshen clan has fallen a lot, the skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Now the Luoshen clan has the strongest Tianjiao like Luo Wuji, and there is a vague tendency to re-emerge.

In the face of Luo Wuji, a top arrogant in the Middle Territory, even Feng Lie didn’t dare to neglect the slightest.

“Brother Luo, I think you should have heard about it. Our goddess has a Big Brother who came to the ancient Shenfeng clan. It is said that he has no blood connection with her at all, but the relationship is very close, and he has depended on each other since childhood.”

“Recently, the goddess has been with her Big Brother in Fengmingfeng, and has never left.”

When Feng Lie said this, he couldn’t help but pause slightly, and said with a smile: “The Goddess Big Brother has a pretty good talent. There is already a Cultivation Base in the Celestial Realm.”

As soon as this remark came out, all the Tianjiao present couldn’t help but curl their lips.

Tianzun realm, that is also divided into three, six or nine.

They are all top-level tianjiaos in the middle-domain tianjiao list, and they are among the best in the tianzun realm. How can they put an unknown ordinary tianzun to put in one’s eyes?

“Ha ha……”

“How revered the ancient goddess of the gods and phoenix tribe is, I really want to see what qualifications that kid has to become the Big Brother of the goddess of the ancient gods and phoenix clan.”

Luo Wuji smiled faintly, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

In God’s Domain Continent, bloodline talent is undoubtedly very important for a practitioner.

Especially these big clans with ancient heritage, they are very fond of bloodlines.

after all.

In these ancient clans with extraordinary bloodlines, in general, the stronger the bloodline, the stronger the talent potential.

Gu Feng’er, the goddess of the ancient gods and phoenix clan, has an unparalleled bloodline talent.

If it can be combined with it, this is a dream thing for every top Tianjiao in Zhongyu.

Luo Wuji, as the top 20 peerless genius in the Zhongyu Tianjiao list, is naturally no exception.

Just when everyone was talking.

On the mountain path leading to the top of Lieyang Peak, there was a sudden sound of footsteps.

Feng Lie also quickly sensed something, and couldn’t help but smile slightly: “Everyone, our goddess is here.”

Following Feng Lie’s words, everyone suddenly fell silent, and couldn’t help but look towards the entrance of the summit.


There are four Daoist shadows slowly appearing on the top of Lieyangfeng, Gu Fenger and his party.

When Gu Feng’er appeared on the top of Lieyang Feng’s Peak, she instantly calmed everyone.

She has a world-class appearance, accompanied by a vision of Tianfeng, like a real Nine Heavens goddess, exuding a Sacred breath that makes people dare not desecrate.

Even Luo Wuji, a top talent in the middle domain, couldn’t help feeling ashamed when facing Gu Feng’er.

“Goddess, you are here. Hurry up and take your seat, I will introduce you to the genius disciples of the major forces.”

Seeing Gu Feng’er’s arrival, Feng Lie couldn’t help but stood up with a smile to greet him.

Gu Feng’er just nodded casually, and even though she ignored Feng Lie, she took Jiang Chen to find a place to sit down.

This scene also caused many geniuses present to be slightly discolored.

“Feng’er Goddess, today is the gathering of me and other geniuses in the middle domain. All of you present here are genius disciples of the various god-tier forces. I wonder if the friend you brought is a genius from which force?”

Luo Wuji glanced at Jiang Chen, and his faint voice rang directly.

“Which force my Big Brother comes from has nothing to do with you.”

Gu Fenger didn’t even bother to look at Luo Wuji, and stared directly at Feng Lie coldly and said, “Feng Lie, I will bring my Big Brother to Lieyang Peak. Do you have any comments? If you have any comments, I will leave now!”

“The goddess joked, you can come to my Lieyang Peak, Feng Lie is naturally welcome.”

Feng Lie smiled slightly and said, “However, what Luo Shenzi said is not wrong. It is true that your Big Brother is not suitable to come here today. I think let him leave first.”

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