Chapter 2190 News Of The Ancient God Phoenix Clan

Ji Baiyi’s words also made Jiang Chen come back to his senses in shock after a while.


Thinking of what happened to his mother, Jiang Chen found that Ji Baiyi’s guess was really extremely possible.

The fragmentary memory fragments of the two million-year-olds could not appear in my mother’s memory inexplicably.

The mother suddenly possessed this memory after the breakthrough world god, as if it was a kind of memory awakening.

The memory of her awakening undoubtedly belonged to the goddess of the Ji clan back then.

“Well, whether your mother is the reincarnation of that person, everything should be known when she comes out of the ancestral land.”

Ji Baiyi shook his head, and immediately looked at Jiang Chen and said, “Actually, you should follow Cang Ming senior’s suggestion and return to the Divine Realm Continent after you break through the Divine King Realm.”

“Patriarch Ji, don’t worry.”

“Although I haven’t proved the King of Taoism, I am no longer the one I was more than two years ago. Whether it is the Human Palace or the Ancient Sacred Dragon Clan, it is not easy to deal with me.”

Jiang Chen was more confident, and then asked: “What happened to the Human Emperor Palace and the ancient Sacred Dragons during this period of time?”

“There is nothing moving between the Human Palace and the Ancient Sacred Dragon Clan.”

Ji Baiyi groaned slightly and said, “But… the ancient gods and phoenix clan, which is as famous as the ancient sacred dragon clan in the middle area, recently there has been a big event that blasted the middle area.”

“Ancient God Phoenix Clan?”

Hearing Ji Baiyi’s mention of this race, Jiang Chen’s eyes couldn’t help but condensed suddenly.

Jiang Chen obviously didn’t expect that today, he suddenly heard news about the ancient gods and phoenix clan from Ji Baiyi.

When she met her mother Ji Wushuang in Han Yuezong, she learned from her mother that Meng Qingxue and Gu Feng’er had been taken away by people from the ancient gods and phoenix clan.

Of these two people, one is the most important person in his life, and the other is a little Sister whom he regards as pro-Little Sister.

Both of them are extremely important in his mind.


At the beginning, his strength was too weak, and he did not have the ability to search for the two of the ancient gods and phoenix clan.

Now it is time for him to go to the ancient Shenfeng Clan to see Meng Qingxue and Gu Feng’er.

“About more than ten years ago, an unparalleled goddess suddenly appeared in the ancient Shenfeng tribe.”

“This goddess has the purest Celestial Phoenix bloodline, and her Martial Dao talent is the best in the past and present. In less than ten years, she has broken through the three-star realm god with the sacred deity.”

“It is said that not long ago, this goddess witnessed the god king and made a breakthrough in the third stage of the god king in one fell swoop.”

“For this reason, the ancient gods and phoenix clan specially banqueted the eight powerful masters of the Central Territory, preparing to hold a grand event for that god!”

When Ji Baiyi said this, a look of wonder appeared in his eyes.

The goddess of the ancient gods and phoenix clan is too amazing, even if you look at the entire continent of the gods, it is almost impossible to find a person to compare with it.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered, “Is that ancient goddess of the gods and phoenix clan called Gu Feng’er?”

“You… how do you know?”

Ji Baiyi’s eyes couldn’t help showing a look of astonishment.

Not many people knew the name of the goddess of the ancient Shenfeng tribe, even in Zhongyu.

He also went through some special channels before he knew the name of that person.

Jiang Chen hadn’t even been to Zhongyu at all, how could he know the name of the goddess of the ancient gods and phoenix tribe.

“It really is Gu Feng’er!”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but let out a low whisper in his heart.

When he first saw Gu Feng’er, he learned through the system that Gu Feng’er was one of the strongest bodies in the realm of Heavenly Phoenix.

With Gu Feng’er’s blood talent, it is reasonable to be regarded by the ancient gods and phoenix clan and become the goddess of the ancient gods and phoenix clan.

“Patriarch Ji, did you know that in addition to Gu Feng’er of the ancient gods, there was also a genius disciple named Meng Qingxue?”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and couldn’t help asking in a deep voice.

Ji Baiyi was taken aback for a moment: “In my impression, the ancient Shenfeng tribe didn’t seem to have a genius disciple named Meng Qingxue.”

Hearing this, Jiang Chen’s expression suddenly sank.

Meng Qingxue was the Destiny Body of the Taiyin, and it was not necessarily inferior to Gu Fenger’s Heavenly Phoenix Body.

Although in the ancient gods and phoenix clan, Gu Feng’er’s heavenly phoenix body is bound to be more popular than Meng Qingxue’s heavenly phoenix body.

But Meng Qingxue’s talent in Martial Dao is beyond doubt.

Especially in the cultivation Sacred Land of the ancient gods and phoenix clan, Meng Qingxue’s achievements are definitely not worse than Gu Feng’er.

Now Ji Baiyi only knows about Gu Feng’er, and has never heard of Meng Qingxue. This is indeed a bit unexpected for Jiang Chen.

“When will the grand gathering of the ancient gods and phoenix clan be held?”

In Jiang Chen’s eyes, an icy light flashed suddenly.

It would be fine if Meng Qingxue was okay, if something really happened, he would definitely make the ancient gods and phoenix clan pay a heavy price.

“Now there should be more than a month before the grand gathering of the ancient gods and phoenix clan.”

When Jiang Chen asked about this, Ji Baiyi’s face couldn’t help showing a solemn look: “Jiang Chen, don’t you want to go to the grand gathering of the ancient gods and phoenix clan?”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “Is there any problem?”

Since the first parting in Xuanling Continent, he and Meng Qingxue had never seen them again.

Now that there is news of the ancient Shenfeng tribe and Gu Feng’er, but only Meng Qingxue is missing, he naturally has to go to the ancient Shenfeng tribe to check it out.

Ji Baiyi couldn’t help but smiled bitterly: “Jiang Chen, the ancient gods and phoenix clan are located in the middle area, and you are going to participate in the grand gathering of the ancient gods and phoenix clan now, but it is very dangerous.”

To know.

The ancient Shenfeng tribe is not only located in the Central Region, but this time also invited the strong from all directions to the ancient Shenfeng tribe to participate in the grand event.

By the time.

Whether it is the Palace of the Human Emperor or the Ancient Sacred Dragon Clan, I am afraid they will send people to the Ancient Sacred Phoenix Clan.

Once they found Jiang Chen’s whereabouts, how could they easily let go of Jiang Chen?

Jiang Chen stayed in the Eastern Region, and he was deliberately hiding his whereabouts for Jiang Chen. It should be difficult for the Palace of Humans and the Ancient Sacred Dragons to find Jiang Chen in a short time.

If Jiang Chen took the initiative to participate in the grand gathering of the ancient gods and phoenix clan, it would be completely exposed to the eyes of the human palace and the ancient sacred dragon clan.

“I have already decided, Patriarch Ji needn’t say much.”

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said: “Don’t worry, although I am not strong enough to shake the imperial palace and the ancient holy dragons, self-protection is more than enough.”

Meng Qingxue’s news is now unclear, and he has to go to the ancient Shenfeng clan anyway.


Whether it is the Human Palace or the ancient holy dragons, the powerhouses above the Seventh Stage of the God King will generally not show up easily.


It is estimated that the people who go to the ancient gods and phoenix clan to participate in the grand event at the Human Palace and the ancient holy dragon clan are at most only the god king Fourth Stage sky or the god king Fifth Stage sky.

With his current strength, coupled with the Azure Emperor Longevity Secret Art and the Holy Dragon Stele and many other cards, how can this existence pose the slightest threat to him?

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