Chapter 2177 Shocking Truth

For some reasons, the order of these two chapters is wrong, and there will be a delay in revision.

“as you wish!”

The voice of God King Cangyou fell, and he rushed directly to Jiang Chen in the Qingming Void.

I saw his fist suddenly clenched, bringing up a dark fist that shook the void, and struck Jiang Chen with a fist.

The God King Cangyou cultivates the immortal heavenly skill, condenses the immortal body, and masters the pure power avenue.

With this punch, he directly shattered the tens of thousands of miles of sky, as if to crush Jiang Chen, who was in the Qingming void, and the surrounding space into nothingness.

“What a terrible punch!”


Ji Wushuang and the others couldn’t help but change slightly as they watched Cangyou Divine King’s punch from the broken sky.

Can Jiang Chen really be able to stop such a blow that destroys the world?

“God King Second Stage is at the top of the sky, no wonder this guy can easily destroy the Great Desolate Divine Sect.”

Feeling the breath of God King Cangyou, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but mutter to himself.

The Great Desolate God King is probably the strength of the God King First Stage Heaven.

This Cangyou God King is much stronger than the true Martial Sage King in Zhenwu Tianyu, so how could the Great Desolate God King be his opponent?


Regarding the strength of the God King Cangyou, Jiang Chen would naturally not care about it.

Even before breaking through, Jiang Chen could easily cope with God King Cangyou’s Second Stage Heaven, let alone the four-star Tianzun who has now broken through.

He faintly looked at the terrifying fist that came into the sky, just stretched out his hand and gently pressed it into the void.


The black fist light suddenly collapsed.

Even the body of God King Cangyou was blown out by an invisible terrifying force, and a huge spatial black hole was knocked out in the void.

God King Cangyou, lost?

that moment.

There was a dead silence in the sky and the earth.

Everyone was dull-eyed, and it was difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

Dignified Cangyou God King, this is a powerful existence that destroys the Great Wilderness Divine Sect and dominates the Great Wilderness by its own power.

Now he was defeated by Jiang Chen’s understatement!

This… how is this possible.

Rao is Ji Wushuang who has confidence in Jiang Chen. At this moment, he still didn’t expect that Jiang Chen’s combat power had reached such a terrifying level.

“Great, God King Cangyou is defeated!”

“Jiang Chenxia deserves to be the number one arrogant of my great wilderness. Although he is not a god king, he is better than a god king.”

“With the existence of Jiang Chen, the Great Wilderness is saved!”


On the Han Yuezong side, countless people’s faces were full of ecstasy.

On the side of Cangyou Temple, the expressions of everyone were horrified.

They never thought that the invincible God King Cangyou would be killed in seconds by Jiang Chen’s understatement!


When everyone was shocked by the situation in the void, God King Cangyou slowly walked out of the black hole of space.

I saw that he was covered in blood, and his body was almost smashed by Jiang Chen’s previous palm.


Every step he took, an indestructible force surged out of his body, quickly repairing his injuries.

Just a moment.

The severely injured body of God King Cangyou returned to its peak state again.

He stared at Jiang Chen tightly, and a look of excitement faintly flashed in his eyes: “Your combat power is much stronger than mine, come with all your strength, please kill me!”


Seeing the appearance of God King Cangyou, Jiang Chen was immediately stunned.

This Cangyou God King suddenly became very excited after feeling that his strength was much stronger than him.

The dignified and powerful Cangyou God King in the Great Desolate World seemed to be willing to die.

This…what is going on with this f*ck?

Jiang Chen was uncertain in his heart, but he did not hesitate in the movement in his hands.

He used the sword to refer to, and slashed out at the Cangyou God King with a volley of sword.

Divine King Cangyou did not resist at all, letting Jiang Chen’s sword split his divine body in half.

very quickly.

The majestic indestructible power surging out from the body of God King Cangyou instantly restored the body of God King Cangyou to its original state.


Jiang Chen even felt that the power of the God King Dao Cang You was getting stronger, and there were faint signs of breaking through the third stage of the God King!

“What an overbearing immortal heavenly power!”

Looking at the scene in front of him, Jiang Chen couldn’t help showing a solemn look in his eyes.

He found that he still underestimated God King Cangyou’s immortal power.

When he had just returned to the Great Desolation Realm, he saw the Cangyou divine envoy who had cultivated Immortal Heavenly Art.

That guy’s indestructible heavenly power is just that indestructible power is born in the body, once the indestructible power is exhausted, he will lose the indestructible ability.

But God King Cangyou’s immortal heavenly power was obviously higher than one level.

The indestructible power in his body is not only majestic to the extreme, but also seems to have condensed into a special physique that can continuously replenish the indestructible power it consumes!

In other words.

The indestructible power in the Cangyou God King’s body is already inexhaustible and inexhaustible, it is true that it has reached the immortality!

“I really don’t believe it, there are really people who can’t kill in this world!”

A sharp light flashed in Jiang Chen’s eyes, the golden ancient sword flashed out of the air in his palm, and then he waved it three times in the void.


Three dazzling golden Sword Qi pierced through the body of the Cangyou God King one after another, directly unloading the Cangyou God King into eight pieces.


The Cangyou Divine King, who was split into eight pieces by Jiang Chen, quickly regrouped intact under that strange indestructible force.

“Seven-star Heavenly Sword Art, destroy it for me!”

Jiang Chen’s complexion sank, and the Northern Dipper star chart above his head shone.

The power of the vast Star, turned into a giant sword of Star, fell from the sky.


Only heard a loud bang, the body of the Cangyou God King was directly crushed by the terrifying Star Sword Qi, and the whole person was transformed into a cloud of blood in the void, which can be said to be too dead to die.

Jiang Chen stared at God King Cangyou, his expression still looked extremely solemn.

Although his sword had already cut the Cangyou God King into a cloud of blood mist, this cloud of blood mist was enveloped by a terrifying indestructible force, and it had not dissipated from the void for a long time.

What’s more terrifying is.

Jiang Chen also felt a majestic breath of life from the blood mist.

The God King Cangyou is still not dead!

The fact is just as Jiang Chen expected.

Under the envelope of the indestructible power, the blood mist gradually turned into a blood shadow, impressively the appearance of the Cangyou Divine King.

very quickly.

An intact God King Cangyou appeared in front of Jiang Chen again.


Jiang Chen clearly felt that the breath of the God King Cangyou had reached the third stage of the God King!

“It’s such a terrible immortal skill, how can such a heaven-defying Cultivation Technique exist in this world?”

Seeing the scene before him, it was Jiang Chen’s character, and he couldn’t help taking a breath at this moment.

Immortal power, immortal and immortal!

Even if there is only a drop of blood left, it can still be reborn!

Such heaven-defying Cultivation Technique simply surpassed Jiang Chen’s cognition.

The Cangyou God King cultivation in front of him was an immortal existence.

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