Chapter 2167 Martial Sage Sect


Facing the sky-shaking punch of the golden phantom, Jiang Chen was not afraid, and directly swung the golden ancient sword, blasting against the golden phantom.

“Boom boom boom…”

Two terrifying forces kept colliding in the void, causing the world to fall into chaos.

The heavens and the earth collapsed, and the Sun Moon Star fell, as if the entire Zhenwu Great World could not bear the terrifying power of the two fighting each other.


Although this golden phantom is strong, it is ultimately just a remnant thought, an energy body condensed with the help of some special magical powers.

Every time he makes a shot, his strength will weaken by one point.

At the beginning, the golden phantom still had the upper hand slightly.

But after a few moves, the golden phantom was obviously a little weaker, and his figure gradually became more transparent and dimmed.

“Oh… the Martial Sage sect really provokes you who shouldn’t be provoke, it’s a good time to be destroyed.”

In the end, the golden phantom could only let out a helpless sigh, and finally dissipated completely in the world.

Seeing this scene, the real King Martial Sage’s eyes were dull, and he couldn’t believe it before Own’s eyes.

This golden phantom is the ancestor of the true Martial Sage sect.

Really, King Martial Sage never thought of it anyway.

He awakened the old ancestor Can Nian and sacrificed the last trump card of the true Martial Sage sect, but he was still ruthlessly crushed by Jiang Chen!

this moment.

Really, King Martial Sage finally panicked.

He quickly yelled with horror on his face: “Jiang…Jiang Chen, I am willing to lead the real Martial Sage sect to surrender to you. The entire Zhenwu universe respects you!”

“Sorry, I have no interest in your true Martial Sage sect or the entire Zhenwu universe.”

Jiang Chen was expressionless, and when he raised his hand, he swung a sword at the real King Martial Sage!

“Do not!”

At the moment when Jiang Chen took out the sword, the real King Martial Sage couldn’t help but let out a horrified scream, his body instantly turned into a golden rainbow and fled away.


Although the real Martial Sage King is fast, Jiang Chen’s Sword Ray is faster.

Only in a flash.

Sword Ray is like crossing time and space. It hit the real Martial Sage king thousands of miles away, and cut his body and soul in his body with a single sword, completely wiped out!

“The god king has fallen, how is it possible?”

In the true Martial Sage sect, the people headed by the old man with golden eyes are all ashamed at this moment, and their eyes are full of despair.

“Jiang Chen, you killed my sect king and ruined my real Martial Sage sect. I tried to fight with you!”

The old man Jin Tong snarled frantically, and the illusory figure was like a balloon that was blown up like a balloon, and rushed towards Jiang Chen.


The elder Jin Tong is only a mere one-star Tianzun’s strength, even if he explodes his soul, he does not pose any threat to Jiang Chen at all.

Jiang Chen just played a soul-killing mark lightly and swallowed the spirit of the old Jintong completely!

“My lord, forgive me!”

Seeing that the old man Jin Tong was killed instantly by Jiang Chen, the last heavenly deity of the true Martial Sage sect, he was frightened suddenly.

While begging for mercy, he rushed towards the sky in a panic.

It was just that he escaped less than a hundred miles away, and was struck by a Sword Ray chasing him by a golden Sword Ray. The whole person turned into a cloud of blood and sprinkled down from the void.

After killing this Heavenly Lord, Jiang Chen raged against the golden ancient sword Sword Qi in his hand, directly beheading the true Martial Sage son Martial Saint Yang and many true Martial Sage senior officials.

“Big… Your lord is forgiving, the matter of the Fire Gate has nothing to do with me, I am willing to quit the real Martial Sage sect.”

Seeing Jiang Chen who looked like a killer, countless true Martial Sage Sage disciples were panicked and squatted on the ground quickly, begging Jiang Chen for forgiveness.

“After today, there will be no real Martial Sage Sage in the world!”

Jiang Chen indifferently looked down at the true Martial Sage disciple below: “If you don’t want to die, get out of the true Martial Sage Mountain immediately.”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, many disciples of the true Martial Sage sect were as if they were amnesty, and they were crawling and fleeing out of the true Martial Sage mountain in panic.


There are also some disciples who are loyal to the true Martial Sage sect, and screamed frantically and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

“Jiang Chen, you really ruined my Martial Sage Sage, even if I’m a ghost, I won’t let you go!”

For these true Martial Sage disciples, Jiang Chen did not show any mercy, and directly swung his sword to kill them.

The red blood, like a rain of blood, spilled from the sky above the real Martial Sage sect, dyeing the ground hundreds of miles below it into a strange red.

At the same time that Jiang Chen stepped down the real Martial Sage sect alone.

A void tens of thousands of miles away from the true Martial Sage sect, suddenly a violent spatial fluctuation rippled.


A burly young man wearing a red robe also slowly walked out of the void.

The burly youth is no one else, but the young master of the Burning Fire Gate, Huo Tianyang.

Huo Tianyang walked out of the void, and his gaze with cold killing intent could not help directly looking towards the real Martial Sage Sect.

“True Martial Sage Sect, you destroyed my fire gate and arrested my father. Even if my Huo Tianyang is broken to pieces, you will have to pay a heavy price!”

Huo Tianyang’s indifferent voice fell, and he strode out toward the real Martial Sage Sage.


He flew thousands of miles in the air, and several figures wearing real Martial Sage costumes flew towards him head-on.

Huo Tianyang’s pupils couldn’t help shrinking slightly.

Could it be that as soon as he appeared, he was already a gap in the real Martial Sage Sage?

Huo Tianyang’s eyes were gloomy, and he was about to face these true Martial Sage sect people, but discovered that these true Martial Sage sect disciples didn’t even look at him, and fled away from him in panic like a frightened bird.


Huo Tianyang was stunned immediately.

These true Martial Sage sect disciples, apparently encountered something terrifying, are running for their lives in a panic.


The front is the real Martial Sage sect. How could the real Martial Sage realm make the disciples of the real Martial Sage sect run in panic on the own sect?

When Huo Tianyang was frightened and uncertain, there were several disciples of the real Martial Sage sect in front of them, fleeing in horror.

Huo Tianyang was shocked.

It seems that in the real Martial Sage Sage, I am afraid something really happened.

Huo Tianyang no longer hesitated at the moment, and directly speeded up and flew towards the real Martial Sage sect.

Not long.

Huo Tianyang has appeared outside the real Martial Sage Mountain.

I saw the real Martial Sage Mountain, which has always been regarded as Sacred Land by Zhenwu practitioners, but at this moment it is a mess, with broken walls everywhere.

The entire Martial Sage mountain seemed to be enveloped by a bloody breath.

The real Martial Sage sect below was even more tinged with blood to a fascinating red, giving people a feeling of scalp tingling.

this moment.

Huo Tianyang finally understood why the disciples of the true Martial Sage sect had to flee in a panic.

The dignified Martial Sage Sect, the god Sect who suppressed Zhenwu Tianyu for a billion years, was actually slaughtered like this?

Seeing the incredible scene in front of him, Huo Tianyang couldn’t help but breathe in his heart, and it was difficult to recover from the shock for a long time!

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