Chapter 2165 God King


The dazzling Star rays converge into a Northern Dipper seven-star map that traverses the sky.

Along with the swing of the golden ancient sword in Jiang Chen’s palm, a star giant sword that gathered the power of seven stars broke through the heavens and the earth from the Nine Heavens, and slashed on the layers of formation of the real Martial Sage sect.


Only a loud bang was heard, and the first layer of formation above the real Martial Sage sect was directly cut apart by the Star Great Sword.

Undoubtedly, the power of thunder lingering on the formation barrier was slashed by Sword Qi of the Star Great Sword, and completely dissipated in the world.

Although the guardian formation of the true Martial Sage sect is strong, it can only resist the attack of God King First Stage Heaven.


With Jiang Chen’s current strength, he exerts his seven-star Heavenly Sword Art with all his strength, even if the ordinary God King Third Stage Heavenly Power is difficult to resist easily, is it true that the formation of the Martial Sage sect can contend?

After slashing the first layer of formation, the giant sword of Star quickly landed on the second layer of formation.

These powerful formations capable of resisting a blow from the King of Gods, under Jiang Chen’s Star Giant Sword, were like pieces of paper, and they collapsed when touched.

It takes less than a few breaths.

The Star’s giant sword is directly like a broken bamboo, killing all three formations of the real Martial Sage sect in succession.

this moment.

The huge real Martial Sage sect has fallen into deathly silence.

Whether it is the old man Jin Tong and many other real Martial Sage sect seniors, or the many real Martial Sage sect disciples below, they all have a dull expression and can’t believe everything in front of them!

This is the guardian array blessed by the true Martial Sage sect of the past dynasties of the gods, and it is enough to resist the powerful attacks of the gods.

Such a powerful formation was destroyed by Jiang Chen’s sword.

This… how is this possible?

Jiang Chen destroyed the formation with a single sword, and directly under the horrified gaze of everyone in the real Martial Sage Sage, he slowly stepped down into the air.

“Jiang Chen, you… don’t mess around, do you really want to fight you with my Martial Sage Sage, will you die or I will live?”

Looking at the slowly stepping Jiang Chen, the old man Jin Tong finally panicked.

This guy can destroy the guardian formation of the real Martial Sage sect with a single sword, and he definitely has a terrifying power comparable to the Divine King Realm.

Now that the real Martial Sage King hasn’t returned yet, what do they really use Martial Sage to resist Jiang Chen?

“Fight to life and death? It depends on your true Martial Sage sect, I am afraid that you don’t have that qualification yet!”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously, and immediately stared at the old man in the golden robe with cold eyes: “Give you time to stick incense and send the people from the Burning Fire Gate to me obediently, otherwise I will slaughter you Martial Sage Sect!”

“Jiang Chen, don’t deceive people too much, our god king will come back soon. If you dare to move us, I promise you will be very miserable!”

Beside the old man Jintong, another Tianzun Elder shouted sharply.

“You talk too much nonsense!”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, and he swung out the golden ancient sword in his hand.

The next moment…

A silent Sword Qi instantly crossed time and space, and slashed on the body of the heavenly Lord Elder.


The body of this Celestial Elder burst into pieces, and directly turned into a blood mist in mid-air, completely dissipating between the sky and the earth.

Seeing that Jiang Chen killed a Celestial Elder with a wave of his hand, the hearts of many real Martial Sage sect seniors were inexplicably cold, and they only felt that the whole person was enveloped by a shadow of Death.

“Jiang Chen, don’t you want to save Liehuomen?”

“If you dare to touch me from the real Martial Sage Sage, I will let those in the Fire Gate completely disappear from this world!”

Really Martial Sage son Martial Saint Yang stared at Jiang Chen savagely, his eyes gleaming with cold light.

“What kind of thing do you dare to threaten me with people from the Burning Fire Gate?”

Jiang Chen’s cold voice fell, and when he raised his hand, he struck Martial Saint Yang with a sword, cutting Martial Saint Yang’s body into two with one sword.

He watched Martial Saint Yang’s horror escaped hundreds of feet of spirit, coldly said: “You can try the people of the fire door, I don’t mind taking your entire real Martial Sage sect to bury them for them!”


Just when Jiang Chen’s voice fell, an icy voice containing the power of the Great Dao, as if penetrating a million miles of territory, slowly came from the endless sky.

“Huh! Take the real Martial Sage sect to be buried, do you have that qualification?”

The sudden cold voice also made Jiang Chen narrow his eyes and couldn’t help but raise his head and look towards the end of the sky.

very quickly.

A figure shrouded in the golden light of Sacred appeared directly in Jiang Chen’s line of sight.

The last breath of this figure was still 100,000 miles away, and the next breath had already appeared above the real Martial Sage Sage.

The visitor wore a golden dragon robe with a flat crown on his head and twelve diadems hanging down. The golden robe was painted with mysterious golden rune, majestic and solemn, and full of Sacred golden glow.

“The King of God, our King of God is back!”

Looking at the golden figure suddenly descending above the real Martial Sage sect, and the many real Martial Sage sect disciples below, their expressions all instantly became excited.

Even the old man Jin Tong and others couldn’t help showing a look of ecstasy on their faces.

Really King of Martial Sage!

They are truly the martial sage sect’s divine king realm great power, and finally came back!

Looking at the real Martial Sage King who appeared in front of him, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but smiled slightly: “True Martial Sage King, you finally appeared.”

“Jiang Chen, the last time I let you leave the real world of real martial arts, I didn’t expect you to dare to come back. When I was really Martial Sage, you were looking for death!”

The indifferent voice of King Martial Sage was like a rolling thunder, shaking thousands of miles in the void, and shaking the clouds in the sky of thousands of miles.

Jiang Chen had no expression on his face, as if he hadn’t been affected by the power of the real Martial Sage.

He stared coldly at the real King Martial Sage: “Last time, I also said that you don’t want to see an accident at the Fire Gate, it was you who made a mistake.”

“Even if I made a mistake, what can you do?”

“This seat is the only god king in Zhenwu Tianyu, and it is also the ruler of this world. No one can stop me what this seat wants to do!”

“Since you have to find a dead end, this seat will do you well!”

The real King Martial Sage looked extremely domineering, as if he was pronouncing Jiang Chen’s death sentence on behalf of the sky.

When he spoke, the power of the surrounding heaven and earth instantly turned into Sacred’s golden light and gathered on the right fist!

that moment.

The universe of heaven and earth, the Galaxy Cluster of the sun and the moon, emerges behind the true Martial Sage king, setting off it like an undefeated God of War.

“True Martial Sage punch!”

The real King Martial Sage punched out, and the whole world seemed to be unable to withstand this punch, instantly turning into chaos.

“True King Martial Sage, if you had dealt with me directly on your body a few years ago, I might not have been your opponent.”

“It’s a pity… you missed the best opportunity.”

“Now that you have the strength of the second stage of the god king, you are just an ant in front of me. I kill like a chicken and a dog. What qualifications do you have to speak up in front of me?”

Jiang Chen laughed proudly, a shocking ten-color sword light also spread from the golden ancient sword in his hand!

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