Chapter 2163 the most trash god son

Jiang Chen’s extremely arrogant words immediately made everyone in the real Martial Sage sect furious.


“A little mao-tou, who dares to come to me, really Martial Sage, I think you are impatient with your life, right?”

Beside the old man Jin Tong, a middle-aged Tianzun stared at Jiang Chen murderously: “Boy, if you kneel and beg for mercy now, I might still be able to plead with the god king and forgive you for not dying!”

“Well, since you don’t ask the real Martial Sage king to come out, then I will kill your real Martial Sage sect until he is willing to come out!”

Jiang Chen didn’t bother to talk nonsense at all.

A golden ancient sword in his hand flashed out of thin air, and the terrifying Sword Qi turned into a bright golden rainbow, raging in the sky above the real Martial Sage.

“kill him!”

The old man Jin Tong’s face was extremely cold.

Following his order, more than a dozen real Martial Sage sect realm gods behind them directly killed Jiang Chen with surging weather conditions.

Jiang Chen’s face was indifferent, and he waved the golden ancient sword in his hand.

“Shoo, hoo…”

The splendid golden Sword Qi burst out, directly with the invincible and invincible force, slashing at the dozen or so world gods.

“Puff puff puff……”

Jiang Chen swung a sword, and more than a dozen real Martial Sage sect gods had no time to react. The flesh and soul were instantly strangled by the golden Sword Qi into nothingness!

“How… how is it possible?”

This scene immediately caused countless true Martial Sage disciples, all of them like ghosts, almost a little can’t believe their own eyes.

More than a dozen realm gods, including a realm-sovereign realm powerhouse, were all smashed by this black-clothed young man’s understatement.

Even if it is a strong Heavenly Venerable Realm, I am afraid there is nothing better than this.

Does the black-clothed youth in front of him already have a terrifying strength comparable to the Celestial Realm?

To know.

In the true Martial Sage sect, only their god son who has made a breakthrough in the two-star Venerable with the gods of the gods, has the strength comparable to the gods of the gods.

Could it be that this black-clothed young man is a genius who is no less inferior to the enchanting genius?

“Boy, you are looking for death!”

The old man Jin Tong and the three powerful Heavenly Venerables came back to his senses, and his expression instantly became frightened.

Although the true Martial Sage sect is the great king of the true martial realm and possesses countless world gods, being slaughtered by more than a dozen realm gods with one sword is a big loss for their real Martial Sage sect.

“Everyone, Elder, don’t panic, wait for the son of God to solve this kid!”

At this moment, as soon as the figure shrouded in golden light suddenly rose into the sky from the real Martial Sage sect, it appeared directly in front of Jiang Chen.

This is a young man in a gorgeous golden robe. The young man has blond hair and an arrogant look. There is a vertical eye between his forehead, and he opens and closes, faintly gleaming with tearing void light.

This young man is no one else, but the true Martial Sage god son Martial Saint Yang.

Martial Saint Yang is also the only genius of the true Martial Sage sect who has reached the gods of the gods. Now he has successfully broken through the two-star Venerable, and his combat power is comparable to the strong of the gods.

“The son of God has taken action!”

“With the current strength of the god child, enough to match the power of the heavenly realm, that kid is dead!”


In the true Martial Sage sect, many true Martial Sage sect disciples saw Martial Saint Yang taking action, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

“God, be careful, this son is probably at least a one-star earthly respect.”

Seeing Martial Saint Yang took the shot, the old man Jin Tong couldn’t help but reminded him hastily.

Although the current strength of the god child is enough to fight the strong Tianzun, the young man in black is definitely not a weak one.

Martial Saint Yang ignored the old man Jin Tong. He stared coldly at Jiang Chen: “Boy, dare to kill me in the real Martial Sage sect. You are the first one in history!”

“You are the true God of Martial Sage?”

Jiang Chen glanced at Martial Saint Yang lightly, and shook his head contemptuously: “I have to say that you are the most rubbish among all the gods I have seen recently.”

Martial Saint Yang in front of him may be regarded as a rare enchanting genius in the realm of Zhenwu.

But compared with the real geniuses on the Gods’ Domain Continent, they were nothing at all.

The level of this guy is comparable to those of the geniuses in the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple. Compared with the gods of the East Territory’s god-tier powers, they are all one level behind.

“Hmph, not ashamed!”

“This god son wants to see, what right do you have to be rampant in front of me!”

Martial Saint Yang screamed in anger, and the third vertical eye between his eyebrows suddenly opened, blooming with bright golden light that was as dazzling as the sun.


These brilliant golden lights directly turned into a golden divine sword, and the splendid real fire of the sun burned and bloomed from above, and the terrifying and hot power instantly swept the entire sky.

True Sun Eyes!

This is Martial Saint Yang’s own blood, combined with the true Martial Sage Sage’s great skill, condensed with peerless supernatural powers, which is enough to make the Tianzun strong retreat.

Martial Saint Yang obviously also knew that the black-clothed youth in front of him was extraordinary, and he directly showed the true sun’s eyes!

“This supernatural power is pretty good, but the master is too bad.”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and he directly raised his sword and eyebrows, slashing across the sky.

I saw the void in front of Jiang Chen, which was directly divided into two at a speed visible to the naked eye, and slashed on the golden divine sword condensed by Martial Saint Yang.


The golden divine sword broke at the sound, and was directly cut into two by Jiang Chen’s sharp and sharp sword.


Martial Saint Yang trembled, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

Before he could react, the Sword Ray that had cut off the golden divine sword had penetrated the space and landed on his body.


Only a loud noise was heard, and Martial Saint Yang flew out of a distance of hundreds of feet in embarrassment.

If it weren’t for the true God of Martial Sage Sage, with a divine king’s armor body on his body, I am afraid that Martial Saint Yang would have been destroyed by Jiang Chen’s sword.

“The Son of God!”

Jin Tong old man and the others looked terrified.

The many true Martial Sage children below were even more stunned and shocked.

Dignified and true Martial Sage sect’s god child, whose combat power is comparable to the powerful existence of the Heavenly Venerable Realm, was defeated by the black-clothed youth in the void!

“You…you dare to hurt me, the Martial Sage god son, damn it!”

The old man Jin Tong was furious, and his whole body was filled with a violent killing intent.

I saw his hands gently stroked into the void, a golden sky river with a long sword that stretched across the sky like a golden sky sword, as if to kill Jiang Chen and the void around him.

“One-star Tianzun, who is like an ant, even wants to kill me?”

“Since you are very desperate, then I will kill you first, and then find the real Martial Sage King to settle the account.”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and the golden ancient sword in his hand shook slightly, and another sword that opened the world and slashed directly at the old golden pupil…

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