Chapter 2152 I’m Just Passing By

“Master, capture the thief first, capture the king. Such a big movement should soon attract the Void Beastmaster. Only the Void Beastmaster can control these void beasts and make the tide of void beasts recede.”

Niu Gan hurriedly said.

When Jiang Chen heard the words of dried beef, his expression seemed calmer.

He lightly defeated the surrounding void beasts, waiting for the appearance of the void beast king.

Not long.

A huge and dull voice suddenly came from the depths of the void sea.


Thousands of miles around the surface of the sea is full of shocking waves, and a fierce and terrifying aura is also slowly permeating from the sea of ​​void.

The next moment.

A giant black snake with a length of three thousand meters also slowly emerged from the Void Sea.

This giant black snake was several times larger than any black snake that appeared in the field. There was a huge cockscomb on his head, and his whole body was covered with a layer of pitch-black scale armor, shining with the cold light.

After the giant black snake appeared, Yang Tian made a sharp hissing sound.

The void beasts that were madly rushing towards Jiang Chen, after hearing the hiss of the giant black snake, seemed to have received a mysterious command, and instantly became quiet.

After the giant black snake stopped the surrounding void beasts, the pair of huge snake pupils could not help but stare at Jiang Chen coldly: “Human, you dare to run wild on this king’s land?”

Void beasts are mysterious creatures born in the eternal void.

These void beasts are generally fierce beasts that only know how to kill, and they don’t activate their intelligence and possess human consciousness.

Only some powerful Void Beastmasters can speak words and possess some human wisdom.

These Void Beast Kings are powerful beings that are comparable to the power of the Divine King Realm.

And the giant black snake in front of him was a Void Beast King who was comparable to the God King First Stage Sky.

Jiang Chen faintly smiled and said: “Snake King, this is just a misunderstanding. I haven’t thought about running wild on your site. I just want to borrow your precious land to pass by. I also hope that Snake King can make it easier.”

“You have killed so many of this king’s men and want to leave just like that, it’s just wishful thinking!”

The giant black snake stared at Jiang Chen with stern eyes, opened his mouth and spit out a pitch-black sword of the void, which instantly pierced the 10,000-square-meter space and appeared in a place less than a hundred meters away from Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen lifted the golden ancient sword in his hand, and slashed it lightly on the sword of void, cutting it into nothingness.

“It’s said that I just passed by, but you have to do it. If that’s the case, then I will play with you.”


When Jiang Chen spoke, a terrifying sword that shook the sky and the earth instantly rose from his body.

That terrifying sword force, like a huge pillar of heaven, shook thousands of miles of eternal void.

The next moment.

I saw a sword light intertwined with golden thunder and lightning, spreading out from the golden ancient sword in Jiang Chen’s hand with an aura of destruction.

Jiang Chen held the golden ancient sword in his hand and slammed it out.

In an instant…

The space collapsed and the universe stagnated.

In the eternal void of thousands of miles, it seems that there is only one golden thunder sword light that can tear the space apart and extinguish the world!

“not good!”

The giant black snake’s heart was inexplicably cold, and he quickly waved the huge steel-like snake tail and swept over the golden thunder sword light.


Thunder sword light, like cutting tofu, instantly penetrated the extremely hard snake tail of the giant black snake, and cut off its hundreds of feet long snake tail.


The giant snake king instantly uttered a miserable scream, half of the snake’s tail sprinkled countless blood in the void, and the huge body kept tumbling in the eternal void, rolling up the monstrous wind, causing the surrounding space to tremble constantly.

Some of the void beasts that were relatively close to the snake king were directly strangled into nothingness by that terrifying wind.

“Snake King, I don’t want to be an enemy of Void Sea, I just want to take the road to pass. You are now taking these Void Beasts and disappear from me, maybe it’s too late!”

Jiang Chen cut off the Snake King’s God King with a sword, and his indifferent voice instantly resounded through the world.

“Ah…Human, I’m going to kill you!”

The giant snake king raised up to the sky and let out a terrifying roar, that sharp hissing sound that was several times more than before, instantly spread all over the world, and even drifted away to a farther place.


And shortly after the sound of the giant snake king’s hissing, the endless depths of the void sea suddenly became surging, and a low and earth-shaking sound was also slowly heard.

Jiang Chen’s eyes condensed slightly, and he couldn’t help but looked towards the depths of the void sea.


Jiang Chen felt an aura that was several times stronger than the giant snake king, and was approaching them at a terrifying speed.

“Master, it should be the strongest Void Beast King here.”

Gan Niu looked at the terrifying aura that was approaching them quickly, and his expression became more solemn in an instant: “There are five great Void Beast Kings in this Void Sea. Headed by the Whale King.”


Just now the Snake King knew that he was not Jiang Chen’s opponent, and he directly summoned the strongest Void Whale King.

Jiang Chen expressionlessly looked at the depths of the void sea quietly.

Not long.

A huge, terrifying gray and black giant shadow finally emerged in Jiang Chen’s sight.

Most of the gray and black giant shadow was hidden in the void sea, only revealing a huge head, and the big mouth of the black hole in the blood basin, as if it could swallow a thousand-zhang mountain.

The huge body of the gray giant shadow swiftly shuttled through the void sea, and the turbulent waves that passed by it set off huge black holes in the surrounding space.

call out!

The gray giant shadow was as fast as lightning, and soon appeared in a place less than a thousand miles away from Jiang Chen and the others.

Jiang Chen took a closer look, and he realized that the giant gray shadow that appeared suddenly was a huge gray-black whale.

This whale was somewhat similar to the giant void whale he had encountered when he first entered the eternal void.

However, the one in front of him, no matter its size or breath, was many times stronger than the Void Giant Whale he had encountered back then.

“Fourth, what’s the matter?”

The Void Giant Whale King came to the side of the Snake King, and looked at the Snake King whose tail had been cut off, and couldn’t help being slightly surprised.

The Snake King suddenly stared at Jiang Chen with incomparably ferocious eyes: “Dage, that’s the human being. Not only did he come to my site to make trouble, but he also injured me with a single sword!”

The gaze of the Void Whale King suddenly fell on Jiang Chen’s body.


Its huge and incomparable pupils shrank suddenly, and it couldn’t help showing an unprecedented dignity!

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