Chapter 2149 Tier 2 Demon God, Killed With One Sword

“Divine King Tool…”

The burly young man looked at the golden palace in front of him, and his eyes filled with magical energy were constantly changing.

Divine King Artifacts are peerless treasures created by the power of the Divine King Realm of the Divine Realm World. For Divine King Realm, it is also a very important existence, and it is impossible to discard it in this eternal void at will.

This golden palace floating in the eternal void like this is indeed extraordinary.

Could it be…

In this eternal void, there was once a great war between the king of gods and left this golden palace in this place.

Thinking of this, the burly young man couldn’t help but said to the black-robed old man behind him: “Uncle Kan, go and see if you can accept this golden palace.”

Although the Void Demon Race is powerful, the resources of the Eternal Void are very barren, and it is difficult for them to create some powerful treasures.

Now that they have encountered a divine artifact, how can they easily miss it?


The black-robed old man responded, and then stepped out, reaching out to grab the golden palace in front of him.


His grasp did not shake the Golden Palace at all, but the whole person was a shock force from the Golden Palace, which shocked him back several steps in a row.

This golden palace does not seem simple.

The black-robed old man’s heart shuddered.

Just when he was about to make an all-out effort, a black shadow flew out from the golden palace and stood proudly above the golden palace.


Seeing a slight move from the black shadow’s palm, the golden palace shrank sharply in mid-air, and finally turned into a palm-sized golden palace, submerged in the black shadow’s body.

“This golden palace has a master!”

Seeing the black shadow flying out of the golden palace, the expressions of the black-robed old man and the burly young man couldn’t help but suddenly change.

This black shadow that emerged out of thin air was naturally Jiang Chen who was healed at the Closed Door Training of the Holy Dragon Temple.

After ten days of healing, although Jiang Chen has not fully recovered to his peak state, his internal injuries have also recovered seven or eighty-eight.

It is also because of the injury that he is recovering well.

Just now when the Holy Dragon Temple was attacked, Jiang Chen would directly end his cultivation and come out of the Holy Dragon Temple to find out.

After receiving the Holy Dragon Temple, Jiang Chen’s eyes quickly fell on the two Daoist shadows on the opposite side.

When he felt the aura on the two of them, he was slightly surprised: “People of the Void Demon Race?”

Jiang Chen obviously didn’t expect it.

This time he escaped into the Eternal Void, and the first person he encountered would be the Void Demon Race.

Could it be…

This time, I used that mysterious jade plate to escape into the eternal void, and accidentally hit and entered the territory of the Void Demon Race.

“Boy, who are you, why are you here?”

The black-robed old man stared at Jiang Chen tightly, and he couldn’t help but let out a cold scream.

This place is the edge area of ​​the largest void sea in this eternal void, and it is the side close to their void bull demon race. It is impossible for ordinary practitioners of the gods to appear here.

It’s really weird for this kid to appear here.

“Who I am, you don’t need to know.”

Jiang Chen squinted at the two of them with a smile: “I have a good heart now. As long as you answer a few questions, I can consider forgiving you not to die!”

With the help of the mysterious jade plate, he escaped into the eternal void, ignorant of the situation here.

And the two guys in front of them are obviously void demons living in this eternal void, and they should know this place very well.

He happened to pass these two Void Demon Races to understand the eternal void in front of him.

“Don’t be ashamed!”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, the black-robed old man couldn’t help but a sneer of disdain appeared in his eyes.

With his eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see that the Cultivation Base of the black-clothed youth in front of him is still in a state of earthly respect.

And he is a magnificent second-order Void Demon God, who can be comparable to the God’s World God King Second Stage Heavenly existence, how can he put a maotou from the realm to put in one’s eyes?

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows: “It seems that the two of you don’t plan to answer my question?”

The two Void Demon Races in front of them were extremely powerful.

That burly young man should have reached the peak of the Heavenly Demon Race, which was comparable to the peak of the three-star Celestial Venerable. And the old man in black robe is a Void Demon God who is comparable to the God King Second Stage Heaven.


Jiang Chen’s strength has now recovered to seven or eighty-eight, and naturally he will not have the slightest fear of these two people.

When he first entered the Divine Realm, he severely damaged the God King Third Stage Heaven’s Li Soul God King with a single sword.

Although he still hasn’t broken through the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, he has reached the late stage of the Earthly Sovereign Realm, which is more than twice as powerful as when he first entered the Earthly Sovereign Realm.

With his current strength, to clean up a Tier 2 Void Demon God, isn’t it a matter of grasping it?

“Boy, I don’t care who you are, this eternal void is not a place where you can go wild, die for me!”

The black-robed old man’s harsh words fell, and immediately his fist was suddenly clenched, bringing an incomparable demonic energy and terrifying spatial power, and punching Jiang Chen.

The second-order Void Demon God is comparable to the existence of God King Second Stage Heaven.

The black-robed old man punched out this punch, and instantly pressed thousands of miles into the void, as if he was about to destroy Jiang Chen and the surrounding space.

Jiang Chen was expressionless, and the golden ancient sword in his hand emerged out of thin air.

I saw him gently holding the golden ancient sword, raising his hand and swiping into the void.


A line of Sword Qi condensed by ten colors of light gradually elongated in the void, lightly splitting the constant pressure of the fist in the void into two halves.

Sword Qi split his fist, then in the black robe old man’s extremely horrified gaze, ignoring the powerful defenses around him, directly slashed on his body.

“Do not!”

The black-robed old man looked terrified.

It’s just that under the ten-color Sword Ray, the black robe old man has no resistance at all, and he was completely wiped out into nothingness by this Sword Qi almost in the blink of an eye.

The second-order Void Demon God, a powerful existence comparable to the God King Second Stage Heaven, was completely annihilated by Jiang Chen with just one sword!

“Uncle Kan…dead?”

Seeing this incredible scene in front of him, the burly young man is like a ghost, with own eyes that can’t believe it.

It took him a while to recover from the shock, and there was an unprecedented panic in his eyes looking at Jiang Chen.

To know.

The black-robed old man is one of the few Void Demon Gods of their Void Bull Demon Clan, and has reached the level of the second-order Void Demon God, and is the third strongest of their Void Bull Demon Clan.

Such a Tier 2 Void Demon God was killed by this kid with a sword!

This… how is this f*ck possible?

The burly young man never expected that this guy who seemed to be in the earthly realm in front of him could achieve such a terrifying combat power!

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