Chapter 2147 Next time, I will return ten times back

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, ignoring Ji Qianye at all, turning around and heading towards the Ji Clan of the Eastern Region.

Ji Qianye in front of him was a peerless arrogant of the same level as Long Jiuhan.

With his current strength, it is simply difficult to contend with it.

Now he can only return to the Ji Clan of the Eastern Region first, and then make plans.

“Ha ha… Since I am ready to intercept you, how can I let you escape easily.”

Ji Qianye smiled coldly, then waved his palm, and the universe changed instantly.

Before Jiang Chen could react, he felt that he had suddenly appeared in a strange and unfamiliar world of stars.

“Jiang Chen, I am the god king who controls the avenue of space. In the world I have created, you won’t have any resistance at all. Just catch it if you are obedient!”

Ji Qianye stood proudly in the starry sky, like the master of this world, overlooking Jiang Chen indifferently.


A cold light flashed in Jiang Chen’s eyes, and the golden ancient sword in his hand flashed out of thin air, directly gathering the power of his whole body, turning into a chaotic Sword Ray and slashing away at Ji Qianye.

“Jiang Chen, although I have to admit, your combat power is almost invincible within the same Realm.”

“Even when I was still in the realm of the realm gods, I am afraid it was probably not your opponent.”

“But for you now, Cultivation Base is still too weak after all.”


Ji Qianye raised her finger lightly, and one finger popped out.


His thumb was as big as a mountain, he flicked on the golden ancient sword, and directly brought the sword with the person, and flew Jiang Chen out, turning into a meteor, flying backwards in an instant.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath.

The Seven Star Heaven Sword Art, the Three Seals of the Human Emperor, and the Third Stage Vision of the Taixu Sacred Dragon were displayed one after another, killing Ji Qianji with all their strength.


Ji Qianye’s strength was already very powerful. He is now trapped in the space created by Ji Qianye, and he is naturally not Ji Qianye’s opponent.

His powerful offensives were all resolved lightly by Ji Qianye.

To the end.

Jiang Chen had to fuse the golden ancient sword and the divine body visionary imperial sword, and slashed out the strongest sword with all his strength.

“The Divine Body Vision Human Emperor Sword is worthy of being the first Divine Body Vision of the Human Emperor Palace, but you are too weak!”

Ji Qianye smiled contemptuously, the light on the soles of the feet was radiant, and a giant foot condensed by the divine power of the Space Dao slammed down like the soles of the ancient gods.

that moment.

Ji Qianye smashed the sky in a radius of thousands of miles.

Jiang Chen’s entire body also flew upside down in an instant, smashing a huge spatial crack spanning thousands of miles in the air.


The blood in Jiang Chen’s mouth spouted like a fountain, and he saw that the large bones on his body were shattered, with scars and scars, and his whole body was crumbling. It was obvious that he suffered heavy injuries under Ji Qianye’s strike.

“Sure enough, it’s not an opponent either.”

Jiang Chen swallowed a healing pill and forcefully suppressed the injury in his body. The gaze looking at Ji Qianye also became more solemn than ever.

He is full of background, with the Cultivation Base of the Divine Realm, he can contend with the power of the God King Third Stage Heaven.

But it is only limited to the ordinary God King Third Stage days.

Ji Qianye is a peerless arrogant of the Ji Clan in the Middle Region. Even though he can’t compare with Jiang Chen, the four-star realm god, he is also an enchanting evildoer who can fight higher, and his combat power cannot be measured by Realm.

“Fortunately, Master gave me the space artifact he had obtained at the beginning, otherwise I am afraid it will really be carried in this guy’s hands today.”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and his mind was quickly locked on a cyan jade plate engraved with mysterious rune in the Holy Dragon Palace.

This cyan jade plate is a spatial treasure obtained by the master of the ancient profound way.

Once the cyan jade plate is activated, you can directly escape into the eternal void.

When the Master was conspired, it was because of this cyan jade plate that he managed to escape.

The last time he left the ancient spirit divine sect, Gu Xuandao gave him this cyan jade plate to prevent any accidents.


Although this cyan jade plate can help Jiang Chen escape into the Eternal Void, its location is not fixed. If you are unlucky, you may even escape into the Eternal Void’s forbidden areas with extremely high risks.

Because of this, Jiang Chen didn’t dare to use the jade plate to enter the eternal void easily.


Now facing Ji Qianye’s interception, Jiang Chen was almost in desperate situation, but he had to urge this blue jade plate.

“Are you still fighting?”

Ji Qianye’s eyes were indifferent, like looking at ants.

The difference between God King and Realm God is the difference between man and God.

Although there are many heaven-defying existences in this world, which can break the barriers and use the realm gods to rebel against the God of War, they are only limited to ordinary gods.

Like him, such a peerless Tianjiao Proving Dao God King, how could it be defeated by the Boundary God?

Jiang Chen did not speak.

With a movement of his palm, a mysterious jade plate about the size of a palm and radiating cyan light appeared directly in Jiang Chen’s palm.

“What a powerful space artifact!”

Ji Qianye looked at the mysterious jade plate in Jiang Chen’s hand, his eyes narrowed slightly.

As the great power of the king of space, Ji Qianye is so sensitive to the power of space, he almost instantly sensed the vast space power on the mysterious jade plate.

This is a space artifact, and it is not an ordinary space artifact!

Ji Qianye’s heart shuddered slightly.

Just as he was preparing to deal with Jiang Chen’s attack on the mysterious jade plate with all his strength, he discovered that the space divine power on the mysterious jade plate directly enveloped Jiang Chen’s whole person.

“No, this turned out to be a teleportation space artifact!”

At this moment, Ji Qianye finally noticed the strangeness of the mysterious jade plate, and her complexion changed drastically.

Without the slightest hesitation, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Jiang Chen with a volley.


Ji Qianye’s action was obviously late.

At the moment he had just shot, Jiang Chen broke through the starry sky world in the mysterious jade plate’s supernatural power, and escaped into the endless void space.

Immediately afterwards.

A faint voice also came directly from the void space.

“Ji Qianye, I have taken note of today’s affairs, Jiang Chen. When I return to the Continent of God’s Domain next time, I will definitely return it ten times!”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s intermittent voice from the void, Ji Qianye’s complexion instantly became extremely difficult to look at.

“Damn it, this guy has a legendary space artifact!”

Ji Qianye cursed secretly in her heart.

Originally he thought.

Hidden in the dark, he was fully prepared to intercept Jiang Chen. It should be foolproof, but he didn’t expect to be careless, but Jiang Chen escaped.

After today, Jiang Chen is bound to leave the continent of God’s Domain and escape into the eternal void.

Even if it is the Ji Clan of the Middle Domain and the Palace of the Human Emperor, it is simply impossible to find Jiang Chen in the eternal void.

“This son is absolutely not allowed to stay, even if you ask someone from the Profound God Clan to take action at all costs, you must get rid of it!”

An icy light flashed in Ji Qianye’s eyes, and his figure flashed immediately before disappearing into the sky spookyly.

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