Chapter 2142 Fighting Long Jiuhan

Ji Qianye smiled and said: “What am I doing here, don’t you East Region Ji Clan not know what?”

“Ji Qianye, with me, Ji Tianyou, don’t want to touch Jiang Chen’s hair.”

Ji Tianyou stared at Ji Qianye sternly: “I, the Ji Clan of the Eastern Region, will never let the things that happened a million years ago happen again!”

Ji Qianye shook his head and said: “Ji Tianyou, there are some things, why should you know that you can’t do it? If you continue to persist, you will only let the Ji Clan of the East Territory be overwhelmed!”

“Ji Qianye, don’t talk too much nonsense, just do it, just in case it changes later.”

Obviously, Long Jiuhan didn’t want to waste time, so he said indifferently: “The guy below is not weak, you or me?”

Ji Qianye glanced at Jiang Chen below: “It’s better for you to come and I’ll contain this old guy.”

As the current god son of the Ji Clan in the Middle Region, Ji Qianye naturally knows better than Long Jiuhan how heaven-defying people are.

Although Jiang Chen in front of him only has the Cultivation Base in the Divine Realm, his combat power cannot be described by common sense at all, and he is very likely to have some extraordinary and powerful hole cards.


Ji Qianye, who had always acted cautiously, obviously didn’t want to directly deal with Jiang Chen, and planned to let Long Jiuhan try that guy’s details first.

Long Jiuhan didn’t talk nonsense, and appeared directly in the Qianzhang void above Jiang Chen’s head.


The faces of Ji Xuanyi and others also became extremely difficult to look at at this moment.

They obviously didn’t expect that Long Jiuhan, the saint son of the ancient sacred dragon clan, would be united with Ji Qianye sent by the Ji clan in the Middle Territory.

One Long Jiuhan was enough to cause their Eastern Territory Ji Clan to have a terrible headache.

Now, with the addition of Ji Qianye who is not much inferior to Long Jiuhan, things are getting more and more troublesome.

“The strength of this guy…very strong!”

Jiang Chen stared at Long Jiuhan above his head, his expression became more solemn than ever.

After acquiring the system, Jiang Chen walked along the road and saw a lot of talented Martial Dao geniuses, but there has never been a genius who can bring him a great sense of oppression like this guy in front of him.

This guy in front of him is definitely the most powerful opponent he has ever encountered in his life, not one of them!

“Jiang Chen, my ancient holy dragons have been looking for you for a long time.”

Long Jiuhan looked down at Jiang Chen indifferently, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Regarding Jiang Chen in front of him, Long Jiuhan had heard Elder mention it more than once when he was in the ancient sacred dragon clan.

It is said that the boy in front of him is the same as him, and he is cultivating the ancient sacred dragon clan’s Zhen Clan magic skill Taixu Sacred Dragon.

The picture of Taixu Sacred Dragon is a magical skill of the ancient Sacred Dragon.

Even in the entire ancient sacred dragon clan, there are only a handful of people who are qualified to cultivate the Taixu sacred dragon clan.

The boy in front of him is not a member of his ancient sacred dragon clan, but he has obtained the too imaginary sacred dragon picture. There is only one possibility, that is, the one who betrayed the ancient sacred dragon clan back then!

Hundreds of millions of years ago.

In the eternal void, the ancient holy dragons found the holy dragon heavenly palace founded by the one and destroyed it.


At the critical moment, that person exiled the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace into the eternal void, so that the ancient Holy Dragon Clan had not been able to find the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace.

Since Jiang Chen cultivated the Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture, he obviously found the Sacred Dragon Heaven Palace and got the inheritance inside.

A few years ago.

At the invitation of the Tianpeng Protoss, Elder had already met Jiang Chen once, and witnessed the imitation version of the Holy Dragon Palace, which was on Jiang Chen’s body.

There should be something very important to the ancient sacred dragon clan in that holy dragon palace.


Back then, Elder and the others were careless, and Jiang Chen escaped by chance.

In the past few years, the ancient holy dragons have been looking for Jiang Chen’s traces, and now they finally found them in the Eastern Territory Ji Clan.

Today, he said that he would take Jiang Chen for whatever he wanted, get the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace from Jiang Chen, and take back a heaven-shattering secret belonging to the ancient holy dragon clan.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and stared at Long Jiuhan coldly: “You people of the ancient Sacred Dragon clan, you are really lingering.”

“You are not a member of my ancient sacred dragon clan, but you have cultivated my ancient sacred dragon clan’s magical skill Taixu sacred dragon map, how can my ancient sacred dragon clan sit back and ignore it?”

Long Jiuhan said indifferently: “Jiang Chen, if you now obediently hand over the Holy Dragon Palace and follow me to the ancient sacred dragon clan, I might still consider keeping you alive.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes were slightly cold: “What if… I don’t?”

“In front of me, you don’t have the qualifications to say no!”

Long Jiuhan’s proud voice fell, and he stretched out to grab Jiang Chen in the air. A giant that evolved from the divine power of cold ice grabbed Jiang Chen directly.


Jiang Chen’s body of kendo originated with all its strength, and instantly gathered between his fingers into a colorful chaotic sword finger, a sword smashed Long Jiuhan, which seemed to stretch out the claws of the ice that was about to froze the heavens and the earth.

A sword smashed the ice claws, Jiang Chen directly displayed the First Stage vision of the Taixu Sacred Dragon, and took the initiative to kill Long Jiuhan.

The strength of Long Jiuhan in front of him completely surpassed Jiang Chen’s imagination.

Therefore, Jiang Chen did not hesitate to choose decisively and preemptively!

“Haha…Although the image of the imaginary sacred dragon is strong, you are just asking yourself to be boring if you use it in front of me.”

Long Jiuhan’s icy laughter fell, and a pair of silver-colored Qianlongzhen sky map was also condensed above his head, colliding with Jiang Chen’s golden Qianlongzhen sky map.


Heaven and earth collapse, space is shattered, sun and moon hang upside down

This shocking collision caused Jiang Chen to fly upside down thousands of feet in embarrassment before barely stopping his figure.

Long Jiuhan’s expression was indifferent, and he didn’t leave any hands at all.

As soon as he stepped out, the whole person had appeared on Jiang Chen’s head again, countless ice avenue divine power condensed in the void, and then turned into a crystal-like dragon roar Nine Heavens picture, and once again suppressed Jiang Chen. .


Long Xiao Nine Heavens has not yet arrived.

The emptiness of the vast radius is as if it has sunk out of thin air, and a huge black hole of space has appeared.

“Drive me!”

Jiang Chen furiously danced wildly, also fully condensing the second stage vision of the Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture, and collided with the Long Xiao Nine Heavens picture suppressed by Long Jiuhan.


This collision was more terrifying than the previous confrontation between the two.

It’s just that Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Technique vision condensed with the ethereal sacred dragon map, its power is obviously inferior to Long Jiuhan.

The two Taixu Sacred Dragon images held a stalemate in the void for a moment, and the crystal-like Dragon Xiao Nine Heavens image crushed Jiang Chen’s golden Dragon Xiao Nine Heavens image.

And Jiang Chen’s whole person was once again beaten thousands of feet away by a terrifying force.

His face was pale as paper, and a mouthful of blood in his mouth spurted out like a fountain…

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