Chapter 214: Win You, No Need To Take Action!

“Hold… Damn!”

“Jiang Chen didn’t even make a move, what is the situation!”

“He… he actually has to rely on his body to resist Li Yang’s fist. Isn’t this crazy?”

Seeing Jiang Chen, who had no doctor to fight back on the martial arts stage, everyone around couldn’t help but feel an uproar.

“Damn it, dare to look down on me like this, just die for me.”

Seeing that Jiang Chen ignored his attack, Li Yang’s expression instantly became extremely hideous.

The huge fist, with a fierce energy, slammed Jiang Chen’s chest fiercely.


A piercing metal crashing sound was instantly uploaded from the competition platform.

The next moment…

I saw Li Yang’s body trembled suddenly, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and the whole person fell out of the competition platform like a kite with a broken line.

This scene.

Suddenly, the eyes of countless spectators in the square became round.

The most powerful dark horse of the current Jiufu Huiwu, although they also believe that Jiang Chen will have no problem defeating Li Yang.

But they still didn’t expect that Jiang Chen would defeat Li Yang in this way.

He stayed there motionless, but Li Yang, who was actively attacking, was hit hard and flew down directly from the competition stage.

This… This is too incredible.

“Hmph, that’s all about the vulture. I will meet me in a while, let me see how you can block the sword in my hand with your body.”

Ye Jianqiu sneered disdainfully.

If Jiang Chen only has this ability, he can defeat him, only one sword is enough!

“This kid… he is also a body cultivator!”

On the other side, Yin Kai of Qianlong Wufu looked at Jiang Chen on the martial arts stage, his eyes shrank suddenly.

Then Li Yang’s strength reached the Eighth Stage of Yuqi, and Jiang Chen was able to kill him with the help of his body’s counter shock.

His strength along with the body cultivator, I am afraid that at least they have reached a level comparable to the Xiantian Practitioner.

After Jiang Chen left the field, the game continued in an orderly manner.

Sixty-four students, almost all appeared one by one.

In addition to Jiang Chen in Lingyun Wufu, there were three others in the top sixty-four.

Except for Wu Soaring Dragon who won in the first round, the remaining two are at the bottom of the sixty-four rounds, and there is no doubt that Dubai Ling.

very quickly.

The game entered the second round.

After a few battles, it was Jiang Chen’s turn to play again.

This time, Jiang Chen’s opponent was a Xiantian Practitioner from Qianlong Wufu named Shishan.

“Jiang Chen, do it.”

“It is said that you are the strongest dark horse in this session of the Jiufu Huiwu, and have the qualifications to compete with my senior brother Yin Kai for Wukui, let me first see if you have this qualification!”

On the stage.

Shi Shan looked at Jiang Chen, who was standing opposite him, and couldn’t help but said with sorrow.

“You want to do it, even if you do it.”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “I don’t need to make a move if I win against you!”

“Boy, do you really treat me like Li Yang?”

“Dare to be so arrogant in front of me, I will definitely want you to pay for it!”

Shishan’s face turned cold, and the aura of Xiantian First Stage exploded with all strength.

A fierce palm strength rushed towards Jiang Chen like an angry wave.

Jiang Chen put his hands on his chest, his face was extremely calm, and he still didn’t mean to fight back.

Lying in a trough!

Watching Jiang Chen behave exactly like the first round of competition.

on the square.

Everyone’s eyes widened in disbelief.

The Shishan opposite, but a genuine Xiantian Practitioner!

He… Does he still want to use his body to block the Xiantian Practitioner’s attack like just now?

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