Chapter 2138

“It deserves to be the Great Sword Pond left by the Ninth Stage Heavenly Sword God King. The energy contained in this is too pure.”

Feeling the speed of his Cultivation Base’s Ascension, Jiang Chen was also amazed.

Cultivating in this great sword pond, the source of the swordsmanship gods provided every time is not only several times more than that of the Insight Swordsmanship in the Haotian Sword Sect, but also the frequency of gaining experience is much faster.

At this rate, it would take him only half a year to break through from the four-star earth to the four-star heaven.


What shocked Jiang Chen the most was that the sword energy contained in this great sword pool was more majestic than he had imagined.

He has absorbed less than a quarter of the early stage breakthrough middle stage from the four-star respect.

If the energy of the Great Dao Sword Pond was completely absorbed, his breakthrough four-star Tianzun would hardly have any pressure.


Jiang Chen changed his thoughts, and soon he was relieved.

The Great Sword Pond left by Ji Tianyuan was claimed to be enough to allow ordinary God-level geniuses to easily reach the peak of Heavenly Sovereign’s existence.

If Jiang Chen is a four-star Celestial Venerable beyond the three-star Celestial Venerable, the energy required for each Ascension Realm is extremely large, and I am afraid that he can directly use this Dao Sword Pond to reach the peak of Celestial Venerable.

“Continue to cultivate, and strive to break through the four-star Tianzun as soon as possible.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

If he expected it well, the ancient Sacred Dragons and Human Palace would soon send people to the Eastern Region to trouble him.

The most urgent task now is to use Ascension’s strength to better cope with the next situation!

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, then settled down, and continued to absorb the energy in the Dao Sword Pool to cultivate…

Under Jiang Chen’s full cultivation, time also passed bit by bit.

This day.

The Conference Hall of the Ji Clan of the Eastern Region.

Ji Xuanyi and many high-level members of the clan gathered here, and the atmosphere in the Great Hall seemed solemn.

After a while.

Ji Xuanyi finally broke the silence in the Great Hall: “Everyone, according to the news we got, the Ji clan in the Middle Territory has sent someone to the Eastern Territory secretly.”

When many Ji clan seniors heard this, their complexions couldn’t help but change slightly.

Jiang Chen has both the blood of the Jiang and the Ji clan, and he condenses the imperial sword of the divine body visionary man, he is a man of imperial luck.

After learning about this, the Zhongyu Ji Clan and Renhuangdian will definitely not give up. This is completely what they expected.


The strength of their Ji Clan in the Eastern Region is more than one level worse than that of the Ji Clan in the Middle Region.

Not to mention that there is a more powerful human palace behind the Zhongyu Ji clan.

Can their Eastern Ji clan really keep Jiang Chen?

“Patriarch, I don’t know who the Ji Clan of the Central Region sent to the Eastern Region?”

Elder took a deep breath and slowly asked a question that everyone was more concerned about.

Ji Xuanyi said solemnly: “As far as I know, it should be the first arrogant of the Ji clan in the Middle Region, Ji Qianye.”

Following Ji Xuanyi’s words, everyone’s pupils suddenly shrank.

Ji Qianye, the first arrogant of the Ji clan in the world, hundreds of years ago used the three-star heaven to break through the third stage of the god king. Even in the entire continent of the gods, he is also a famous peerless genius.

It is rumored that Ji Qianye had defeated a god king Fourth Stage in one battle shortly after proving Dao God King, becoming the top ten arrogant in the top ten of the Zhongyu Tianjiao list.

Now that it has been hundreds of years since Ji Qianye became the Third Stage of the God King, they have no way of knowing what Ji Qianye’s strength has reached.

But one thing is certain.

Even the Fourth Stage ancestor, the god king of their Eastern Ji clan, might not be Ji Qianye’s opponent.

“Don’t worry, everyone, since the Ji Clan in the Central Region only sent Ji Qianye alone, it means that they won’t face us head-on.”

“The purpose of Ji Qianye’s trip should be just to secretly act on Jiang Chen.”

“As long as Jiang Chen does not leave the Ji clan, and Ji Qianye is not given a chance to do something, there shouldn’t be a big problem.”

Ji Xuanyi took a deep breath and said with a solemn expression: “What we have to worry about now is the Wraith Temple. The ancient Sacred Dragon Clan also sent a son of Tianjiao, who should be in the Wraith Temple now.”

“No wonder the Wraith Temple, which has been silent for a while, has recently shown signs of being ready to move. It turned out to be supported by the ancient holy dragons.”

The big Elder smiled bitterly: “I really don’t know why Jiang Chen was still provoked by the ancient sacred dragons and wanted by the ancient sacred dragons.”

“He is cultivating the ancient sacred dragon tribe’s magical skill Taixu sacred dragon picture, and it is naturally reasonable to be wanted by the ancient sacred dragon tribe.”

Ji Xuanyi shook his head.

The emperor’s luck is indeed very heaven-defying.

To know.

Jiang Chen came from the lower realm plane. After entering the realm of the gods, he has been living in the small realm of the eternal void.

Even Ji Xuanyi couldn’t imagine how Jiang Chen obtained the ancient sacred dragon clan’s magical power.


It seems that there is such a Cultivation Technique like the Sacred Dragon Diagram, once anyone gets it, he must endure the huge Karma it brings.

Jiang Chen had to face the ancient sacred dragon clan, which was inevitable.

“Patriarch, the Wraith Temple has the support of the ancient holy dragon clan, now it is ready to move, I am afraid it will be done soon, what shall we do now?”

Big Elder’s expression was extremely solemn.

The Wraith Temple has two Divine King Realms, especially the Li Spirit Divine King, and the Cultivation Base has reached the Divine King Third Stage.

In terms of strength, the Wraith Temple is not much better than their Ji Clan.

If they get the support of the ancient holy dragon clan again, their Eastern Ji clan might be really hard to contend.

after all.

The ancient sacred dragon clan is the top clan among the ten thousand clan of the gods, and it is not much inferior to the human palace at its peak.

“What else can I do, it’s just soldiers coming to stop, and water coming to cover it.”

When Ji Xuanyi spoke, a decisive look flashed in his eyes: “The order is passed down. From this moment on, the Ji clan enters the first-level guard state, ready to fight at any time!”

Millions of years ago, the Ji clan of the Eastern Region chose to leave the Ji clan to find traces of those two.

Now that Jiang Chen, a person who has both the Jiang and Ji bloodlines, has appeared, and has condensed the Emperor Sword of the Divine Body Vision Man, and has the emperor’s luck in his body, they will naturally support Jiang Chen.

If Jiang Chen can become the human emperor of the human emperor hall and command the entire human emperor hall, their Eastern Ji clan will have a chance to return to the top!


At the moment when Ji Xuanyi just announced his preparation for war, a faint voice echoed abruptly over the Ji clan.

“Long Jiuye of the ancient sacred dragon clan, come to visit the Ji clan of the Eastern Region!”

The expressions of Ji Xuanyi and others suddenly changed drastically.

They obviously didn’t expect that the people of the ancient holy dragon clan would kill the door so quickly!

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