Chapter 2132 You bothered me to cultivate

Under the gaze of everyone, Ji Qianbai quickly entered the scope of the Tianyuan Palace.

As the top genius of the younger generation of the Ji Clan in the Central Region, Ji Qianbai has achieved a three-star Tianzun in less than ten thousand years. Naturally, his talent and strength are beyond doubt.

The test in the front section of the Tianyuan Palace hardly caused any stop to Ji Qianbai.

Ji Qianbai’s momentum was like a broken bamboo, and the distance of one hundred meters was quickly passed halfway.

In the second half, Ji Qianbai’s advancing speed also became much slower.


Until the last ten steps from the Tianyuan Temple, Ji Qianbai did not encounter much obstacle.

“This test of the Tianyuan Palace, it seems that it is not very difficult.”

Seeing that Ji Qianbai was about to enter the Tianyuan Hall so easily, the demon young man with red hair and red clothes couldn’t help but curl his lips.

Tianyuan Palace is one of the most advanced inheritance of the Ji clan.

For hundreds of millions of years, countless generations of the Ji Clan’s outstanding genius, no one has ever obtained the inheritance of Tianyuan Palace.

Millions of years ago, the Ji clan split, and Tianyuan Palace was taken to the Eastern Region.

Although the younger generation of the Ji clan among them had never seen Tianyuan Temple, they had heard of Tianyuan Temple.

Now seeing Ji Qianbai approaching Tianyuan Temple so easily, the red-haired youth couldn’t help but doubt the difficulty of the Tianyuan Temple test.

“Don’t underestimate the Tianyuan Hall. The difficulty of the Tianyuan Hall test lies mainly in the last ten steps. If these last ten steps are so easy, why has the Tianyuan Hall inherited so many years in the Ji clan?”

The old man in Tsing Yi was indifferent.

When he first came into contact with Tianyuan Temple, he also easily passed nine-tenths of the distance ahead, thinking that the Tianyuan Temple inheritance was within easy reach.

But when he really stepped into the last ten steps, he knew how visionary he was.

The last ten steps of the Tianyuan Temple test can be described as the First Stage sky. It seems that it is only one step away, but it seems to be separated by a sky moat.

From the Heavenly God Realm to the peak of Tianzun, he would break through the Heavenly Abyss Hall every time he made his breakthrough, and the farthest one would only be five steps away.

Although Ji Qianbai has extraordinary talents, even compared with him back then, he is not weak at all.

But it is almost impossible to successfully pass the test and enter the Tianyuan Temple.

The fact is as expected by the old man in Tsing Yi.

After Ji Qianbai stepped into the last ten steps, he started to run into trouble.

At the tenth step from the bottom, Ji Qianbai stayed for nearly five breaths.

In the ninth step from the bottom, Ji Qianbai spent twelve breaths of time.

Every time Ji Qianbai took a step forward, the time spent was multiplying, and it was obviously becoming more and more strenuous.

When Ji Qianbai persisted in this way until the sixth step from the bottom, after nearly two hundred breaths, Ji Qianbai’s whole body trembled suddenly, and his face was pale and flew upside down, and a mouthful of blood in his mouth couldn’t help but squirt wildly. come out.

“Is this the test of the Tianyuan Hall? It really is a well-deserved reputation!”

Ji Qianbai secretly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the gaze looking at the Tianyuan Palace became a lot more solemn in an instant.

“Tsk tusk… the test of the Tianyuan Palace is really interesting, let me try it.”

Seeing Ji Qianbai’s failure, the demon young man couldn’t help but smile, and then strode forward.

Ji Qianbai glanced at the demon young youth, and said faintly: “Ji Chiyun, don’t waste your effort, you can’t pass the test of the Tianyuan Palace.”

Among the Ji Clan in the Middle Domain, except for the heaven-defying existence of the God King who has already proven the Dao, Ji Qianbai believes that no one can match his talent.

Although Ji Chiyun was a genius with his clan, Ji Qianbai didn’t think that Ji Chiyun would be better than himself.

“Can you try it and you’ll know.”

Ji Chiyun smiled proudly, and then strode towards Tianyuan Palace.

In fact, it is just as Ji Qianbai expected.

Soon after Ji Chiyun stepped into the penultimate step, the whole person retreated directly in embarrassment.

Seeing this, Ji Qianbai couldn’t help shook his head and said, “I said you passed the test of the Tianyuan Hall, but you just don’t believe it!”

“This test of the Tianyuan Hall, I am afraid that even if the one in the clan comes, he may not be able to pass it. How can someone from the Eastern Ji clan enter the Tianyuan Hall?”

Ji Chiyun’s complexion was a little unattractive.

Only after experiencing the test of Tianyuan Palace, can I truly understand how terrifying this test is.

In the last ten steps of the Tianyuan Palace, the difficulty faced by each step is in the form of double Ascension.

Even the talent and strength of the two of them can only go five steps in the last ten steps. How terrifying is the remaining five steps?

this moment.

Ji Chiyun finally understood why no one of the Ji clan had inherited the Tianyuan Palace for hundreds of millions of years.

Not to mention the two of them, even if the top Tianjiao of Zhongyu came, I am afraid it would be difficult to cross the final steps of the Tianyuan Temple test.

Ji Chiyun’s face sank, and he couldn’t help turning around and shouting at Ji Xuanyi: “Patriarch Ji, when are you going to pretend, it is absolutely impossible for you to enter the Tianyuan Palace from the Ji Clan of the Eastern Region.”

“If you two can’t get in, it doesn’t mean that others can’t get in either.”

Ji Xuanyi smiled faintly: “If you don’t believe it, you can stay here forever. If there is no one coming out of the Tianyuan Temple, I promise to give it with both hands.”

Ji Chiyun sneered and said: “You are obviously a rascal. If there is no one coming out of the Tianyuan Palace, it is difficult for us to wait like this?”


Just when Ji Chiyun’s voice fell, a somewhat dissatisfied voice came from the gate of the Tianyuan Temple abruptly.

“Just…who was rushing into the Tianyuan Hall?”

The sudden sound also made everyone stunned.

They followed the prestige and saw a young man in black slowly walking out of the Tianyuan Temple.

“Jiang Chen!”

Seeing Jiang Chen appearing, Ji Xuanyi and the others couldn’t help but a look of joy appeared on the faces.

“You…you can actually pass the test of Tianyuan Hall?”

Looking at Jiang Chen walking out of Tianyuan Hall, Ji Qianbai and Ji Chiyun’s pupils shrank slightly, and there was an incredible horror in their eyes.

Jiang Chen looked at Ji Qianbai indifferently, “It was you who were rushing into the Tianyuan Palace just now?”

“So what?”

Ji Qianbai snorted coldly, and immediately stared at Jiang Chen with a murderous face: “Boy, it seems that you should be the person that the Ji Clan of the Eastern Region competed with us?”

Although this kid had passed through the Tianyuan Temple and was extremely talented, Cultivation Base was only in the realm of Earthly Sovereign.

Both of them are three-star Celestial Venerables, so how can they be afraid of a small Divine Venerable?

not to mention……

The Ji Clan of the East Territory has produced a wicked genius and got the inheritance of the Tianyuan Temple. This is not a good thing for the Ji Clan of the Middle Territory. They naturally strangled this guy before he grew up!

“It turns out that you are from the Ji Clan in the Central Region.”

Jiang Chen said with an indifferent expression: “For the sake of seeing you have the blood of the Ji clan, I planned to spare you not to die. Unfortunately, you disturbed my cultivation!”

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