Chapter 2130 the arrogant genius of the Ji clan in the Middle Territory

Jiang Chen’s eyes were slightly hesitating.

The too virtual sacred dragon picture he cultivated should not be inferior to the Cultivation Technique left by Ji Tianyuan, but there is no need to replace the Cultivation Technique cultivation.

As for the inheritance crystal, he has a system in his body, and breakthrough Realm has always been unimpeded. This thing is not very useful to him.


If this inheritance crystal is handed over to the kendo expert at the peak of the gods, he should be able to become a kendo god king in a short period of time.


The Dao Jian Chi that can quickly Ascension Cultivation Base is undoubtedly what Jiang Chen urgently needs.

If he can use the Dao Sword Pond to bring the Cultivation Base Ascension to the four-star Tianzun Realm, his strength will surely reach a whole new level.

There are also many kendo magical powers left by Ji Tianyuan, Jiang Chen can also choose to cultivate one or two appropriately.

after all.

Aside from the divine body vision and the Cultivation Technique vision, Jiang Chen could barely grasp the magical powers of the sword, and there was only one Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art.

For a kendo world god, the kendo attack method is indeed too single.

“No matter what, first use the Dao Sword Pond and breakthrough the Heavenly Sovereign Realm.”

As Jiang Chen said, his figure flashed directly, and he fell into the sword pool in front of him.

This Great Sword Pond is similar to the lake that was encountered in the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor Clan.

Because that lake was the place where the Black Tortoise clan might fall, it gave birth to the gods of the earth, making the entire lake water naturally contain the power of the earth.

The Dao Sword Pond in front of him was created by Ji Tianyuan himself.

With the supreme kendo charm of the god king Ninth Stage, he contains the great sword pond, so that the water in the great sword pond contains a unique kendo energy.

This kind of kendo energy is extremely mild and can be easily refined by the gods of the kendo world and transformed into the source of the gods of the kendo world.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate, and directly sat cross-legged in the Great Dao Sword Pond and quickly entered the cultivation state.

very quickly.

A system prompt sound also sounded in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! You absorb the kendo energy in the sword pool of the avenue, and the god of the kendo world gains 10000000*100 experience!”


The Great Sword Pond that Ji Tianyuan left behind did not disappoint Jiang Chen. The speed of gaining experience is more than three times faster than the charm of swordsmanship in the third stage of the Insight God King of the Haotian Sword Sect.

Jiang Chen was overjoyed, and started to absorb the energy of the sword in the sword pool with all his strength.

“Ding! You absorb the kendo energy in the sword pool of the avenue, and the god of the kendo world gains 10000000*100 experience!”

“Ding! You absorb the kendo energy in the sword pool of the avenue, and the god of the kendo world gains 10000000*100 experience!”


And at the same time as Jiang Chen Tianyuan Temple cultivation.

The Ji tribe meets guests at the Great Hall.

Ji Xuanyi and many Elders of the Ji family gathered in the hall.

Opposite them, there was an old man in Tsing Yi and two young men with aloof expressions.

These three people are the members of the Ji clan who crossed the Jietian River not long ago and came from the Central Territory.

“Clan Chief Ji, you are still comparable to the Ji Clan of the Eastern Region. If you don’t dare to compare, then take the initiative to surrender and hand over the Ji Clan’s divine object. Don’t waste time here.”

The white-clothed youth looked at Ji Xuanyi and couldn’t help but smile contemptuously.

Ji Xuanyi ignored the white-clothed youth, but looked at the old man in Tsing Yi faintly and said, “Qingjian Elder, is this the most outstanding disciple of the younger generation of the Ji clan? It disappoints me a bit.”

“Really? Then let your geniuses from the Eastern Region Ji Clan come out for a fight.”

The old man in Tsing Yi said blankly: “Ji Xuanyi, this competition, but your ancestor personally agreed, you don’t want to regret it?”

Ji Xuanyi smiled slightly: “Don’t worry, although our Eastern Region Ji Clan is not as strong as you, we are not a generation without faith. Why should Elder Qingjian be so anxious?”

“Patriarch Ji, if you want to compete, why bother to delay?”

The white-clothed youth said with an arrogant expression: “Well, you can send someone from the Eastern Ji Clan. As long as you can defeat one of us, even if you win, how about it?”

Hearing this, the old man in Tsing Yi frowned, but he didn’t say much.

Although the white-clothed youth had some great support for this move, Ji Xuanyi was obviously delaying time on purpose, and maybe he really prepared something for him.

He also felt that it would be better to resolve the competition earlier, in case it changes later.

“Your Excellency, don’t be too arrogant, I’ll fight you.”

At this moment, a purple-clothed youth appeared at the door of the hall, it was Ji Ziling who had left the Tianyuan Hall.

Seeing Ji Ziling appear, Ji Xuanyi and the others were slightly taken aback, but they didn’t say anything to stop them.

Although they also knew that Ji Ziling was not the opponent of these two geniuses of the Ji clan in the Middle Region in all likelihood.


It is also a good thing to ask Ji Ziling to postpone the time, and by the way, to explore the bottom of these two geniuses of the Ji clan in the Middle Territory.

The white-clothed youth swept his gaze over Ji Ziling, and suddenly said with a disdainful expression: “You are too weak, so let’s change to a stronger one.”

“What is the ability to speak hard, if you have the kind, go to the ring with me, and wait for you to defeat me.”

Ji Ziling’s eyes couldn’t help flashing a cold light of anger and shame.

He is also one of the top geniuses of the Eastern Ji clan, and now he has been ridiculed by Jiang Chen and the genius of the Central Ji clan for being too weak. How can he not be angry in his heart?

“If you want to fight, then I will play with you.”

“But… you don’t have to go to the ring. Just one move is enough to defeat you, so why go to the ring?”

The voice of the white-clothed youth fell, and the whole person disappeared in place without warning.

Seeing that the white-clothed youth had completely disappeared in his own perception, Ji Ziling’s pupils shrank suddenly, and her heart couldn’t help but feel inexplicably cold.

Just when he was about to move, an invisible force instantly imprisoned his body and the surrounding space, causing Ji Ziling’s movements to have a short pause at that moment.

And at the moment when Ji Ziling’s movements stopped, a palm suddenly burst out of the space in front of him.

Ji Ziling didn’t have time to react at all, and the whole person was hit by the sudden palm strength, and then like a kite with a broken wire, he flew out toward the outside of the hall.

one move!

With just one move, Ji Ziling, one of the three geniuses of the Ji Clan in the Eastern Region, was defeated!

Seeing this scene, Ji Xuanyi and the others couldn’t help but show a solemn look on their faces.

Although they had long expected that Ji Ziling would be defeated, they did not expect that Ji Ziling would have no power to fight back in front of the white-clothed youth.

The genius of the Ji Clan in the Eastern Region is indeed worse than the genius of the Ji Clan in the Middle Region by more than one level.

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