Chapter 2125

“You didn’t have the power of blood when you were young?”

Ji Xuanyi was stunned for a moment: “How is this possible? You obviously have the blood of the Jiang and Ji clan now?”

“I don’t know what’s going on. These bloodlines should have appeared after I came to God’s Realm and breakthrough the true God realm to condense the divine body vision.”

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.

Ji Xuanyi pondered slightly: “If this is the case, your bloodline should be sealed, and it won’t be activated until you break through the true gods.”


Jiang Chen was also taken aback.

Back in the Xuanling Continent, he spent some time with his mother Ji Wushuang, and he also knew that the two of his mothers approached each other in various ways for their own physique.


The power of his bloodline can never be sealed by his parents.

And although the parents had already reached the apex of the Nether Plane at the beginning, it was impossible to seal such a powerful bloodline.

Jiang Chen really couldn’t understand how his own blood was sealed.

“Ji senior, my father Jiang Wuya came to God’s Domain earlier than me, and he should have already crossed the Palace of Human Emperor. I hope you can help me find out his whereabouts.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly, suddenly thinking of his father’s affairs, he couldn’t help but said solemnly to Ji Xuanyi.

He has not stayed in the Profound Spirit Continent for a long time, and has never learned in detail about the history of the Profound Spirit Continent human race. For many things, father Jiang Wuya obviously knew more than him.

If you really can’t find your father’s whereabouts, then go back to the Great Wilderness to find your mother Ji Wushuang.

“The back hand left by King Cangyou in the Great Desolate Realm is always a hidden danger. With my current strength, I can completely handle this matter.

Jiang Chen couldn’t help muttering to himself in his heart.

Ji Xuanyi nodded solemnly and said, “Don’t worry, I will let people try their best to inquire about your father’s news.”

Jiang Chen’s father must also be related to those two back then, and even knew more than Jiang Chen. If you can find the whereabouts of those two people with this, it will definitely change the current situation of the Human Emperor Palace.

“Thanks a lot.”

Jiang Chen thanked him, and then asked, “Ji senior, you said that you need my help for something. I don’t know what it is?”

“This matter has something to do with the Ji clan in the Middle Territory…”

Hearing Jiang Chen mentioning this, Ji Xuanyi’s complexion instantly became a lot more solemn.

Since millions of years ago, the Ji clan has had differences in some matters. Some people stayed in the Palace of Human Emperors, and some were led by Ji Xuanyi and his lineage, from the Central Region to the Eastern Region.

Ji Xuanyi and the others in this line hold a very important artifact of the Ji clan.

The Ji Clan of the Middle Territory has always wanted to take this artifact back, but out of fear of the ancestor of the Ji Clan of the Eastern Territory, it has never had a strong action.

In recent years.

As the ancestors of the Ji clan of the Eastern Region gradually grew in age and the time of the deadline was getting closer and closer, the actions of the Ji Clan of the Central Region became more frequent.

The ancestors of the Eastern Ji clan feared that he would fall behind and the Central Ji clan would force a shot, so he reached an agreement and let the younger generation of the clan compete to determine the fate of the artifact.

If the Ji clan of the Eastern Region wins, then the Shenwu can be left in the Eastern Region.

If the Ji Clan of the East Territory loses, the Ji Clan of the Middle Territory must take away the divine object free of charge.

Now the Ji Clan of the Eastern Region is even worse than the Ji Clan of the Central Region in all aspects.


In order to keep the divine object in the Ji Clan of the Eastern Region, Ji Xuanyi had to ask Jiang Chen for help.

“Ji senior, didn’t I ask Ji Lingwei to bring back a life spirit fruit last time? Is that life spirit fruit useless to your ancestors?”

Jiang Chen was a little puzzled and authentic.

“The spirit fruit of life is the divine fruit of heaven and earth that contains the essence of life, which naturally adds a lot of lifespan to the ancestors.”

“But… not long before Lingwei was in the wasteland of a hundred races, the Ji Clan of the Middle Territory sent people to the Ji tribe of the East Territory. The ancestor knew that the hope of obtaining the spirit fruit of life was very slim, so he chose to compromise.”

“Later, the Lingwei Hui nationality, this matter was a foregone conclusion, and it is naturally impossible for the Eastern Ji nationality to go back on this matter.”

Ji Xuanyi smiled bitterly.

“I see.”

Jiang Chen smiled confidently and said: “Ji senior don’t worry, if the younger generation decides the victory, I promise to keep the divine object in the Eastern Ji clan for you.”

Ji Xuanyi couldn’t deny Jiang Chen’s words.

Although the geniuses of the Zhongyu Ji clan are very enchanting, Jiang Chen’s enchanting degree is even worse than that of them.

Especially after seeing the battle between Jiang Chen and the Lihun Divine King, Ji Xuanyi knew better than anyone how terrifying Jiang Chen’s current combat power was.

Don’t say it is the Ji clan in the Middle Region.

Even if you look at the entire Middle Territory, among the same generation, there are probably a few people who can compare with Jiang Chen!

“Jiang Chen, you should spend a lot of time in the previous battle with the Lihun Divine King. I will arrange for you to rest in the Ji clan for a night. Tomorrow I will ask Lingwei to come and take you to a place, which should help you quickly break through. Heavenly Realm.”

As Ji Xuanyi said, she took Jiang Chen and quickly flashed down towards a courtyard below.

At the same time Jiang Chen entered the Ji clan.

In the extreme west of the Eastern Region, a huge roaring river is like a broad dividing line, dividing the world on both sides of the river.

This river is the famous Shuetian River on the continent of God’s Domain.

After the ancient catastrophe, the world of God’s Domain changed drastically.

This most central God’s Domain Continent has also emerged many forbidden places that have made countless practitioners extremely jealous.

It can be said.

The reason why God’s Domain Continent is divided into five domains is because of these forbidden areas.

And Jietianhe is a forbidden area that separates the Eastern Region and the Middle Region.

The flow of the Jietian River is astonishingly strong, and the sky above the entire river is enveloped by a terrible storm, which is enough to easily tear the power of the Heavenly Venerable Realm to pieces.

Generally speaking.

Unless the Divine King Realm is powerful, almost no one dares to set foot in Jietianhe easily.


At this moment.

In the sky above Jietianhe, there is a cyan long sword that is more than ten feet long, slowly flying from the western sky.

On the cyan long sword, there are vaguely three Daoist shadows standing on it.

The leader is an old man in Tsing Yi with an indifferent expression.

The faint green glow of his body flickered, and he stood proudly on the head of the sword quietly, and a terrifying power of the Great Dao permeated out indistinctly…

Behind the old man in Tsing Yi, there are two handsome young men with aloof faces.

Although these two seem to be young, their auras are extremely not weak, and they are all enchanting existences that have reached the three-star heaven.

The three of them stood quietly on the cyan giant sword, and swiftly shuttled over the sky above Jietianhe, as if they had not been affected by the terrifying storm air around them in the slightest.

Not long.

The cyan giant sword took the three of them through the Jietian River, which was three thousand miles in the sky, and appeared above the east bank of Jietian River.

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