Chapter 2101 If you want to fight, I will accompany you

“The Wraith Temple, I didn’t expect to meet them so soon. I don’t know if that guy just now was the Divine King of Lishun.”

Jiang Chen looked at the giant black bird that disappeared in the Haotian Sword Sect, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

When he killed You Siming in the Great Wilderness world, that guy obviously had a close relationship with the Soul Divine King of the Wraith Temple.

to this end.

The Lihun God King even sent people to the Eternal Void to hunt him down.

This encounter with the Wraith Temple, I am afraid that it is destined to be unable to be kind!


With his current strength, there shouldn’t be much pressure in the face of the powerhouse of God King First Stage Heaven.

God King Second Stage Heaven’s existence, if he tries his best, he should be able to save his life even if he loses.

According to the information that the ancient spirit god sect understands, there is only one person in the East Territory reaching the third stage of the god king, and this person is in front of the Clear Sky Sword Sect.


Jiang Chen was not too afraid of the Wraith Temple.

In addition to the Wraith Temple, among the five god-tier king forces of the Eastern Region, there is also a force that Jiang Chen is more interested in, the Ji clan!

This Ji clan should be the Ji clan where Ji Lingwei is.

“After the matter is resolved, it’s time to take a trip to the Ji clan.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

Since this Ji clan has a relationship with his mother Ji Wushuang, he naturally wants to visit the Ji clan in person, hoping to solve some of the doubts in his heart.

“No matter what, we must first solve the matter of the Suppression Forbidden Land. I hope that this time the Suppression Forbidden Land is not as serious as I imagined.”

Jiang Chen shook his head and strode towards the Haotian Sword Sect.

At the gate of the Clear Sky Sword Sect Mountain, a disciple of the Clear Sky Sword Sect stopped Jiang Chen directly in front of Jiang Chen: “Boy, it is not a disciple of the Clear Sky Sword Sect. Try the sword road.”

Jiang Chen said indifferently: “Ancient spirit god Sect Jiang Chen, please let me know.”

“It turns out to be the god son of the ancient spirit god sect, Jiang Shenzi, who please come!”

Upon hearing this, the Haotian Sword Sect disciple couldn’t help but respectfully said Jiang Chen.

What happened in the Grand Ceremony of Ancient Spirit Sect Shenzong has been spread in the Eastern Region in the past two days.

The new god son of the Ancient Spirit God Sect in front of him is a terrifying existence that can even be defeated by the great power of the god king realm. How can he, a small Haotian Sword Sect disciple, dare to have the slightest disrespect for Jiang Chen?

Under the leadership of the Clear Sky Sword, Jiang Chen quickly came to a Great Hall in the center of the Clear Sky Sword Sect.

In the Great Hall.

Four silhouettes exuding a powerful aura, their faces were serious and discussing something, and the atmosphere in the Great Hall was solemn.

“Enlighten Sect Leader, the ancient spirit god Sect Jiang Shenzi is here.”

The Haotian Sword Sect disciple led Jiang Chen into the Great Hall, and said respectfully to the purple-clothed middle-aged man with a sword eyebrow and star.

This middle-aged man is the contemporary Sect Leader of the Vast Sky Sword Sect, the God King of Scarlet Clouds.

“Shenzi Jiang is here, hurry up and take your seat.”

Seeing this, God King Zixiao couldn’t help but stand up and smiled and greeted Jiang Chen.

Following the words of the King Zixiao, the eyes of the other three people in the Great Hall fell on Jiang Chen’s body.

The five god-tier king forces of the Eastern Region are very concerned about each other.

They are also very clear about what happened to the ancient spirit gods a few days ago.

The kid in front of him was called God Child Jiang by the Zixia God King. He was obviously the peerless evildoer who rebelled against God of War in the Venerable Realm.

“Why is it him!”

The middle-aged man in the black robe sitting on the top left side suddenly couldn’t help but suddenly shrink.

He never thought that the new god son of the Ancient Spirit God Sect was the black-clothed young man that the ancestor asked him to chase and kill.

A few years ago.

He sent two one-star earth sages to the Eternal Void, chasing down the black-clothed youth in front of him, but there was no return.

Later, something happened in the Wraith Temple, and he had to temporarily forget about it.

But he didn’t expect that today, a few years later, this young man in black appeared in front of him, and he also became the god son of the Ancient Spirit Sect.

It’s really nowhere to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it is all effortless.

This son is the person whom the ancestors originally named to kill.

Now that I have encountered it, how can the soul easily let it go?

Even if this guy became the god son of the Ancient Spirit Sect, he would take down his head and return to the ancestor.

“Thank you Zixiao Sect Leader.”

Jiang Chen hugged the cupped fist to the King of Purple Clouds, then sat in the rearmost position and secretly looked at the people in the Great Hall.

In the Great Hall, apart from the King of Purple Clouds, there are three people, two men and one woman.

Among them, the middle-aged in black robe with strange aura is obviously the man from the Wraith Temple that flew over his head just now.

Another man in a simple gray coat, with a trace of blood that Jiang Chen was familiar with, was undoubtedly a strong man from the Ji clan.

The last middle-aged beautiful woman with a pair of pill and phoenix eyes should be a member of the Qingluan tribe.

The auras of these three people are extremely deep, and between their gestures, they exude a faint great power of great power, which is obviously the great power of the king of the gods.

“This guy from the Wraith Temple doesn’t seem to be the divine king who left the soul back then.”

Jiang Chen glanced at the strong man in the Wraith Temple, and couldn’t help but feel awe-inspiring in his heart.

This ghost temple is worthy of the strength of the Eastern Region second only to the Haotian Sword Sect, and it seems that there is more than one Divine King Realm.

“Tsk tusk… The movement of the Suppression Demon Forbidden Land is a major event related to the safety of my Eastern Region. Isn’t your ancient spirit gods sect no one, and sent you this hairy boy to come?”

Just when Jiang Chen was frightened, a slightly gloomy sneer sounded abruptly in the Great Hall.

The person who spoke was the middle-aged man in the black robe of the Wraith Temple.

“The Ancient Spirit Sect sent me, do you have an opinion?”

Jiang Chen cast a faint glance at the middle-aged in the black robe, and faintly raised his head to face the King of Purple Clouds: “Sect Leader of Purple Clouds, when you first notified Divine Ancient Spirit Sect, you didn’t seem to stipulate that the younger generation should not be sent, right?”

“This is natural.”

The Purple Cloud God King smiled slightly and said: “Hall of Soul Void, although Shenzi Jiang is young, he has the strength comparable to the Divine King Realm. There is no problem with Gu Lingshen Sect sending him here. Things.”

“It’s just a rumor. I really don’t believe that he can use the Venerable Cultivation Base to contend with the power of the King of God.”

“I am waiting here this time to reinforce the seal of the forbidden area of ​​Demon Suppression, so I can’t tolerate any carelessness.”

The Lord of the Wraith Temple’s soul stared at Jiang Chen with gloomy eyes: “Boy, I heard that you have a power comparable to the power of the king of the gods, can you have two tricks with me, let me see if you compare with me. Qualifications!”

Hearing the words of the emptiness of soul, the god king Zixiao also chose to remain silent.


He also wanted to see it with his own eyes to see if Jiang Chen was as enchanting as in the rumors.

Jiang Chen glanced at Soul Xu blankly, his faint voice also resounded in the Great Hall.

“If you want to fight, I’ll accompany you. But I have never done anything serious. If you crippled you in a while, you will be at your own risk.”

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