Chapter 2096 One Sword Destroys The King’s Way Of God

Jiang Chen stood proudly, and cast a condescending look at God King Gu Cang, “I just want to get an inch, what can you do?”


The momentum of Jiang Chen’s whole body changed, and the origin of the sword in his body instantly turned into a thousand swords, each with the power of smashing the void, overwhelmingly slashed at the ancient Cang God King.

“Frozen World!”

God King Gu Cang’s expression changed, and a strange handprint of cold ice quickly penetrated into the void in front of him.


A terrifying cold ice divine power suddenly filled the space in front of God King Gu Cang.

As soon as this cold ice divine power appeared, the space of thousands of meters around was instantly condensed into ice, and was completely frozen by that cold ice divine power.


This ice-covered space quickly spread to the surroundings at a terrifying speed, as if to freeze all the world in this area.

Even Jiang Chen’s thousands of sword lights were frozen in the frozen space.


Jiang Chen expressionlessly, stretched out his hand to gently press against the ice-bound thousands of sword lights.

“Kacha Kacha…”

A series of crisp voices resounded abruptly in the silent void.


I saw the thousand sword glow that was originally frozen trembling slightly, and then burst out of the frozen space.

Just a moment’s time.

Thousands of holes in the ice space were pierced by thousands of sword lights, and then burst into the void with a bang.

God King Gu Cang’s complexion changed, and his figure quickly backed away.

He didn’t take a step back, and a black hole the size of ten feet appeared on the soles of his feet.

“Jiang Chen, don’t bully others too much!”

God King Gu Cang stared at Jiang Chen stubbornly, with a grim expression: “You think the King is really afraid of you? If you push me in a hurry, I promise you will pay a heavy price!”


“I’m still saying that, as long as you are willing to take out the ancient spirit mystery realm, go back to what happened in the past, and give my master a fairness, I may still consider giving up.”

“Otherwise… today, you Gu Cang God King, I am afraid that you are destined to fall here.”

Jiang Chen’s face was extremely indifferent.

With the great power of the Divine King Realm, he has attained the Great Dao of the Divine King and palmed the Divine Power of the Heavenly Dao. It is indeed a very powerful level.

With the power he now possesses, even if he makes a full shot, facing the God King Gu Cang in front of him, he has only a slight upper hand.


The God King Gu Cang in front of you, your vitality and blood is declining, and the end is approaching, I am afraid that even 90% of the combat power during the peak period will be difficult to display.

If he faced the Gu Cang God King at his peak, Jiang Chen might not be able to defeat him now!

Although before the Battle of the God King Gu Cang, Jiang Chen had seen a lot of the power of the God King realm, and even faced the power of the God King Realm power.

He originally thought that when he mastered the power of the ten realms, he might be able to fight with the great power of the king of the gods.

But when he really fought head-on with the Divine King Realm Great Power, Jiang Chen realized that the Divine King Realm Great Power seemed a bit stronger than he thought.

If he had not broken through the realm of the realm, facing the ancient God King in front of him, he would definitely be defeated!

“Jiang Chen, you forced me to do this!”

God King Gu Cang suddenly flashed a hideous expression in his eyes, and his body was filled with the mighty power of the God King, and the majestic Ice Cold Dao divine power surged out of his body.

that moment.

The space of thousands of miles, it seems that under the influence of the magical power of the road of ice, the temperature has dropped a lot.


Pieces of tiny snowflakes are also strangely drifting down from above Nine Heavens.


A square icicle solidified by the divine power of the Binghan Avenue, the ghosts and charms of the ancient Cang God King appeared, and then stretched out from the bottom to the endless void.

Not long.

The icicle, which is a hundred meters in size, has stretched to 13,000 meters. From a distance, it looks like a avenue to the sky.

“Is this the power of the God King Realm?”

Jiang Chen looked up at the icicle behind God King Gu Cang, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Not long ago, after breaking through the realm of the realm of God, Jiang Chen also learned from the mouth of the ancient Xuandao the road of cultivation after the realm of realm of God.

In the world of God’s Domain.

The cultivation of the realm of the gods is to condense the origin of the realm gods. Once the origins of the realm gods are cultivated to the extreme and reach the peak of the gods of the realm, they can cultivate Insight Heavenly Dao divine power.

If you can insight into the Heavenly Dao divine power and control the power of heaven and earth, you can prove the Dao King and condense a path that belongs to the own God King.

It can be said.

The way of the god king is that the god king state is not only the symbol of the god king, but also the foundation of the god king state’s powerful cultivation.

There are nine small realms in the Divine King Realm, which are called the God King Ninth Stage.

This Realm division is mainly based on the King of God’s way as a reference.

Generally speaking.

The vast majority of the powers of the God King’s Divine King Realm, the God King Tao is only ten thousand feet, which is the first stage of the God King.

God King’s First Stage days continue to practice, God’s King Way will gradually increase, once it reaches 20,000 zhang, you can be promoted to God King Second Stage days!

It is said that if the Cultivation Base reaches the Ninth Stage, the strongest king, the path of the king can reach 99,900 feet!

The God King Gu Cang in front of him, the way of the God King was only 13,000 feet, and he was obviously still in the First Stage of the God King, and there was still a very long distance from the Second Stage of the God King.

“Jiang Chen, since you have to go to death, then try my power of the king’s way.”

The voice of the God King Gu Cang fell, and the King Road of the Ice God behind him shook violently.

Jiang Chen’s eyes condensed, the realm god originally originated from his body surging out, turning into a glowing sword light, dancing between heaven and earth like a wandering dragon.

“Essential Kendo!”

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and probed into the void, grabbed the Huang Huang Jianmang, and slashed out with a sharp sword.


Thousands of miles of void, in front of this sword, instantly turned into two halves.

The rushing sword glow is like a peerless heavenly sword that splits the ten places of Nine Heavens. It moves forward indefinitely, and everything it passes is annihilated into nothingness in front of this sword.


Chongxiao Jianmang collided with the ancient Cang God King Wanzhang Shenwang Avenue, and the sound of the sky and the earth cracked blasted out of the void.

that moment.

The heavens and the earth have faded, the sun and the moon are dull.

The entire tens of thousands of miles above the ancient spirit divine sect was plunged into darkness, leaving only the peerless sword light and the heavenly god king way intertwined in the void.


This stalemate didn’t last long, and Peerless Jianmang cut the Wangzhang God’s Way into two pieces with the force of crushing the sky.


The God King Dao of Wanzhang collapsed, and the God King Gu Cang trembled, and the whole person flew out in embarrassment, smashing the void out of a huge and incomparable hole.

This scene immediately caused the huge ancient spirit god sect to fall into a dead silence again.

No one could have imagined that the God King’s way condensed by God King Gu Cang would be smashed by Jiang Chen with a single sword!

With the Cultivation Base of the Venerable Realm, cut through the mighty God Realm of the God King Realm with one sword!

Such power is really terrifying!

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