Chapter 2079 Ancient Profound Dao Awakens


As the system’s prompt sound resounded in Jiang Chen’s mind, the sky over the entire Wood Spirit Protoss was instantly surging.

The power of countless silver thunders is constantly swimming in the void like dragons and snakes. The terrible thunder road pressure makes everyone in the Wood Spirit Protoss tremble.

Qingmu Tianzun, who was cultivating, felt the thunder tribulation brewing in the void, and suddenly opened his eyes.

“What a terrifying Thunder Tribulation, is this kid who wants to break through the realm of God?”

Feeling the thunder in the sky that made him jealous, Qingmu Tianzun’s pupils couldn’t help but shrank suddenly.

The thunder tribulation in front of him was at least ten times stronger than the thunder tribulation of his breakthrough realm.

Except for Jiang Chen who surpassed the holy god, Tianzun Qingmu really couldn’t think of anyone else who could provoke such a terrifying thunder.

“I don’t know if that kid can get through the Ten Dao Power’s Heavenly Tribulation.”

Tianzun Aoki couldn’t help muttering to himself.

Divine Tribulation is one of the biggest obstacles to heaven-defying practitioners in the divine realm to reach a higher level.

Especially for some Tianjiao who broke the limit of the gods, the divine calamity they faced after breaking through the realm would become even more dangerous.

In their Wood Spirit Protoss clan, even if it is the Super Grade Celestial God and the Divine Grade Celestial God Breaking the Boundary, the clan will be fully prepared for it.

But Jiang Chen mastered the power of the ten realms, surpassing the sacred gods.

Such heaven-defying existence is even more unacceptable for Heavenly Dao.

Jiang Chen wants to survive the divine calamity smoothly, it is definitely not an easy task.


Tianzun Qingmu also knew what it meant if Jiang Chen survived the thunder tribulation in front of him.

When he was still in the Heavenly God Realm, he was already able to easily suppress Lei Jiao Tianzun’s one-star Tianzun powerhouse.

Once Jiang Chen successfully breaks through the realm of God this time, his strength will surely reach an extremely terrifying level. I am afraid that even the two-star Tianzun and even the three-star Tianzun will be difficult for Jiang Chen to contend!

Even the great power of the Divine King Realm might not be able to easily win Jiang Chen.

“Well, forget the place where that guy practiced, but it’s very close to the tree of life, so you can’t let the tree of life be touched by Thunder Aeon.”

When Qingmu Tianzun thought of where Jiang Chen was, his expression suddenly changed, and his figure disappeared ghostly.

The next moment.

Aoki Tianzun’s figure has appeared thousands of feet away from the tree of life.

He looked at Jiang Chen, who was sitting cross-legged under the Tree of Life, and quickly said with a panic: “Brother Jiang Chen, you…you can’t Transcends Tribulation here, otherwise the town sacred tree of my Wood Spirit Protoss will be over.”

The wood spirit god clan can always be ranked among the eight god-tier clan in the wasteland of a hundred clans, mainly relying on this town clan god tree.

If this sacred tree is gone, it is equivalent to the foundation of their Wood Spirit Protoss is gone.

Jiang Chen stood up, patted the dust on his body, and then smiled faintly at Qingmu Tianzun: “Patriarch Qingmu, don’t worry, I won’t destroy the sacred tree of your Wood Spirit Protoss.”

He has a good view of the Wood Spirit Protoss. Now that he has lived in the Wood Spirit Protoss for a while, and he borrows the land to complete the world of life, how can he destroy the Wood Spirit God Clan’s town tree?

“Brother Jiang Chen, the Thunder Tribulation you are facing is too terrifying. The Tree of Life will definitely be affected by Dao. Leave this place quickly and prepare for Transcends Tribulation.”

Tianzun Qingmu looked at Jiang Chen and didn’t leave, his heart was very anxious.

Not only did this guy have no intention to leave, he didn’t even care about the divine calamity that was rapidly brewing in the void.

Doesn’t he know what kind of terrifying divine calamity he is facing?

Jiang Chen’s expression still seemed calm and calm, and he smiled and said: “Patriarch Qingmu stay safe and not irritable, this thing will soon disappear by itself.”

When Qingmu Tianzun heard Jiang Chen’s words, he couldn’t help but froze there.

The next moment.

In Qingmu Tianzun’s eyes, there was also a look of irritation that appeared.

This is the divine calamity of the breakthrough realm of the Heavenly God Realm, how could it disappear on its own, isn’t this intentional to entertain him?

Qingmu Tianzun took a deep breath, and when he was about to speak, he discovered that the long-simmering power of thunder in the void seemed to be gradually weakening.

“This…what is going on here?”

Tianzun Qingmu was shocked immediately, his eyes couldn’t help but suddenly looked towards the void.

I saw that the countless silver thunders in the void were actually dissipating quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even the thundercloud that covered the sky and sun over the Wood Spirit Protoss quickly receded like a tide, and the sky quickly returned to clearness.

Lei Jie really dissipated on its own!

As the patriarch of the Wood Spirit God Clan, Tianzun Qingmu was also stunned by the scene before him, and it was difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

“It’s because my eyes are clumsy. I didn’t expect that Brother Jiang Chen would have a supreme divine body, and he could ignore the Heavenly Dao law and make the gods retreat.”

Feeling the aura of the world god on Jiang Chen, Tianzun Qingmu also suppressed the horror in his heart, and said with a wry smile.

With the strength and status of Tianzun Aoki, naturally he wanted to understand all of this very quickly.

Being able to ignore the Heavenly Dao law and make the gods retreat and avoid Sanshe, I am afraid that there is only the supreme god body that was extremely rare in the ancient times.

this moment.

Tianzun Qingmu finally understood why Jiang Chen could break the shackles of the gods and become an existence beyond the holy gods.

This kind of heaven-defying existence that can ignore the Heavenly Dao law cannot be described by common sense at all.

Jiang Chen smiled and said: “You can rest assured when the Qingmu clan grows up. Jiang Chen is not the kind of person who will avenge revenge. Naturally, he will not destroy the wood spirit god clan’s sacred tree.”

“It’s a villain.”

Tianzun Qingmu shook his head with a wry smile, and immediately looked at Jiang Chen with amazement: “Brother Jiang Chen is now breaking through the realm of the realm. Under the power of the realm of the gods, I am afraid that he will be invincible?”

“I also want to thank the patriarch Qingmu for borrowing my cultivation land.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but smiled.

Heavenly God Realm and Realm God Realm, there is indeed a huge difference between the two.

Before he breaks through, he can defeat the one-star Tianzun’s peak Thunder Dragon, and can fight the two-star Tianzun.

Now that he has broken through the realm of the gods, even the three-star Celestial Lord breakthrough with the sacred god, he has nothing at all. Even the general power of the god king realm may not be able to pose any threat to him!


Just as Jiang Chen was talking to Qingmu Tianzun, another powerful breath filled the sky above the Wood Spirit God Race like a giant dragon awakening.

“This is… Master’s breath?”

Feeling the familiar aura permeating the sky above the Wood Spirit Protoss, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

After more than two years, Master is finally about to wake up.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate, he greeted Qingmu Tianzun directly, and then he appeared in the room where Ancient Profound Dao was in a flash.

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