Chapter 2074 One Seal Suppression


The Chaos Sword Finger once again cut the soul beast condensed by the Heaven Devouring God King into nothingness with indestructible power.

“Boy, I want to see, how much power do you have to consume?”

The Heaven Devouring God King smiled coldly, just raised his hand and waved, the soul beast that was slain by Jiang Chen condensed once again.

After the brief fight just now, the Heaven Devouring God King also knew very well that with his current state, it was not an easy task to kill Jiang Chen’s soul directly.

It is precisely because of this.

The Heaven Devouring God King did not choose to fight Jiang Chen recklessly, but instead planned to use his powerful resilience in this multi-temple to consume Jiang Chen’s power.

Although Jiang Chen was the first eternal god who surpassed the holy gods, he was still in the heavens.

As long as he constantly consumes Jiang Chen’s strength and makes him fall into a state of weakness, and then he will take Jiang Chen’s body, wouldn’t it be easy?

“Hehe… Heaven Devouring God King, do you really think that this trick can kill me to death?”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously, and immediately flipped his palm, and a dark and deep black square mark also appeared ghostly in Jiang Chen’s palm.

With the appearance of this black square seal, even the soul power of the Heaven Devouring God King that permeated the temple became dim in an instant.

“This is……”

The Heavenly Devouring God King looked at the black square seal on Jiang Chen’s palm, his pupils suddenly shrank.

From the black square seal on Jiang Chen’s palm, the Heaven Devouring God King unexpectedly felt a terrifying aura that made his heart palpitations.

Jiang Chen’s face was indifferent, and he didn’t even pay attention to the horrified expression of the Heaven Devouring God King. When he flipped his hand, he pressed a seal to the Heaven Devouring God King.


The black square seal flew out of Jiang Chen’s palm in an instant, and then rapidly zoomed in mid-air, and the spirit power of the Heaven Devouring God King that permeated the temple was instantly swallowed dry and quietly by the black square seal.

To the end.

The black square seal crashed directly on the roaring soul beast, and instantly annihilated the soul beast into nothingness.

Defeating the soul beast in an understatement, the black square seal rushed towards the Heaven Devouring God King without any reduction in power.

The Heaven Devouring God King had no time to react, and the whole person was already marked by the black square.


Heaven Devouring God King couldn’t help but let out a scream, the illusory figure also flew out directly, hitting the wall of the Great Hall heavily, and it took a while to stabilize his figure in embarrassment.

He looked pale, and his whole body was flickering with black light. The figure, which was originally a bit illusory, has become much more transparent at this moment.

“The ancient seal of the soul-killing of the Jiang family of the Royal Palace!”

“You… are you from the Jiang family of the Human Palace?”

The Heaven Devouring God King stared at Jiang Chen tightly, and finally there was a touch of unconcealed panic in his eyes.

When Jiang Chen heard the words, he couldn’t help but smile faintly: “The Heaven Devouring God King deserves to be the great power of the Divine King Realm in the ancient times, and the eyesight is really extraordinary.”

What Jiang Chen displayed this time was indeed not a simplified version of the soul-killing seal, but the real ancient seal of soul-killing.

Since getting the ancient seal of the Emperor, Jiang Chen did not deliberately cultivate, but occasionally took out the ancient seal of the Emperor for Insight.

However, in the past few years, Jiang Chen has still successfully mastered the Ancient Seal of the First Seal of Destroying Soul.

Now facing the remnant soul of the God King, Jiang Chen did not hesitate to display the ancient seal of Soul Destruction.


The effect of this seal even completely exceeded Jiang Chen’s expectations.

Although Jiang Chen also knew that the Soul Destruction Ancient Seal had absolute suppression of the power of the Soul Dao, he did not expect that this seal could beat the Sky Devouring Divine Soul so miserably.

after all.

The God King of Devouring Sky is also a remnant soul of the King of Gods, and the power exerted in this temple today is much stronger than that of Heavenly Venerable Thunder Dragon.

Jiang Chen originally thought that he would have to spend a lot of effort to solve the remnant soul of the Heaven Devouring God King.

Unexpectedly, this ancient seal of extinguishing souls would be able to suppress the Heaven Devouring God King without the power to fight back.

With the Ancient Seal of Destroying Soul, the remnant soul of the Heaven Devouring God King was no different from the lamb waiting to be slaughtered in his eyes.

“Boy, the Temple of Soul Destruction is willing to provide you with the treasures of the Soul Dao you need, so does this end here?”

The Heaven Devouring God King suppressed the panic in his heart and hurriedly called out to Jiang Chen.

As a great power in the Divine King Realm who lived in the ancient times, the Heaven Devouring Divine King naturally knew the Human Palace very well.

Human Palace, this is one of the strongest powers of the human race in the Divine Region mainland.

The royal family of the Jiang family of Renhuangdian has a peerless martial art named Renhuangguyin. There are three seals in the ancient seal of the Emperor of Humanity, and every seal has the terrifying power of the world-shattering, weeping ghosts and gods.

Among the ancient seals of the human emperor, one of them is called the ancient seal of extinguishing the soul, which is the nemesis of all the power of the soul in the world!

The Heaven Devouring God King had already encountered a God King Realm power of the Jiang clan in the Human Palace, but he was suppressed to death by the other party’s ancient seal of Soul Extinguishment.

The King of Devouring Sky didn’t expect it.

After so many years, he unexpectedly saw the Ancient Seal of Destroying Soul again.

Destroy the ancient seal of the soul, conquer all the soul power in the world.

With his current soul body state, not to mention that this is just a remnant soul that has not been fully recovered, even if his soul is restored to its peak state, I am afraid that he will have to retreat in the face of this ancient soul seal.


The Heaven Devouring God King had to choose to seek peace from Jiang Chen.

The space of this temple is so big, and he can’t leave the scope of the temple.

Facing Jiang Chen’s soul-killing ancient seal, the Heaven Devouring God King is inevitable.

The suppression of Jiang Chen’s seal just now has already severely damaged his remnant soul, which he had not fully recovered.

If Jiang Chen were to make a few more impressions like this, I am afraid that he would really fall completely today.

“Now I know to ask for peace? It’s a pity that it’s too late! From the moment you let me into this Great Hall, I and you Soul Eater Protoss are destined to be immortal!”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell coldly, and another ancient seal of Soul Extinguishment quickly condensed on his palm!

People don’t offend me, I don’t offend people!

Since the King of Heaven Devouring God wanted to draw him here to seize the house, how could Jiang Chen easily let him go?

“Boy… I played it with you.”

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn’t intend to make peace at all, he directly condensed the ancient seal of extinguishing soul here, and the Heaven Devouring God King couldn’t help but let out an angry roar.


I saw the sky-devouring god king’s body soaring with black energy, and his entire body suddenly rose up a bit. The original thin body was also rapidly inflated like a balloon, and patches of black scale armor appeared on his body.

After a while.

I saw the Heaven Devouring Divine Soul turned into a blue-faced fangs, hands like sharp claws, a monster draped in black scales, looking like a demon god who came out of Jiuyou!

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