Chapter 2047 Straight into the Profound Frost League

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate, and walked towards the gate of the Profound Shuang League in a swaggering manner.

at this time.

The two Xuanshuang League guards at the door also spotted Jiang Chen coming straight, and immediately shouted murderously: “Boy, the Xuanshuang League headquarters, the restless people and other Restrictions enter. If you dare to step forward, die! ”

Jiang Chen paused in his footsteps, and then faintly said: “I don’t need to go in, then let your leader of the Profound Shuang League come out and see me.”

“Huh, what kind of green onion are you? Our lord can not see all cats and dogs.”

One of the guards sneered disdainfully and said, “Boy, get out of here. The territory of my Profound Frost League is not a place where you can go wild.”

“Since you don’t ask him to come out, then I can only go in and find him by myself.”

Jiang Chen said, ignoring the existence of the two guards and strode towards the gate of Xuanshuang Gate.

“Dare to break into the headquarters of the Profound Shuang League, you are looking for death!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen was really going to break into the Profound Shuang League, the two guards were furious, and directly waved the weapons in their hands and killed Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen moved his fingertips, and two invisible sword fingers penetrated the space.

The two guards of the Heavenly God Realm hadn’t reacted at all, and a strange blood hole appeared in the center of their eyebrows, and immediately the whole person slowly lost consciousness and fell straight toward the ground.

“Who is running wild in my Profound Shuang League!”

Just after Jiang Chen took care of the two guards lightly, there was an instant scream of anger from within the Xuanshuang League.

The next moment…

I saw a world god Venerable wearing silver armor, who also quickly stepped into the air from the Profound Frost League with dozens of guards.

The silver-armored man fixed his eyes on Jiang Chen below, and there was a cold chill in his eyes: “Boy, who are you, why come to my Profound Shuang League to make trouble?”

Jiang Chen’s eyes calmly said: “Ancient Profound Dao disciple Jiang Chen, come to meet the leader of the Xuanshuang League, and ask the leader of the Xuanshuang League to show up.”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, the silver armored man’s eyes narrowed suddenly: “Are you a disciple of Ancient Profound Dao?”

Not long ago.

The two heavenly masters of the Ancient Spirit God Sect pursued and killed the Ancient Profound Dao to the ancient city of Hundred Desolations, but unexpectedly, the Ancient Profound Dao was rescued by a mysterious person.

to this end.

The two Tianzun powerhouses of the Ancient Spirit God Sect, at the expense of a huge price, invited them to the Xuanshuang League to search for the whereabouts of the ancient profound way.

Unexpectedly, they could not find the whereabouts of Ancient Profound Dao. This fellow who claimed to be a disciple of Ancient Profound Dao directly came to their Profound Shuang League.

Jiang Chen said lightly: “Replacement like fake!”

“Good! Good! Good!”

“Boy, there is a way to heaven, you don’t want to go, The Underworld has no way, but you break in. My Profound Shuang League is worried that I can’t find the whereabouts of the Ancient Profound Dao. I didn’t expect you to appear.”

“As long as I take you down, I won’t believe that the Ancient Profound Dao will not show up!”

The silver-armored man laughed wildly, and then waved his big hand: “Hands, take this kid for me!”

boom! boom! boom!

Following the order of the silver armor man, dozens of guards from the Profound Shuang League broke out almost at the same time, besieging Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s face was indifferent, and a scarlet sword suddenly emerged from his palm.

The next moment…

His figure disappeared directly out of thin air, and the strange Sword Ray shot out from the void.

The dozens of guards of the Profound Frost League, before even screaming, were instantly strangled into powder by the Sword Ray!

“Dare you kid!”

The silver-armored man was immediately frightened, and saw him instantly turn into a silver light, with a silver halberd in his hand, tearing the sky, bursting out incomparably bright electric light, and hitting Jiang Chen with a halberd.

This halberd seemed to crush hundreds of thousands of mountains, and its stubborn and domineering might eclipsed the world.

Jiang Chen was expressionless, just stretched out his hand and waved lightly at the silver armored man.


A huge chaotic giant palm, like the palm of an ancient god, suppressed the silver armored man.


The silver-armored man trembled, and a mouthful of blood was spit out from his mouth, and his whole person was pressed down from the void by the giant chaotic palm steadily.

Even if the silver armor man tried his best to burn the realm god, he couldn’t shake that chaotic giant palm at all!

“Fourth brother, don’t panic, I’ll help you!”

When the silver-armored man was about to be suppressed, another world god Venerable, who was wearing black armor and enveloped in the black mist, came to the silver-armored man’s side and fought against the chaos giant palm that came from the suppression.


How can the two Venerable gods in a mere mere mere suffocation withstand Jiang Chen’s power?

Even if Jiang Chen just slapped a palm at will, even an ordinary Tianzun powerhouse could hardly stop him.

The black armored man also spit out blood, unable to resist it at all, his body shape was constantly declining under the suppression of that chaotic giant palm.

“Boom! Boom!”

At this moment, within the Profound Shuang League, the aura of the two realms of the gods rose to the sky.

The auras of these two people are obviously stronger than the previous two, and they have already reached the level of Earthly Sovereign Realm.

The two also exploded with all their strength at the same time, colliding with the giant palm of the chaos in the void.

If someone in the ancient city saw this scene at this moment, I’m afraid their eyes would fall in shock.

The four chiefs of the Profound Shuang League, these are the four powerful world gods Venerable, two of them have reached the realm of the earth. The four commanders joined forces, and it is said that even the strongest Tianzun can fight.

Now facing a Maotou boy in the Heavenly God Realm, the four leaders have not been able to get the slightest upper hand together, which is simply unbelievable.


The four leaders of the Xuanshuang League joined forces, and the power is indeed earth-shattering.

The dazzling source of the realm gods on them shakes the sky and the earth.

At the end of the day, the powers of the surrounding gods from different worlds directly merged into one, turning into a pillar of light supporting the sky.

The beam of light went from bottom to top, as long as a thousand meters, as if pushing the giant palm of the emptiness towards the emptiness.

“Hey… this combined attack technique is a bit interesting.”

Jiang Chen glanced at the four of them in surprise, then stretched out his hand and gently pressed against the void.


I saw the light on the giant chaotic palm soaring, a force that was several times more terrifying than before, also instantly diffused from the giant chaotic palm.

At that moment, the complexions of the four leaders of the Xuanshuang League changed.

They only felt that as if there was an ancient sacred mountain above their heads, the heavens could be crushed. Even if the four of them tried their best to urge the realm gods to make a single blow, they couldn’t stop it at all.

I saw that the sky-reaching beam of light that propped up the giant chaotic palm was also constantly shattering under the giant chaotic palm.

Just blink of an eye.

The Qianzhang Tongtian Light Pillar completely turned into nothingness under the giant chaos palm.

The figure of the four leaders of the Profound Frost League is also constantly sinking in the void under the pressure of the Great Chaos Palm…

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