Chapter 2042 The Past Of The Human Palace

Taurus, Central Great Hall.

After Niu Tai returned to the Jinniu clan with Jiang Chen and Ji Lingwei, he ordered the clan to prepare a grand banquet to entertain the two of Jiang Chen.

After looking at the situation, Jiang Chen didn’t waste time, and said straight to the door: “Patriarch Niu, it’s true that I came to the Wasteland of Hundred Races this time mainly to find one person.”

“Oh? I wonder who Lord Jiang Chen is looking for?”

Niu Tai suddenly patted his chest and said, “Although my life is on the periphery of the Hundred Clan Wasteland and my strength is not very good, I still have some energy in the Hundred Clan Wasteland. It shouldn’t be difficult to find an individual.”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and said solemnly: “The person I’m looking for is called Gu Xuan Dao. It should have entered the wasteland of a hundred races not long ago. I wonder if Patriarch Niu has heard of this person?”

“Guxuan Dao? I seem to have heard of this name vaguely somewhere.”

Niu Tai frowned slightly, and immediately vowed: “Your Excellency Jiang Chen, don’t worry, give me a few days, and I will find out about this person for you.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but hugged the cupped fist to Niu Tai and said, “So, then it will be hard work.”

“It’s just a matter of raising your hand. Your Excellency Jiang Chen needs to be polite.”

Niu Tai waved his hand, and then chatted with Jiang Chen a few more words, which made people arrange Jiang Chen and the others to live in the Jinniu clan.

A guest room of the Taurus tribe.

After Ji Lingwei arranged for the Taurus tribe they lived to leave, she finally couldn’t help but ask: “Jiang Chen Dage, the ancient profound way you are looking for, but the god of the previous generation who has disappeared for many years?”

“Yes, what I am looking for is him. He is a teacher whom I worshiped shortly after entering the realm of God.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but looked up at Ji Lingwei: “Lingwei, it seems that you also know about my master?”

“The impeccable god son who had disappeared for many years in the ancient god sect suddenly returned. This matter has made a lot of noise in the land of the ancient god sect, and I have naturally heard it a little.”

Ji Lingwei whispered: “And… I should have seen him.”

Hearing what Ji Lingwei said, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but an excited look appeared in his eyes: “Lingwei, what are you saying is true?”

“Because of my low strength, no one has been willing to take me into the Hundred Clan Wasteland, so I have been waiting for a long time outside the Hundred Clan Wasteland.”

“About a month ago, the Hundred Races Wasteland was connected with several Tianzun powerhouses, and they entered the Hundred Races Wasteland.”

“The one who went first was a wounded old man of the Celestial Realm, and the two powerful men of the Celestial Realm who went in behind were wearing the costumes of the ancient spirit gods.”

Ji Lingwei unreservedly told Jiang Chen about the situation she had seen before.

After Jiang Chen heard the news, his eyes couldn’t help but froze.

If he guessed right, the person who was hunted down would be his Master Profound Dao Venerable in all likelihood.

Not only was the master seriously injured, but he was also chased and killed by two ancient spirit gods sect’s strong masters. The situation might be very bad. He must find the master as quickly as possible.


The wasteland of the hundred races is vast and the situation is complicated. How easy is it for him to find a master?


He can only wait for Niu Tai’s news in the Taurus tribe first.

“Ancient Spirits Sect, you don’t touch one of my master’s hair in the end. If something really happens to Master, I, Jiang Chen, will surely step down on the Ancient Spirits Sect!”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and a sharp chill burst into his eyes.

“Jiang Chen Dage, your master was able to survive that year without any problems. You must be lucky. There will be nothing wrong this time. Don’t worry too much.”

Seeing Jiang Chen’s appearance, Ji Lingwei could not help but persuade softly.

Jiang Chen nodded, and didn’t get too entangled with this issue. He looked directly at Ji Lingwei and said, “Lingwei, let’s not talk about it for now, let’s talk about your purpose of coming to the wasteland of a hundred races.”

He has a good image of Ji Lingwei, and his mother is very likely to have a certain relationship with the Ji clan.

If possible, Jiang Chen didn’t mind helping Ji Lingwei.

Ji Lingwei also knew that relying on her own strength, it was very difficult to completely explain the characters of the Ji clan. If Jiang Chen, the holy god, would help, it would undoubtedly be much easier.


Ji Lingwei didn’t conceal it, and told Jiang Chen about the Ji clan.

In the Continent of God’s Domain, the tens of thousands of races are fighting, and the strength of the human race is not strong. The Human Palace is one of the top powers established by the Human Race in God’s Domain.

The Palace of the Human Emperor was jointly established by many different clans, and both the Ji and the Jiang clan were among the top clans in the Palace of the Human Emperor.

Especially the Jiang family, the Jiang family, known as the Human Palace, rules the entire Human Palace.

About millions of years ago, the Jiang Clan and the Ji Clan in the Palace of Human Emperors both had a stunning and eternal arrogant talent. In less than ten thousand years, they achieved the Great Way of the King of God and became the power of the King of God Realm. .

These two peerless figures finally came together and commanded the whole palace.


The Palace of Human Emperor and a powerful hostile force broke out in a terrifying battle, and these two peerless figures both fell in the battle.

After this happened, many people in the Palace of Human Emperor felt that their fall was too strange. Not only did the Jiang Chen family split because of this, even the Ji family broke with the Jiang family and withdrew from the royal palace.

Over the years, the Ji clan has been suppressed by the Palace of Human Beings, and life in God’s Domain Continent is not easy.

Had it not been for the Ji clan to have a powerful ancestor sitting in town, I am afraid that the Ji clan would have been destroyed by the imperial palace.


The ancestor of the Ji family has lived for nearly 100 million years.

Ji Lingwei came to the Wasteland of the Hundred Races this time in order to obtain a heaven-defying artifact to increase the longevity of the ancestors of the Ji family.

Jiang Chen was shocked when he heard Ji Lingwei mention the history of the Palace of Human Beings.

His father Jiang Wuya should come from the Jiang family, and his mother is most likely related to the Ji family. Are they the two peerless figures who were born in the Palace of Human Emperors?


The era when the two peerless figures appeared has a history of millions of years, and they are still falling in the war.

How could they be their own parents, and the Profound Spirit Continent appeared on the lower realm?


Jiang Chen has a feeling in his heart that even if the two peerless figures are not his parents, they should have a close relationship with his parents!

As far as he knows.

The human race of the Xuanling Continent has a history of millions of years, which coincides with the time when the two peerless figures in the Human Emperor Palace fell.


The construction method of the Xuanling Continent Human Race is also very similar to the Human Palace.

If he guessed right, the human race of the Xuanling Continent is almost invariably related to those two peerless figures in the Human Palace!

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

It seems that the great change in the Palace of Human Beings millions of years ago is probably not that simple on the surface.

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