Chapter 2037 Ji Family Bloodline

The black-robed old man left the Great Hall and took the middle-aged man directly towards the temple in the depths of the Soul Eater.

very quickly.

The two came to the deepest temple of the Soul Eater. The bloody scene in the temple also appeared in their sight instantly.

I saw a huge statue of God enshrined in the solemn shrine.

It’s not so much a deity, it’s a golem.

This golem has a hideous face, with a weird black unicorn growing out of its forehead, and it is full of lifelessness, like a Devil who has just crawled out of The Underworld.

At this moment.

This golem seemed to have come alive. It was holding a Soul Eater tribe with one hand, and tore their bodies to shreds with force. The blood rained all over the sky, turning the entire temple into a sea of ​​blood.

The black-robed old man looked at the situation in front of him, but his expression was very indifferent, and he bowed and said: “Old ancestor, I don’t know what happened that caused you to be so angry?”

The dark and weird eyes of the golem looked directly at the black robe ancestor, and the angry roar directly blew up in the temple.

“Black Mist Forest! Someone killed my captive soul in the Black Mist Forest!”

The vast soul power fluctuated, like a vast ocean, tossing in the entire temple.

Even the two old men in black robes felt the pain of their brains rising, and their figures felt shaky.

“This… how is this possible?”

“The Black Mist Forest is a supreme formation arranged with the help of the ancestor’s soul power. Those fierce souls have long been immortal in the Black Mist Forest. How could someone destroy them?”

The black-robed old man said with horror on his face: “Could it be that the great power of the Divine King Realm failed to make a move?”

“It’s absolutely impossible!”

“The Hundred Clan Wasteland is an ominous place, even if it is the great power of the Divine King Realm outside, it dare not be easily contaminated!”

“It must be the people from the wasteland of a hundred races who are doing ghosts. Find him right away. No matter who dares to ruin me, this seat will surely destroy him!”

The golem snarled frantically.

The black-robed old man took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, “Ancestor rest assured, I will find out this matter as soon as possible.”

“Immediately send a letter to the mountain ghost tribe, let them quickly send someone to the Black Mist Forest to find out. Also, check the other god-tier tribes to see if they have had any changes recently.”

The black-robed old man withdrew from the temple and directly commanded the middle-aged man beside him with a gloomy expression.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man couldn’t help but suddenly startled: “Patriarch, do you suspect that this matter is related to other protoss?”

“Although my Soul Eater tribe’s plan to resurrect the ancestors is hidden, it may not be hidden from other Protoss.”

“Once the ancestor is resurrected, he will be the only god king of the wasteland of the hundred races, and the entire wasteland of the hundred races will be surrendered to the feet of the soul-eater.”

“Do you think other Protoss will sit and wait to die, watching our resurrected ancestors?”

The black robe old man said indifferently.

The middle-aged man’s complexion changed slightly: “But…The Black Mist Forest is the handwriting of the ancestors. Even though other Protoss wants to destroy the Black Mist Forest, they have been helpless to the Black Mist Forest.”

“The Protoss in the wasteland of a hundred races, although the godless king realm is powerful, they also have the background of the gods, which should not be underestimated.”

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the black robe ancestor: “Go and do it now, no matter who it is, if you dare to ruin the soul-eater’s plan, the deity will make him pay a heavy price!”

Black fog forest.

With the Soul Destruction Seal, Jiang Chen killed countless fierce souls along the way, as if no one was in a realm.

In less than an hour in the world, the two had already passed through the black mist forest and entered the territory of the wasteland of a hundred races.

“Huh… finally entered the wasteland of a hundred races.”

Seeing them smoothly out of the black mist forest and into the wasteland of a hundred races, Ji Lingwei couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The wasteland of a hundred races is an unknown place of taboo for the great power of the god king realm. There is no great power of the god king realm who dares to easily contaminate the wasteland of the 100 races.

This also means.

The divine king realm behind the Black Mist Forest should not dare to easily enter the wasteland of the Hundred Clan to find them trouble.

At least in the wasteland of the hundred races, they are temporarily safe.

“Don’t worry, the reason why I chose to leave was just because I didn’t want to cause unnecessary trouble. I was not afraid of the people behind the Black Mist Forest.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “Since I said to keep you safe, no one will hurt you.”

Ji Lingwei was silent for a while, and then said with some uncertainty: “Jiang Chen Dage, you are really not a member of the Jiang family of Human Palace?”

“Maybe, maybe not, I don’t know. I actually come from the lower realm, and the seal of the human emperor was also learned on the lower realm.”

Jiang Chen said, directly stimulating a trace of bloodline power, and said with a smile: “I don’t know if I am a member of the Jiang family of the People’s Palace, but I know one thing. I should have a certain relationship with you.”

“Ji…Ji clan blood!”

Ji Lingwei’s eyes were dull, and there was an incredible shock in her beautiful eyes: “How can you have my Ji clan blood on your body?”

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly: “I only found out after I saw you. I think you should know this better than me.”

Ji Lingwei’s heart was shocked.

As far as she knows, there was indeed a union between the Jiang imperial family and the Ji family a long time ago, and they were both top figures in the Divine Realm Continent.


Later, a great change took place in the Palace of the Human Emperor. The Jiang royal family and their ancestor of the Ji family fell in that great change.

The Jiang imperial family and the Ji family have since broken up and become enemies of life and death.

Today’s Jiang royal family is even more eager to put the Ji family and death. Ji Lingwei came to the Wasteland of Hundred Races this time to find something to save the Ji family in danger.

Could it be…

Will Jiang Chen in front of him be the descendants of the Jiang family and their Ji family ancestors?

Ji Lingwei suddenly looked excited and said: “Jiang Chen Dage, no matter what, after leaving the wasteland of the hundred races, you must follow me to the Ji family for a trip.”


Jiang Chen nodded. Since the Ji clan is likely to be related to his mother, he naturally wants to go to the Ji clan to find out.

While talking, the two of them walked into the wasteland of the hundred races.

At this moment, thousands of miles away, a series of terrifying energy fluctuations surging in the sky like a tide.

Ji Lingwei’s pretty face changed color slightly: “Jiang Chen Dage, the front is supposed to be the battlefield where two of the hundred races are fighting, let’s leave here as soon as possible.”

There are many races in the wasteland of the Hundred Clan, and the weakest races are at least the realm god races with earthly respect.

Even the Realm God Race that Tianzun sits in are countless.

In order to compete for many resources in the wasteland of a hundred races, these races often broke out extremely tragic race wars.

Once the race war is contained in the wasteland of hundreds of races, it will undoubtedly be quite troublesome.

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