Chapter 2030

“Are you going to fight again?”

In the Minor World in the arena, Jiang Chen looked like a god of War, overlooking Lu Yuanqing, his faint voice resounding through the world.

“Your Excellency deserves to be the first god of eternity who has mastered the power of the ten realms. Lu Mou is convinced of his defeat.”

Lu Yuanqing gave a wry smile, immediately hugged the cupped fist to Jiang Chen, and flew directly out of the arena.

Although Lu Yuanqing knew in his heart that Jiang Chen, the first-day god who mastered the power of the Ten Dao, would be very powerful, he did not expect Jiang Chen to be so strong.

The three of them urged the strongest blow, and they couldn’t even stop Jiang Chen’s move.

Don’t say that he is still in the two-star Venerable, even if he has made a breakthrough in the two-star earthly respect, he might not be Jiang Chen’s opponent.

When Hong Ning and Wu Xuan saw Lu Yuanqing retreat, their expressions couldn’t help but change slightly.

Among the three of them, Lu Yuanqing is the strongest.

Now that even Lu Yuanqing has conceded, what are the two of them fighting against Jiang Chen?

The two didn’t say much, they just walked away from the Minor World in the arena without saying a word.

Above the arena, the referee of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm of the Eternal Temple, it took a long time to come back to his senses, and quickly announced the result of the battle.

After the three of Lu Yuanqing retreated, Jiang Chen still had no intention of leaving the arena, quietly waiting for the next opponent.


The three of Lu Yuanqing were already the strongest world god Tianjiao participating in this eternal grand ceremony.

Now that the three of Lu Yuanqing join forces, they are all crushed by Jiang Chen, and who else would dare to go up and fight Jiang Chen?

For a time.

Almost none of the world god Tianjiao of the hundreds of eternal temple sub-temples dared to take the stage to challenge.

This scene also caused countless spectators in the square to breathe a sigh of relief.

A Heavenly God Realm, boarded the Realm God Realm arena, easily defeated three two-star Venerable Realm Realm God Tianjiao, so that all Realm God Tianjiao present did not even have the courage to fight him.

With the Cultivation Base of the Celestial God Realm, the world’s God Tianjiao can lower their eyebrows!

What a horror, what a domineering existence is this.

Above the arena, the Celestial Realm referee looked at the situation in front of him, and couldn’t help showing a wry smile.

In the past eternal grand ceremonies, geniuses like Lu Yuanqing almost all appeared on the finale, and there has never been a heaven-defying evildoer that can suppress the audience alone, so such a situation has never happened.

But this time eternal grand ceremony, but Jiang Chen such a perverted existence.

To know.

The three of Lu Yuanqing were already the three most powerful world gods in the southern area of ​​the Temple of Eternity in thousands of years.

Now that these three world gods, Tianjiao, have joined forces, they have all been easily defeated by Jiang Chen. Now who else dares to take the stage and challenge Jiang Chen easily?

If Jiang Chen stayed on the arena all the time, this eternal grand ceremony might not be able to go on smoothly.

According to the rules of the eternal grand ceremony.

As long as Jiang Chen wins, he can continue to accept the challenge of the next contestant on the arena.

Unless Jiang Chen voluntarily leaves, he can’t drive Jiang Chen out of the arena.

“Let him come down, this eternal grand ceremony, the Great Desolate Heaven Territory Branch Hall ranks first.”

Just when this Heavenly Venerable Realm referee didn’t know what to do, an old voice suddenly rang in his mind.

The Heavenly Venerable Realm referee heard the voice in his mind, and he couldn’t help taking a breath.

The eternal grand ceremony has just begun, and the first is determined. This is an unprecedented period in the history of the Eternal Temple.


This Heavenly Sovereign Realm referee also knew what kind of existence the person who transmitted his voice was.

This is the horrible existence of the Divine King Realm who sits in the South Main Hall, whose status is still higher than that of their Hall Master, how can he dare to question this decision?

not to mention……

With the terrifying power shown by Jiang Chen, all the world god Tianjiao in the southern area of ​​the Eternal Temple will be defeated, and I am afraid there will be no problem.

With Jiang Chen’s help from the Great Desolate Heavenly Territory Branch Hall, won’t it be easy to win the first place in the eternal grand ceremony?

The Heavenly Venerable Realm referee no longer hesitated at the moment, and directly declared: “Jiang Chen, you don’t need to participate in the next competition. The Great Desolate Heavenly Territory Branch Hall is directly ranked first in this eternal grand ceremony.”


With the words of this Heavenly Venerable Realm referee, there was an uproar in the square.

“Hey! I heard you right, the Great Desolate Heavenly Territory Branch Hall has become the number one in this eternal grand ceremony?”

“There is a perverted existence like Jiang Chen, isn’t it normal?”

“Unexpectedly, the Great Desolate Heavenly Territory Branch Hall would be able to befriend such a heaven-defying evildoer, Xin Tianqi is really lucky.”


In the square, Xin Tianqi and the others heard bursts of uproar from all around, and there was unprecedented excitement in their eyes.

Xu Cheng said with a look of excitement: “Hall Master, we are the first in the Great Desolate Heavenly Territory Sub-Hall, and you finally have a chance to return to the top. You don’t have to stay in the Great Desolate Heavenly Territory.”

“Yeah… to be able to meet Jiang Chen is definitely the greatest fortune in my life. It seems that God treats me well.”

Xin Tianqi took a deep breath and suppressed his excitement.

Dahuang Tianyu Branch Hall won the first place in this eternal grand ceremony, and he would be able to go to that place again.

As long as he can solve his own Cultivation Technique problem, he will be able to surpass the peak, become the sacred god who has broken the limit three times, and then break through the three-star Venerable.

By the time.

He is still the number one arrogant of this South Main Hall, and even the entire Eternal Temple, I am afraid that few people can compete with him!

“Brother Jiang Chen is too awesome, so let the Great Desolate Heaven Territory Sub-Hall lock the first place in advance, it seems that I don’t need to play.”

Huo Tianyang couldn’t help being speechless for a while.

Although he also knew that with Jiang Chen’s strength, it was almost a piece of cake to help the Great Desolate Heaven Territory Division first place.

But he still didn’t expect that Jiang Chen would actually make the Eternal Temple have to make the Great Desolate Heaven Territory Sub-Hall rank first in this way.

And when Jiang Chen suppressed the audience alone, and made the Great Desolate Heaven Territory Sub-Hall lock the first place in advance.

In the depths of the south main hall of the Eternal Temple, in an empty Great Hall.

A burly middle-aged man with gorgeous clothes and endless majesty was standing with a black-clothed old man with a withered face.

“Elder Mo, you made the Great Desolate Heaven Territory Sub-Hall the first place in advance. It seems that you are planning to let Xin Tianqi go to that place?”

The burly middle-aged said respectfully.

“With the existence of that kid, this eternal grand ceremony is the first. It should be the Great Desolate Heaven Territory Branch Hall. This is Xin Tianqi’s chance.”

“What’s more… Even without that kid, I plan to let Xin Tianqi go to that place.”

The lonely old man said indifferently: “What you did back then was a bit too much. Give him a chance. If he can recover, it will be of great benefit to the South Main Hall and the entire Eternal Temple.”

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