Chapter 203 I’m Suppressing Lingyun Wufu Jiang Chen!

Jiang Chen and the others followed their voices.

On the right side of the square, a few men dressed in the costumes of the Black Cloud Chamber of Commerce quickly set up a few tables.

Above the table, the names and odds of the first geniuses of the nine martial arts were placed.

The first middle-aged Fatty opened his voice and shouted loudly in the square.

“Damn! The Black Cloud Chamber of Commerce has opened, and I am pressing Yin Kai from Qianlong Wufu. This time Wu Kui must be him!”

“Cut! Haotian Wufu Ye Jianqiu is also a popular candidate for Wu Kui, and the odds are higher than Yin Kai, I will beat Ye Jianqiu!”


With the opening of the Black Cloud Chamber of Commerce, the square became extremely lively in an instant.

And this time.

Ye Jianqiu of the Vast Sky Martial Mansion watched the Black Cloud Chamber of Commerce set Yin Kai’s odds to 1:1, and set Yin Kai’s odds to 1:2. He couldn’t help but let out a faint hum.

Heiyun Chamber of Commerce’s move was obviously not optimistic about Ye Jianqiu, thinking that Yin Kai had a greater chance of capturing Wu Kui than him.

Ye Jianqiu’s expression was indifferent, and he walked straight towards the opening of the Black Cloud Chamber of Commerce.

As soon as he moved his palm, a pile of spar appeared in front of the middle-aged Fatty, and the faint voice resounded instantly.

“One thousand low-grade spar, I will crush Ye Jianqiu of Haotian Martial Mansion!”

Middle-aged Fatty stunned for a moment: “Ye Shaoxia wants to press yourself?”

Ye Jianqiu said indifferently, “Your Black Cloud Chamber of Commerce, it seems that there is no rule that you can’t suppress yourself, right?”

“Of course, since our Black Cloud Chamber of Commerce is open for trading, naturally everyone will come.”

The middle-aged Fatty smiled slightly, and then said to the man beside him: “Hurry up and record Ye Shaoxia’s bet.”

“Tsk tusk… Ye Jianqiu actually crushed himself a thousandth-grade spar. It seems that he has great confidence in capturing Wu Kui.”

“Ye Jianqiu and Yin Kai are both popular candidates for Wu Kui, and the odds are twice as high as Yin Kai. Everyone should beat Ye Jianqiu.”

Seeing that Ye Jianqiu was crushing himself, many people followed the wind to crush Ye Jianqiu!

“A thousand lower-grade spar, this guy is really rich.”

Jiang Chen watched that Ye Jianqiu’s shot was a thousand-low-grade spar, and he couldn’t help but murmur in his heart.

Spar is a kind of stone that contains magical energy.

As long as it is a Practitioner above the imperial qi realm, it can accelerate cultivation by absorbing the energy in the spar.

But things like spars are extremely rare for most Practitioners.

Even the lowest grade spar, it is difficult for a general imperial Qi Practitioner to have a few.


Ye Jianqiu took out a thousand lower-grade spars as a bet, which was considered a big bet!

Jiang Chen watched as countless people around him rushed forward to make injections, and the corners of his mouth could not help but a slight arc was raised.

The odds for him to win Wukui are now 1:100. If he suppresses himself at this time, he will definitely make a lot of money!

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help turning his head to look at Yan Cangming beside him: “Yan Elder, how many spars do you have, can you lend me some?”

“Do you want to make a bet too?”

Yan Cangming was taken aback for a moment, and immediately took out a Na Ring and placed it in front of Jiang Chen: “There are ten thousand low-grade crystals in it, is it enough?”

“Enough, thank you Yan Elder.”

Jiang Chen accepted Na Jie with a smile, and walked straight to the middle-aged Fatty of the Black Cloud Chamber of Commerce.

He threw Na Jie on the table at any time, and the astonishing voice rang in everyone’s ears instantly.

“Ten thousand low-grade spar, I will crush Jiang Chen from Lingyun Wufu!”

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