Chapter 2021 Two-star Venerable Shen Wuyou


At the moment when Jiang Chen’s voice just fell, a violent spatial fluctuation suddenly rippled from the sky above the square.


A black-clothed man with a stern face also appeared ghostly in the sky above the square.

at the same time.

A sound of awe-inspiring anger filled the sky also rang out over the square.

“Who? Who killed my Shen Wuyou person?”

Seeing this man in black who emerged out of thin air, many people’s complexions couldn’t help but change slightly.

The black-clothed man Shen Wuyou is the master of the branch hall of the Black Yun Tian domain today, and also the famous genius of the Eternal Temple. In the future, he has the opportunity to become a peerless figure who is the heir of the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple!

Today’s Shen Wuyou is already a two-star Venerable with the breakthrough of the god-grade Tianshen, and his strength is almost comparable to that of ordinary Tianzun powerhouses.

Even though that kid’s talent is not inferior to Shen Wuyou, but Cultivation Base is more than a bit worse than the breakthrough two-star Venerable Shen Wuyou, how can he compete with Shen Wuyou?

“Boy, you killed Wu Da?”

Shen Wuyou’s cold gaze swept slightly across the square, and soon fell on Jiang Chen, who was holding the sword in one hand, killing intently and authentically.

Jiang Chen said indifferently: “This is what he said to screw off his head and kick the ball. I just let him fulfill his promise.”

“Good! Good! Good!”

“Boy, anyone who dares to kill me in the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple, no matter who you are, I can’t escape today, die for me!”

Shen Wuyou laughed extremely angrily, and the monstrous killing intent also spread over the square in an instant.

Xu Cheng’s complexion changed, and he quickly stood up and shouted to Shen Wuyou: “Shen Wuyou, Jiang Chen has the golden eternal order of the eternal temple on his body. You black Yun Tian domain branch hall, but you are not qualified to do anything to him. ”

Those who hold the Golden Eternal Order are the more noble guests of the Eternal Temple, who enjoy a very high status in the Eternal Temple.

All the sub-temples of the Eternal Temple cannot freely deal with those who hold the golden eternal order.

“The golden eternal order? Xin Tianqi was willing to give him the only golden eternal order.”

Shen Wuyou glanced at Xu Cheng indifferently, and immediately sneered: “But…even if he has the golden eternal order, anyone who dares to kill me Shen Wuyou, I can’t spare him!”

Wu Danai has been with him for many years and has always been loyal to him. Now that he was killed by Jiang Chen like this, he naturally couldn’t just let it go.

not to mention……

This person who killed Wu Da has a close relationship with the Great Desolate Heaven Territory Branch Hall!

Wu Da has already made a breakthrough in the Divine Realm not long ago. This black-clothed young man can kill Wu Da with the Cultivation Base of the Celestial God Realm. He is probably at least a divine god who has broken the limit twice.

If Xin Tianqi were helped by this person, this eternal grand ceremony might have a chance to stand up.


In any case, Shen Wuyou had to get rid of the black-clothed youth in front of him.

As for the rules of not having more people who possess the golden eternity, Shen Wuyou didn’t care about it at all.

In his eyes, any rules are for the weak.

Given his position in the Eternal Temple, can the Eternal Temple be punished for an outsider who holds a golden eternal order?

A strange black light suddenly appeared in Shen Wuyou’s cold eyes, and a round of pitch-black spiral light pattern suddenly shot at the opposite Jiang Chen.

that moment.

The terrifying coercion spread over the square, making everyone’s souls tremble.

The next moment…

I saw that Shen Wuyou and Jiang Chen were both set directly in place as if they had been used the Movement Technique.

“Huh? What happened, why both of them stopped moving?”

Many people looked at the two Jiang Chen standing motionlessly in place, and there was a look of astonishment in their eyes.

“It is rumored that Shen Wuyou majored in the power of the soul, and cultivated a pair of terrible soul pupils, which can pull the opponent’s soul into the soul power space he created to fight with the soul.”

“From now on, Jiang Chen is afraid that he has fallen into the soul power space created by Shen Wuyou.”

A person who knew Shen Wuyou after all said slowly.

When everyone heard this, they couldn’t help but mourn Jiang Chen for a while in their hearts.

Shen Wuyou was originally a two-star Venerable with a breakthrough from the gods and gods, far stronger than Jiang Chen from the gods.

Not to mention that what the two of them are doing now is still fighting with Shen Wuyou’s spirits.

That kid Jiang Chen, I’m afraid he is dead.

“Well, I forgot to remind Jiang Chen that Shen Wuyou is very good at Soul Dao, and you must not engage in spiritual battle with Shen Wuyou.”

Xu Cheng looked at the scene before him, and his expression couldn’t help but change drastically.

Shen Wuyou’s attainments in the soul road are extremely high, if he engages in a spirit battle, he will almost be invincible under the same strength.

It is said that Shen Wuyou once relied on divine soul to fight and killed a strong heavenly realm. It was extremely powerful.

Once Jiang Chen’s spirit fell into the spirit power space created by Shen Wuyou, it might be difficult to get out of it.

“Xu Elder, you are too underestimating Brother Jiang Chen. Although the two-star Venerable is very strong, it is far from qualified to help Brother Jiang Chen!”

Huo Tianyang smiled faintly, as if he didn’t take the situation before him to heart.

With the two-star Venerable, the combat power is almost the same as that of an ordinary Tianzun powerhouse.

At the time when Jiang Chen was still in the Saint-Rank Heavenly God in the realm of Zhenwu, it was already enough to kill the powerful Heavenly Sovereign.

Not to mention that Jiang Chen has now mastered the power of the ten realms, breaking through the sacred gods.

It can be said.

Unless the Divine King Realm of the Eternal Temple comes personally, no one in this Eternal Temple should be able to pose any threat to Jiang Chen.

Looking at Huo Tianyang’s confident appearance, Xu Cheng couldn’t help but be slightly surprised.

Could it be that Jiang Chen is no longer a god, but the legendary god?

Xu Cheng suddenly couldn’t help taking a deep breath.

If Jiang Chen has really reached the Realm of the Saint Grade Celestial God, there may be hope for this battle.

When everyone outside was shocked by the battle between Jiang Chen and their souls.

The illusory figures of Jiang Chen and Shen Wuyou both appeared in a gray world.

“Spirit power space? It’s kind of interesting.”

Jiang Chen’s gaze swept around slightly, and a strange look suddenly appeared in his eyes.

“Yes, this is the soul power space I created. In this space, I am the only master here. Anyone whose Cultivation Base is weaker than me will surely die once they fall into this space.”

Shen Wuyou looked down at Jiang Chen condescendingly, his indifferent voice resounding in this space.

“The two-star Venerable genius of the Temple of Eternity, it’s a bit capable.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but raised a slight arc: “But… if you want to deal with me with this, it’s not enough.”

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