Chapter 2003 Shocking Two God-tier Kings

“Boy, although the Palace of Humans is powerful, the Kunpeng clan and the ancient holy dragon clan are not vegetarian.”

God King Qingyuan smiled contemptuously and said: “If you want to use the name of the human palace to crush me, it would be too strange.”

The Palace of Human Emperors was a powerful pronoun of mysterious in ancient times. Almost all the powers in the entire God Realm can be compared with it.


Today’s God’s Domain is no longer the God’s Domain of ancient times.

The Palace of the Human Emperor is also no longer the Palace of the Human Emperor of the ancient times.

Although their ancient sacred dragons are still afraid of the Human Palace, they are not very afraid.

Jiang Chen’s cultivation of the Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture, which controls the imitation Sacred Dragon Heavenly Palace, has something to do with the one who rebelled against the ancient Sacred Dragon clan.

There was something shocking in that guy’s body that was enough to shake the Divine Realm Continent.

Even though the ancient holy dragon tribe found the holy dragon heavenly palace created by that person outside the territory and destroyed it, they finally failed to get what they left behind.

Now it seems.

In all likelihood, the thing left by that person is obtained by the kid in front of you!


Even if Jiang Chen really came from the Jiang family of Human Emperor Palace, he would never let Jiang Chen easily.

not to mention……

This time there is also the Kunpeng clan standing in the same camp as the ancient sacred dragon clan.

The two clans join forces, even if it is the Palace of Humans, what is there to fear?

“Boy, don’t fight fearlessly. Whether you are from the Palace of Human Beings or not, you are destined to die today!”

The God King You Ye looked at Jiang Chen indifferently, as if in his eyes, Jiang Chen was already dead.

“Youye God King, you are not afraid to flash your tongue when you speak big words.”

Jiang Chen snorted faintly: “In the beginning, your clone didn’t do anything to me, but now even if it is the main body, it may not help me.”

“Huh! Dare to speak up in this seat when you die!”

“Even if you are a rare sacred deity in the world, in front of the real Divine King, it is no different from ants!”

The cold voice of Youye God King fell, and a sharp killing intent also spread from his body in an instant.

Seeing that God King You Ye had a murderous heart, God King Qingyuan couldn’t help but quickly said: “You Ye, start lightly, I still need to know something from him.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t let him die so easily.”

After finishing talking, God King You Ye stepped directly on the void, with a terrifying aura that suppressed the heavens and the earth, slowly pressing towards Jiang Chen step by step.

The great power of the King of God, the divine power of Insight Avenue, is above all living beings.

Even a mere thought is enough to easily severely injure a Tianzun-level powerhouse.

Facing the pressure of the god king Youye, Jiang Chen even felt as though he was about to breathe.

Jiang Chen supported his body strongly, his figure did not show the slightest timidity under the mighty power of God King You Ye, and the laughter of that bit of dry cloud also instantly resounded through the world.

“Ha ha……”

“You Ye God King, my Jiang Chen’s life is not so easy to take.”

“Since you have to force me, today I will let you see what is the power above the sacred gods!”

With this loud laughter spreading across the sky, the earth source of the Consummation Realm also slowly diffused from Jiang Chen’s body.

“Huh? Consummating Realm’s origin of the earth, is this guy going to trigger Divine Tribulation Breakthrough?”

Seeing this scene, Youye God King’s pupils shrank, and a touch of unprecedented horror appeared on his face.

To know.

Jiang Chen is already a sacred god who has broken the limit three times.

Now if the power of the earth and the world is condensed again to break through, wouldn’t it be necessary to become an existence above the sacred god?

This… how is this possible?

The sacred deity who masters the power of the nine realms, this is already the limit in the limit of the deity realm!

Since the beginning of the chaos and the birth of the god domain cultivation system, the world has never surpassed the record of the holy gods.

The God King You Ye didn’t expect it.

Jiang Chen is not only the Saint Deity, but he has also cultivated the tenth Martial Dao Origin to Realm, so he can break the limit again at any time and become an existence above the Saint Deity!

The night god king suppressed the horror in his heart, and his figure quickly retreated.

Although the Great Power of the God King Realm can control the Heavenly Dao’s divine power through Insight Avenue, it cannot surpass Heavenly Dao.

If Jiang Chen really condenses the power of the earth and the world in this way, and provokes the divine calamity above the breakthrough sacred product, the god of the night will not dare to easily get it.

after all.

Just how terrifying this level of divine calamity would be, the God King You Ye didn’t even know at all.

Once he is contaminated with Jiang Chen’s divine calamity, the power of Jiang Chen’s divine calamity is multiplied, I am afraid that even if he is a god king realm power, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist easily!

“The power of the ten ways, this child has the capital above the breakthrough sacred product!”

When the Qingyuan God King on the side saw this, his expression was also horrified.

This son can become a rare sacred god, and the Qingyuan God King naturally knows that his talent must be very enchanting.

But he still didn’t expect Jiang Chen to be such a terrifying evildoer.

Above the sacred gods!

If Jiang Chen really took this step, he would really become the first person in the history of God’s Domain.

The Qingyuan God King took a deep breath, then looked at Jiang Chen and said solemnly: “Boy, in the realm of the gods, nine is the number of extremes. This is an iron law that no one can break. Is it impossible for you to succeed?”

“This is what you forced me.”

Jiang Chen faintly smiled and said, “I don’t know if it will succeed, but if you really want to do it, I can still do it by pulling a god king to bury me.”

Although Jiang Chen urged the origin of the earth, he was not in a hurry to condense the power of the earth and world.

Now that the two god-tier kings are here, even if he condenses the power of the earth and world to breakthrough, he may not have much chance of winning.

Since the great power of the Divine King Realm would also be jealous of the Divine Tribulation, he would not directly break through, but would be a greater deterrent to the two in front of him!

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, the complexions of God King Qingyuan and God King Youye didn’t look so good.

Although Jiang Chen would undoubtedly die if he caused the divine calamity to break the realm at this moment, but the two of them did not dare to do it easily.

In case this guy is in a hurry, this guy really triggers the divine calamity when they do it, even if they might not be able to bear it.

“Qing Yuan, what should I do now?”

The night god king’s expression was extremely gloomy.

He originally thought.

The two god-tier kings came personally, and it was more than enough to pack a sacred god, but he didn’t expect to be shocked by the origin of Jiang Chen.

“The Heavenly Dao above the holy goods, even you and I don’t dare to be easily infected, I’m afraid it won’t work if I want to shoot directly.”

Qingyuan Divine King’s eyes flickered slightly, and he said in a deep voice: “My ancient sacred dragon clan has a good relationship with a great power of formation. He can set up a great formation of deception, which can isolate the divine calamity in a short time. Come, I can only ask him to help.”

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